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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update
3/17/2007 6:27:36 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC Master [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] shazla So is there any news of a EURO release for the legendary edition?[/quote] Well, seeing what they did with Halo 2, I would damn well hope that Halo 3 releases on Europe within the same week as it does in the US. And if the legendary edition wasn't available at all, I would be... Displeased, to say the least. OMG, the main colour pallette choice for halo 3 is: PINK! Wow. I'm going to have so much fun getting the legendary achievements. Edit: How the heck do so many people post so fast these days!? Stupid time-zones making it it the dead of night over here before Frankie posts it.[/quote] Thing is us Brits always get stitched up with inferior versions of products, If they are even released. Then we have to pay more. If it is released in the u.k., then I will be suprised. [Edited on 3/17/2007]

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