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10/1/2007 8:57:17 PM

Bungie leaving Microsoft according to inside information, link inside osoft_you_heard_it_here_first_folks.php what do you all reckon, i'm calling BS on this one sorry if this is in the wrong place mods

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Anton P Nym -- Steve won't dismiss it out of hand, but the way to bet is that this is just another rumour made up by a sad panda with too much time on his/her/its hands.[/quote] You sound like you have someone in mind, Steve, or --Steve whichever one of you reads this.

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  • Rumor mongers are putting in overtime today!! At most I could see MS splitting Bungie into two groups. One to continue working on Halo and another to create new IPs. [Edited on 10.01.2007 6:16 PM PDT]

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  • yea thats what i was thinking as well Falcom

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  • Firstly, platform fanboiism is just sad. Play the game, not the console/PC. Secondly, I think the source (singular, note, and going with a "single source" in journalism is almost as bad as making up the story) of this rumour is highly unreliable given what little he/she/it has given us. Thirdly, it doesn't make sense. -- Steve won't dismiss it out of hand, but the way to bet is that this is just another rumour made up by a sad panda with too much time on his/her/its hands.

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  • Ughhhh.... if this is true my week is ruined... MSFT better freakin not get out of first party game dev, it makes no sense... they have invested waay to much time and money into it to just drop all these studios. The day I see a Bungie game on a PS3 I will quit playing video games, I just couldent bare to see that.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Tha Villain im just wondering why nobody from bungie made a comment on this...unless it's true and they can't comment[/quote]That's the freaky thing. This is the sort of rumour that you freaking curbstomp.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Marv Spaulding I don't see how Bungie being independent could be a bad thing by any stretch. Losing the Halo license would suck, but it'd be better to have Microsoft bastardize the series without Bungie rather than through them. Console fanboyism aside, I bought an Xbox because of Bungie, not Microsoft. I thought my dad was an -blam!- because he had a stupid Mac I couldn't play Doom on, but who would've thought a fanboy would've been born when he bought me Marathon instead? :D There's no way in hell I would've even given two -blam!-s about the Xbox if it wasn't for Halo, and I'm sure there are thousands that would agree with me. Microsoft needs Bungie, Bungie doesn't need Microsoft.[/quote] Thing is, Bungie and Microsoft are the same company. People can leave Bungie, but Bungie's still part of MGS.

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  • im just wondering why nobody from bungie made a comment on this...unless it's true and they can't comment

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sang a Song FASA: Their last good game was Crimson Skies. Shadowrun was a mess during development and MS wasted millions on it. They aren't a AAA developer and weren't exactly in the process of making any outstanding titles. MS closing down FASA was simply an act of cutting losses. Keeping them around would have been bad business wise and not exactly a plus to gamers. [/quote]I think that the other games that came under the FASA Studios titlecard were good, unfortunately they weren't actually developed by FASA Studios (I'm thinking of the Mechassault games here, but for some reason I think that they may not have even had a significant hand in High Road to Revenge, which was taken away from the original team when it was deemed a complete failure, and then completely re-envisioned for Xbox).

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  • What the hell is wrong with some of you? MS can retain ownership of Bungie and at the same time Bungie can make new non Halo ip. MS isnt stopping them from making new ip but they wanted them to finish the trilogy before they did so. There is zero reason for MS to ditch Bungie and zero reason for Bungie to ditch MS. This is a BS rumor so let it die already.

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  • I don't see how Bungie being independent could be a bad thing by any stretch. Losing the Halo license would suck, but it'd be better to have Microsoft bastardize the series without Bungie rather than through them. Console fanboyism aside, I bought an Xbox because of Bungie, not Microsoft. I thought my dad was an -blam!- because he had a stupid Mac I couldn't play Doom on, but who would've thought a fanboy would've been born when he bought me Marathon instead? :D There's no way in hell I would've even given two -blam!-s about the Xbox if it wasn't for Halo, and I'm sure there are thousands that would agree with me. Microsoft needs Bungie, Bungie doesn't need Microsoft.

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  • I'll be the first to say, " I don't give a -blam!-". Good luck, what ever you guys do next. Oh, if someone from bungie could hook me up with some nukes. To use online, to kill everyone. That would help. You see, I suck and need some sort of edge.

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  • The entire Bungie staff could always quit and rugroup into the new company [i]Eignub[/i]. [Edited on 10.01.2007 5:41 PM PDT]

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  • Even if this were true , they wouldn't be allowed to come out and tell us. I doubt that an NDA would expire before the official announcement.

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  • Wow, Let me tell everyone what this has been generated from. On the news4gamers site, there was a report that MGS4 and FF Versus was coming to the Xbox 360. The Sony band of Gypsies went ape$hit! They even posted in comments section to these reports they they should come up with a rumor that Bungie was leaving Microsoft, or Halo was going to PS3, etc. Seems interesting timing if you ask me. Additionally, the rumor above (MGS4) seems better founded then this friend of a friend story. PS: Microsoft is not getting out of the VG business. Because the VG business is only the beginning (Internet TV, content delivery, fighting for Japanese gamers)....

