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3/14/2007 5:58:40 AM

The 7th Column, The Community, It's Guy, and The Lack There Of

[b]The 7th Column, The Community, It's Guy, and The Lack There Of[/b] [i]Let me begin by saying what follows is not my rant, but as I agree with most of it I believe it should be posted. If I am wrong for this then I will recieve my just 'reward' but it must be said. I will not reveal the identity of said ranter for his own privacy reasons. Enjoy! *note: This was written before the announcement of the new*[/i] Part 1: You asked for this. Here goes. :3 Let me commence by stating that the problem with the community is deep rooted. I don’t like to blame the web team with any scathing conviction because they have provided the site that, at least formerly, hosted a really good community. However, SketchFactor apparently gave up even before the “upgraded” column was implemented – he was after all the Community Guy whose responsibilities, theoretically, included the interaction with the good persons of the Seventh Column. I was never around too long before the change so I have no grounds on which to argue that he was ever actively involved, but the fact of that matter is that when I and some of my friends submitted our chapters for approval (as was the former custom), he accepted them. The spotlight, too, had been fairly frequently updated. I understand that there are slightly higher concerns than a thriving community of well-mannered, Bungie-loving individuals – the professional needs for a sleek site with job offers and interaction with Halo 2, for example. It’d be ignorant in the extreme to pretend said necessities do not exist. But how many times have we been told that is not a business site – it’s a community site? The answer, should you wonder, is very often indeed. I’ll be up front and admit that some of the things done with the site are amazing, not least the full integration of the various modules as one easy-to-navigate conglomeration. I’ve always liked the forums as they, in my opinion at least, look the part, and are so very easy to use. There’s no unnecessary formatting; you just hit reply or new topic, type what you want, and hit submit. Nothing could be simpler. Since I’d never used a forum before that time, it was the perfect way to get started. Also engaging was the Seventh Column. An invite from a prominent founder via Private Message introduced me to it, and it was excellent: lots of databases and plenty of room for personalisation and creativity, plus scope for organising chapter-wide events. This little communities thrived as one and interacted with one another publicly, also, where great friendships were made and inter-chapter events established. In fact, that was the purpose of the 7th Column Community Page, which died at about the same time as the Spotlight and news. Priorities seem to be wrong, also. I refuse to believe that a search feature – and repeat threads will surface, especially in the absence of constant new discussion material and in the presence of the ridiculous “don’t dig up old threads” regulation – is more crucial to a community site than the community itself. Surely resources would have been better spent on the 7th Column in one way or another. And so many empty promises. Nobody expects miracles, but when fanfests, an updated column, more interaction from Bungie and a community that has official support are pledged, it’s saddening when they are not fulfilled, and more so when they simply fade away without even a “no, that’s not going to happen”. I wouldn’t will them all to attend massive fan gatherings, because, let’s face it, no other game developers do, but the fact that it’s happened before and future events were promised makes it that little bit worse. I’d much rather see a fantastic Halo 3 than direct community interaction, as I’m sure we all would, but surely the purpose of a site for the community and Bungie’s having of a community team is to interact with their fans? But Bungie is just the core, the very heart of a system composed of many more organs, blood, bones and flesh. [Edited on 3/13/2007]

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  • Sometimes I think you guys take this site too seriously..... Now, I guess you can call me the "Halo 2" member who joined because he wanted the cool '' logo behind his name, and spent his initial time hanging out in the Halo 3 Forum. But the more time I spent here, the more I grew to like this place. This isn't like other forums-it's wild, it's crazy, it's........DIFFERENT. Even though this place can get boring at times, when there's nothing going on, people still come to see what's up. People who said they'd never make another public post are posting in this very thread. People who said they'd quit this site are back in a week. I don't know what's so appealing with this place, so I'll assume that we all just like Bungie and their community (why else would you come here?) Now........there are a LOT of [b]Grumpy[/b] members. Like the old man who sits on his lawn making sure kids stay away. Y'all need to lighten up, seriously. A new member comes to the site, sees a mod post and thinks "Cool, who's that guy?" So he may try to get some attention from said moderator because he's curious. So what? Big deal, he said "LOL that was funny I agree." Have you ever stopped to think that everyone is gettin all bent out of shape on the happenings of a message board? Granted, this is a tight-knit community, and I'm sure most of the "veterans" just want what's best. But you have to understand that this site's a cycle, you guys should've realized this a while ago based on how long you've been here. We all can tell the obvious signs of "Forum copping" and whatnot. Sure, people who say "This thread will be locked, I have notified a moderator" can seem a bit.........annoying (?) but hey, just deal. They ain't bothering you, right? Drop 'em a line in a PM saying what's up, and [b]don't[/b] insult them. On a personal note, some of you Frozen Minority kids need to chill. You guys need [i]tact[/i] yo, because I've spoken to a lot of you through Private messanges and some of the stuff you reply back with are pretty messed up for people who "want what's best." But that's just a personal note, there are some good people in that group, but overall this site needs to relax and go with the flow, yo. [Edited on 3/14/2007]

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