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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
11/28/2007 7:38:37 AM

Creepiest things that have happened to you.

Well I was setting traps out in a field at my cabin and a few hours later I returned and found that they were sucessful and caught a rabbit. This was at midnight and it is 3 miles away from the cabin. But then I started to hear coyotes howling and there was lots of them... I made it home safely but boy it was a long and erie walk back or shall I say run. EDIT: Wow I never expected this to be so popular! Sad thing is, that Halo3mnky was just an account I made to bug Halo2mnky, If only I created this thread on my main account. So I may receive the credit for this there. [Edited on 02.02.2009 10:04 PM PST]
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • One time someone necromanced a thread and it roamed the foggy streets of the Flood Happy Halloween!

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    • Well a thread from 2007 came back from the dead.

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    • A guy in disney land started to rub my back wile in line :[

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      • I once found a giant grasshopper in my trouser pocket.

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      • Damn this was made 7 years ago

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      • Those dreams that u can feel. Like the ones that u think are real but aren't they just creap me out

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          I was awake during open chest surgery. I was anesthetized of course, but I was still aware and heard everything. I even relayed back some of the conversations I overheard so the doctors would believe me.

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          • So I couldn't sleep one night so I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a snack. The second I turned the corner there's this apparition that seemed to be making food. She turns around and looks at me as if she knew me. I blinked and she was gone.[spoiler]this happened to me 4 years ago and I can still remember it. I don't know if I was hallucinating or if ghosts are real. What I do know is that it felt real.[/spoiler]

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            • I awoke, as I would any other day. Sitting on the couch, beer to the side and my laptop on the table, sitting at the Minecraft menu. The thing is; it didn't look right, all options were removed from the menu and the 'Create World' option was replaced with 'Join Us'. Curious, I decided to click the strangely placed button. It seemed to start as usual, stranded in a random area with no supplies, but when I went to my inventory: there was an object I had never seen sitting at the top right corner. It looked like a sphere of some sort, but it was glowing. When I equipped the sphere, wondering what it was, it brought me into a world of horrors. The immensely dreadful sight was almost un-explainable, except for one thing.. it showed my name on a redstone-powered screen. And it wasn't my Minecraft name, it was my real name. It was too terrifying for even myself to have handled, so I quit. The next morning, after waking from a nightmarish sleep of the previous nights events, I discovered a new folder on my desktop titled 'you shouldn't have come'. Still curious, and feeling more brave than the night before I opened it. The gruesome pictures showed a torn apart young woman, aged around 18-25. They depicted -blam!- acts being performed on oneself, and the parts spread around the bloodied ground. A part of her.. her face was strange. A smile was carved into it, as if someone took a blade to it. From that, the lips were shaped and retracted using a needle and threads. The eyes were open, but colored white, not just regular white; milky white. I shut my laptop screen, absolutely terrified. I was worried about the person and decided to contact the police. After talking to the operator, they dispatched an officer to my home. Quickly after I hung up, I heard a knock on my door. And there she was, stitched together like Frankenstein and holding a bloody blade in her hand, still with the morbid smile that she had in the pictures. She lunged at me, screaming "MOIRA WANTS YOU", I dodged and smashed the.. things face against my wall. Almost no damage had seemed to be taken. After delaying 'Moira' the officer arrived, and shot it. We talked, I showed him the pictures, then explained the situation. The station offered free psychotherapy, I had to accept. Several weeks after the events, still shell shocked from my experience, I get a call from the morgue. "There's something strange we found on the body, a note, we need you to come down." As soon as I arrived I was greeted by an investigator, and as I entered the room which they contained the body.. there was a note on the medical tray. "We know who you are. We are coming, we will do to you what we did to Moira."

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              • I woke up and noticed how -blam!-ed up this community is.

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              • I'm fcking reporting for overly scaring the sh!t out of me.

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              • NECRO..........[spoiler]BUMP![/spoiler]

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                • Holy necro-bump batman!

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                  • *falls into knees* It''s... [i]glorious...[/i]

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                  • I shouldn't have read through these before bed.

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                    • I was home alone on a christmas night ( my favourite holiday btw :-) )because i refused to go out with my family, i was exhausted (from sparring earlierthat day) so i stayed home. i was on my computer and to the right side of my computer theres my balcony with a sliding glass door and some curtains. The curtains were closed so i couldnt see out the glass door (i didnt want to be watched lol no not cause pronz.. you perv). I heard the bushed by the balcony railing move or like i heard something move them or whatever. But i ignored it and thought "oh its probably some dumb birds or a stray cat or something". So i continue slacking off on the interwebz and then i hear something drop, like when you jump then land, yea that sound. Needless to say i was scared shitless at this moment. I was thinking about opening my curtains but i was too afraid of what i would see, but i though -blam!- it its christmas lets do this. I quickly open my curtains and i see my reflection. I stare at it. Then i realize i'm a sore loser and a loner. I stayed home on a christmas night, and now i'm lying over the internet...

