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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update
4/26/2007 2:35:29 AM
Emptytears47a, I don't think that you got my point, which is this: There is a lot of behind the scenes stuff that we don't even have the slightest idea about, and most likely never will, and there is probably a good chance that the issue is there and not with the money hungry capitalists over at Microsoft, or a marketing ploy or whatever other theories are out there. There are just times when stuff doesn't work like it should and will take time to figure out. and SHADY K1LLAZ, If you are so confident that we are all morons, do this for me: turn on halo2 and login go to XBLive go to downloads download map pack again. Wash, repeat, and Understand what the rest of us are going through.

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