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Discuss all things Destiny.
6/11/2013 6:14:07 PM

Robot Pet

Ok so there's been like 3 or so topics on the idea of your guardian having a pet, and so far, anything that is alive isn't favored. Which is understandable. But an idea that struck my mind as cool was a potential Robot sentry that would follow you around. So I decided to make a topic on potential ideas this robot could do to be actually meaningful. So Destiny is already to done to have such a significant change, this would be more like an optional DLC or an update of some sort. Basically you get a robot that is set to follow you and by collecting Glimmer (or whatever the currency is called,) you can by upgrades and parts to affect how the sentry behaves. I would suggest three sections, Appearance, Transportation, Combat. Appearance: So in this category, you can change the way your robot looks. Colors and any certain parts like lights or claws would be interchangeable here. Transport: This changes the appearance but also affects the way your sentry moves. Like flying with wings or with driving around with wheels. Maybe even some alien-ish floating mechanism... Combat: Here, you change how the robot supports you, like shooting lasers and stuff. Of course, nothing powerful enough to handle its own, but just a little [i]pew[/i] every once in a while. During this [i]idea flow?[/i] I imagined a robot kinda like the sentry from Halo 4, just less powerful and following you, but the robot would be able to look so different it could be like a mini tank or something. Ok I'm done talking, what do you guys think of this idea?

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