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7/18/2012 10:48:03 PM

The greatest game of all time! :)

I should first explain that Halo Reach is my first Halo game. I do not have xbox live gold so my opinion is biased based on playing system link/splitscreen with my brothers. After playing Reach I got Halo 2 and Halo 3. Halo 2 was just bland and boring. Similar to Reach the campaign tried really hard to be epic and failed by having interesting characters. Halo 3 felt like a perfect film. Then, came the graphics. Halo Reach feels like the textures are too rounded and unrealistic. It feels like much of the game is copy paste. Halo 2 is the same and the graphics are just so sloppy. I was amazed at the detail of Halo 3. How unique the encounters were and I find brutes to be a lot more intersting than elites because elites flail in anger when you are winning a fight making them too boring. The level design was pretty bad in Halo 2 and Reach, but Halo 3 nailed it. It was fun to drive the vehicles and explore the bunkers throuhout. Cortana interupting you added more realism and added to it's film like feel. When comparing soundtracks it's pretty hard to pick a favorite. I like Reach's desert feel, but Halo 2 had a few good songs like High Charity. But the first thing I heard in Halo 3 was like no other. Hearing a tribal drum in a forest was just unbelievable. Then towards the end of the level there was an interesting choir like song. I really liked the song Never Forget. IMO the best song I've heard in the Halo series. Finally, gameplay. Halo Reach was fun, but I really see why people yern for Halo 3. Halo 2 was pretty much like Halo 3 except it missed a lot of the best weapons. Halo 2 had a cool sword, but everything else felt so fake. Shots would hit when I wasn't even close to the target. It felt like this game has a huge aim assist or something (don't know the term). Halo 3 you have to lead your shots and I found this a lot more satisfying. I think the needler. Also, the pistol in Halo 2 was pathetic and did no damage when I used it where the pistol in Halo 3 is almost as good as the BR. Rockets seemed to be more consistent in Halo 3. Lastly, the maps. Nothing compares to Halo 3 maps. Halo Reach and Halo 2 just have bland looking maps with a crappy dark colour pallet. Halo 3 had nice bright maps with lots of interesting shortcuts and detail. Halo 3 is just a perfect game. I really feel sad for missing out and I was wondering how many people still play it online? If enough people still play it, I might be able to convince my parents to purchase xbox live gold.
#Halo #Halo2

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] toystory2wasok Halo 3 has arguably the worst story out of the bunch. Overall, Reach's story is the worst, but Halo 3's story and presentation is unforgivable.[/quote] This is funny. As an original Haloer, I can't say that I'm entirely thrilled with 3 on all levels. But to compare it to Reach...Well...that's a...reach... (Dr. Evil pinky to mouth)... 3 is far more compelling and worthwhile than 99% of what's out there IMO. Does it deliver in the way CE did ? No. But would I rather spend time in its world as opposed to anything else available...Heck yes. Heck yes. (Sorry for the language)

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