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Discuss all things Destiny.
6/21/2013 9:09:13 PM

Which expletive describes your reaction to Destiny thus far?



Holy Shit!






Mother -blam!-er!


What the -blam!-?


Son of a Bitch.


We're all having reactions, which one is closest to yours?

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  • Shit because of how disappointed I was, the main character had as much life and personality as an Ogre, there is no back story to your character, there's no back story to the hive, fallen, cabal and vex, no reason why they are fighting each other for that matter, you are told the darkness has consumed everything, there still is no real explanation of what the darkness is or why it destroyed everything in the first place, the story (little of it there is) is in-coherent and un-interesting, its go here, kill enemies, have ghost hack a mainframe n wait for a few waves of enemies to be killed without any apparent achievement, rinse and repeat on one un-interesting map on each planet, these are whole planets and there's one map on each?? I have never been so disappointed after a game release, I got swept up in the hype n its bit my head off because I pre-ordered the ghost edition too, its like lets look at what made the halo games great (deep and immersive story, character development and chemistry with NPC's, locations) and lets not build on what weve learned from any of that, in fact lets go backwards n make it as bland as possible, the only reason why i'm going back playing is for the multiplayer and to improve my weapons and armour.

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    2 Replies
    • I chose mother -blam!-er because it's half an exclamation about the awesomeness, and half an exclamation on what I feel is missing so far (or not shown).

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    • "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ -giggles stupidly-" Is my reaction.

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    • Son of a.... Because its what I say every time I remember I can't play this game yet.

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    • What no option for "Call 911! I think I'm having a stroke... or a heart attack. Or Both!" I think I had both that's how blown away I was.

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    • Which one is the highest?

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      3 Replies
      • Highest is relative. Did you not learn anything when smoking weed in high school?

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