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6/16/2013 2:27:03 AM
I disagree

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  • Oh snap. Fantasy Football and his completely flawless logic. Watch out guys.

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  • What, you don't think highly of your coaches you had? They're teachers, too.

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  • Actually most weren't.

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  • Most weren't what? Teachers? Coaching is a form of teaching.

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  • I thought you meant like teached at the school. But yeah, I'd say my peewee and teeball coaches actually taught me something. After that I could literally pick up more about the game from watching the pros, than listening to my coach.

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  • Athletes aren't important compared to teachers. They don't teach kids anything valuable other than evading sports that could end up giving them concussions or even giving them brain damage.

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  • When did I imply anything having to do with athletes? In this day and age, Kids are better off learning from the internet. Or even taking less classes and less time in school. 90% of the shit you learn in school is pointless in real life and over half the teachers are horrible and are only still hired because they have tenure

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  • STEM courses such as math and all of the sciences apply to real life and out of school. I was taught not to use Wikipedia as a source in high school. If I did that in college right now, I'd pretty much be committing educational suicide because I'd not only be laughed out, I'd probably get kicked out of the college for using Wikipedia and citing it as a source. And information from the internet (That is actually worthy of being used as a source), usually comes from reports or books that were ported onto the website. Kindle is a great example of a database that someone can use other than leisurely reading. If 90% of the stuff I learned in class was useless, I wouldn't be in class. Yet, I am, because it'll apply directly to my degree.

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  • Welp, 90% of the shit I learned in highschool AND college, don't apply to my career. I believe that actual work experience is worth a ton more than some degree. And apparently companies agree with me. No experience, No job. Which is why internships are very, very important.

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  • what is your career?

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  • Director for parks and rec in my county during the summer. Consultant for the General Manager of the New Jersey Devils during the rest of the year.

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