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8/18/2012 4:15:34 AM

Unfortunately, the Title System hasn't worked

Apologies if my history is slightly off or generalized, I'm doing this straight from memory. I'm talking about events that happened 5 years ago. [b][u]Why the title system was put in place[/u][/b] The title system was put in place after enough members asked for it, and the web-team was able to find time to design one. The title system was not put in place with unanimous support from membership however. The two sides' arguments can be boiled down to this: [u]1. Those who wanted it[/u]: It will encourage better behavior among members, It will do this in two ways. 1. It will provide for members an incentive to be an active member that behaves within the rules of the forums. 2. Members with titles will be positive examples to newer members. The community will move past the initial elitism, so those concerns shouldn't stop what would be a good improvement to the website. [u]2. Those who didn't[/u]: It will garner elitism in the community. Members will use titles to show that their points are better, and new members will quote them simply because they have higher titles. It's the same reason we don't show when members joined next to their name anymore. I was in the camp that supported having titles when the idea came out, or I was at least neutral towards them. I also felt that member join-dates should be shown. Eventually, the new system was put in place by Achronos and the webteam, and we've used it for almost 5 years now. Time flies when you're having fun. [b][u]Has the title system worked as intended?[/u][/b] If you read the title to the post, then you should know my answer: No, it hasn't worked. I do not believe that the title system has generated better community behavior, and I do think that elitism has emerged from the title system. The same threads about The Flood and [insert most recent Bungie-made game here] forums being filled with dumb posts and there not being enough moderators are posted just like the threads that came before them. In addition to this, there is elitism that comes from titles. Almost immediately after the title system was implemented, a mythic members group was created, and a legendary members group was created. I wouldn't be surprised if a heroic members group existed. There's nothing wrong with groups being created, but they do show how almost immediately the title system had begun to divide members into (oh, this next word will get me in trouble) classes. I honestly do not believe the elitism to be that strong of an issue, but I think it would be foolish to deny its existence. To say that members don't quote mythic members simply because they are mythic members would be like saying that members don't quote moderators and employees just because they are employees. So, we still have elitism, and most would say that The Flood and other forums haven't improved because of anything other than a decrease in activity. Whether or not you think that the title system works well in determining who gets what title, isn't it fair to say that the title system hasn't worked as advertised? tl;dr: Titles have been around for well over 4 years now. Elitism has developed, but the same problems still exist and don't seem to be improving. If you agree it's broken, and think it can be fixed, how can it be fixed? If you don't agree it's broken, as I'm sure most of you won't, please explain why. [Edited on 08.17.2012 8:19 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MasterSin [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazzySnipe55 After re-reading both the OP and Achronos's post, I have come to a conclusion: people are putting too much faith into Duardo's predictions. For example, with the OP citing the fact that he got Heroic back right after having been banned. I have a feeling that he thinks this is a prime example of the title system failing because he is thinking of the title system working in terms of pure time and not by a system of pink t-points. For example: You need 1000 pink t-points to be a heroic member, which is accumulated by a normal member with a normal ppd in one year. But, if, after a ban, you have 1000 pink t-points left over, you will be a heroic member again once the system re-checks you. So time is only relevant when bans are not involved (as far as I can tell). Looking back on it, much of the OP's argument relies on the fact that he (somehow; magically) knows how the title system works and why it was made. When in fact the best guess he has of how it works was made by Duardo and isn't proven to be true (that isn't to say that they aren't, I'm sure, amazing guesses; they're just not proven), and he seems to be refusing to believe the system's creator on the subject of why it was created (as per Verachi's quotes), so I'm not sure what more can be done in that department. All in all: OP is very confused on the workings of the world in which he resides (BNet) and still continues to criticize the very foundation, purpose, and functionality of said workings.[/quote] Achronos's post ended pretty much any debate, just stop trying to make it debatable.[/quote] I wasn't, you clearly didn't read all of my post if you think that my post was inflammatory in any way and was anything but a mere observational remark.

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