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  • Lets look at FASA and Bizarre, the other two developers people keep flinging around, and how those situations are not like Bungie's whatsoever. FASA: Their last good game was Crimson Skies. Shadowrun was a mess during development and MS wasted millions on it. They aren't a AAA developer and weren't exactly in the process of making any outstanding titles. MS closing down FASA was simply an act of cutting losses. Keeping them around would have been bad business wise and not exactly a plus to gamers. Bizarre: They are their own development house, commissioned by MS to make PGR. They like making racing games so they accepted the contract. MS had never had a stake in the company itself, only the PGR franchise in which they financed. Another publisher obviously offered them more (Activision) to make racers for them and it made financial sense to Bizarre to part with MGS. Now for the Bungie rumour. It's simply BS. MS wholly owns Bungie and all current Bungie trademarks (in particular - Halo). Yes, development staff can leave the studio to form their own (ala Rare when people left for Free Radical) but the company itself, along with Halo, isn't going anywhere. Thinking otherwise is beyond retarded. The only way Bungie could part with MS is if the company was actually sold off, and really, there is absolutely zero reason MS would even fathom doing that. Bungie is not an independent company like Bizarre, it's a part of MGS. And unlike FASA, Bungie actually makes games that sell. These are the reasons that this is just a rumour.

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  • Wow, this is kind of freaky, i wish that someone would just come out and say whether or not it's true and get it over with. Does anyone know if there is a date for when they are suppose to announce this?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frenzy Praetor Well Microsoft owns Bungie, so.... If you go all the way down this page, you see: © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. rumor?[/quote] Definitely, that copyright doesn't exist. [i]*shifting attention*[/i] I'm probably wrong but I was under the impression that Microsoft didn't actually own Bungie but had a contract on them. If thats true, leaving Microsoft is nothing more than not renewing a piece of paper. Its not the first time Bungie's pulled a fast one. Or Microsoft pulled a slick one :( *edit* What are we sitting around here debating for? Lets find Anchronos so he can deny it. [Edited on 10.01.2007 5:32 PM PDT]

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  • wow, im going to go make my own blog and make up some fake rumor then post it all over the'll be the talk of the town!!!!!!!...FAKE

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  • Yeah... how exactly is this "parting way" gonna work out? Is MS going to let Bungie buy back their company stakes or what?? Or is MS going to give the shares back as a bonus for the good job on Halo 3? (Haha, yeah, sure.) [Edited on 10.01.2007 5:26 PM PDT]

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  • Well Microsoft owns Bungie, so.... If you go all the way down this page, you see: © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. rumor?

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  • But large companies that have separate lines of business DO sometimes float part of that business as a new business with it's own shares. For instance, PepsiCo floated TriFoods a while back (stock trading symbol YUM, I -blam!- you not), which comprised it's then fast food businesses (Pizza Hut, KFC and Taco Bell). I have no question that the guy who posted this doesn't have any clue what he's talking about. However, that doesn't mean it's not true, which is what bothers me.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ktchong [quote]Besides which, the 6th of October is a Saturday. Everyone knows that if you have bad news, you announce it on a Friday afternoon when the markets close. Good news is announced on Monday or Tuesday. No one announces anything on a Saturday.[/quote] That's the point: this is a malicious rumor, and it's untrue. If it's true, then it would have come out on Friday (so the stock market couldn't react to the bad news over the weekend.) It's untrue, and it's a bad news for Microsoft. Its purpose is obviously to hurt Microsoft, and that's why this rumor came out on a Monday, so the timing was to hurt MSFT today and tomorrow. The timing is dubious. But it's worrisome because of the series of events that have come out of EDD and the Xbox division since July... the signs are pointing to MS abandoning ship on the Xbox or at least scaling back on it.[/quote] I kinda agree. But it is bull--blam!- for MS to not deny the rumor. On an issue this massive (and it would be an even bigger story than Halo 3 in the gaming circles) there is quite simply guilt by omission. Plus, I read a story earlier today that rumored Bungie was planning on making a huge announcement that "no one could expect". Well I wouldn't expect it... But hell, free market capitalism, God bless. Anyway, don't ask for a link, I think I found it on kotaku

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  • I immediately reacted to this rumour as just that: a wild rumour. The author also had awful spelling and grammar, thus painting the picture of a dolt. But the more I think about the theory of MS leaving the console business altogether, the more plausible it seems. And what about Micheal Moore's sudden departure? This is getting scary.

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  • MS should either grow a pair, realize that losing Bungie but keeping Halo is a loss in the end, and let Bungie make a new IP. I for one think Bungie is the most talented developer in the world, but I think Halo is hampering their potential. That being said, they could make a new Halo, as I think a lot of the issues deal with just the massive weight of the franchise. For example, the graphics engine is amazing, but there are only so many times you can update an essentially decade old system; the story went in a different direction in Halo 2, people didn't like it, and Bungie had to straddle the middle between Halo CE and 2. I want a new IP, or at least an entirely different Halo that centers on the Forerunners so they can be given a fresh start with LESS HYPE (that's where MS -blam!- up...) Actually -blam!- the above. I want Bungie to do whatever the -blam!- they want. They are amazing. Just one request. No. PS3. Ever.

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  • [quote]Besides which, the 6th of October is a Saturday. Everyone knows that if you have bad news, you announce it on a Friday afternoon when the markets close. Good news is announced on Monday or Tuesday. No one announces anything on a Saturday.[/quote] That's the point: this is a malicious rumor, and it's untrue. If it's true, then it would have come out on Friday (so the stock market couldn't react to the bad news over the weekend.) It's untrue, and it's a bad news for Microsoft. Its purpose is obviously to hurt Microsoft, and that's why this rumor came out on a Monday, so the timing was to hurt MSFT today and tomorrow. The timing is dubious. But it's worrisome because of the series of events that have come out of EDD and the Xbox division since July... the signs are pointing to MS abandoning ship on the Xbox or at least scaling back on it. [Edited on 10.01.2007 4:59 PM PDT]

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