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                    • Television is on its way out. Oh, you’ll still get to watch all your favorite shows. But the “death of TV” means the $2.2 trillion entertainment industry is ripe for anybody’s picking. And these three innovative companies are poised to scoop it right up. But guess what -- none of them is Netflix or Hulu..

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                      • Woke up as a woman Ate macaroni Grabbed my toaster rabbit Chunky masturb8 Forevr womanz hep

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                      • I have 3? I apologize in advance for the long paragraphs. 1: I was about ten years old, and I had just settled down for the night at my mom's. I was just about to fall asleep, when all of a sudden, I see something out of the corner of my eye. I turn to look at it, and it looks like a little girl, in a long, white, nightgown. It proceeds to the end of the futon in my room and disappears. The next night, the same exact thing happens, except instead of disappearing at the end of my futon, it turned and looked at me, floated really fast toward me, and disappeared right before it reached me. Make what you will of this, I just don't want you to give me any shit about it, ok? 2: When I was about thirteen years old, I was in my room at my dad's house, reading a book. For apparently no reason at all, my cat suddenly turns, fur on end, and hisses at the wall then runs out of my room. I dismissed this as her being angry at my dog, who was also with me, until my dog turns to the same spot on the wall and starts barking and growling ferociously. I got the hell out of there as fast as I could and spent the rest of my night on my living room couch. 3: I was spending the night at my grandparents' house and was just about to fall asleep when I suddenly hear a clicking noise. When I look in the noises' general direction, I see a black shape starting to form. As I watch it comes closer and closer until it takes the shape of a black Labrador. To this day I'm not sure if it was "evil" or "friendly", but the one thing I know for sure is it scared the crap out of me. Note: yes, I believe in ghosts. No, none of these experiences have happened to me again. Again, I don't want anyone to be negative about this. In this case, I really don't give a shit about what you do/don't believe in. I know what I believe, so deal with it. Have a nice day.

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                      • So who brought this back from the dead?

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                      • I got molested by a clown and my mom walked in on me leaving something on his leg.

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                      • I was working a late night at the zoo and some of the areas were blocked off. I went through one of these area to make sure nobody was trespassing. The pathway in the area was surrounded by super tall plants which made it pitch black. It was a winding pathway which eventually led up to the chimps and orangutan building. The building has a few fog lights on the outside to light up the entrance. I then shined my light over to the sliding doors and behind the second set of doors I saw multiple faces looking at me. The doors were locked and none of the zookeepers worked that night. I took off sprinting and I am never walking through there alone again.

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                      • O. K. I have 2. 1. I was playing P.T., alone, at 1am, sound kinda quiet. As I'm playing for the first time I'm REALLLLLLY scared. Well, our house is kinda near this swamp, so we get a lot of these idiot birds. All of a sudden a loud noise makes me jump super high, like literally fall off my chair. A bird had hit our window behind me. I looked down and it was not moving lol. 2. At my old house there was this one room I DID NOT like. It just had a really weird feeling. Also, (could have been my imagination) but I thought I saw an older lady in there. Everytime I had a friend over they said the same thing. None of them would even go in there. I didn't tell my friends any of this cause I didn't want to, you know, influence their opinion or anything. But with 9 seperate friends it happened. Then (at the time I was still really young) I had a babysitter and she slept on the couch instead of that room cause it scared her. Same with my other baby sitter.

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                      • When I was six I had just come home from mcdonalds and I had gotten a balloon. Anyway I left it in the kitchen and my parents were in the dining room and I ran upstairs to my recently purchased PS2 and as soon as I enter the room, my balloon was right there. [spoiler]I had taken no detours[/spoiler] Also the house was said to be haunted. O____O

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                      • OK, here's a weird one... Back when I first got married, my (now ex) wife and I lived in an old apartment with a long, windowless hallway. Out of the corner of my eye, I would often catch a man standing in the hallway, usually (but not always) at night. He was slim, around 5'8, late 40s or early 50s, had slicked back hair, and wore a mechanic's uniform. I never felt afraid of him, but for some stupid macho reason, never told my wife about the sightings. Years after we moved out of that place, while swapping ghost stories with friends, I finally admitted to the hallway interloper. Turns out my wife had, on numerous occasions, smelled gasoline and motor oil in that same hallway, but could never find the source.

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                      • Bumpdeedee bump bump

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