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10/1/2007 8:57:17 PM

Bungie leaving Microsoft according to inside information, link inside osoft_you_heard_it_here_first_folks.php what do you all reckon, i'm calling BS on this one sorry if this is in the wrong place mods

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  • Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Gears an Epic IP, not a Microsoft IP?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hit and Run [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Evil Caboose I call fake.[/quote] You sir would be wrong. Apparently it is "complex" but check out this teamxbox link - [url][/url] So what do we think are the complexities and the real reasons. I GUARANTEE Bungie is sick of the hype machine that MS has made them. They want to create amazing games, not become a PR statement.[/quote] Team Xbox are NOT official in any capacity. And that hype machine is what has made Bungie as close to a household name as developers come.

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  • I think MS is pushing Bungie to make more Halo, its the only title besides Gears where they can make loads of cash. The main designers and leads at Bungie could simply say "We will leave" so instead of MS ruining Bungie like what happened to Rare they will just let them go and do what they want where they want.

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  • My guess.... Wingnut interactive has something to do with it. Peter Jackson is supposed to be doing something with the Halo series. Halo gets turned over to Jackson for his episodic games and Bungie starts cooking up something new. Didnt frankie just mention something recently about after Halo 3 was out, that they were heading to meet up with Jackson?

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  • MS owns 100 percent of Bungie. MS is not going to turn over a part of itself that could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars along with all the IP's and assets in this part of itself to employees. It's outrages. Maybe some of the guys at Bungie are leaving to form a new studio but Bungie isn't going anywhere. It's illogical. Bungie is a part of MS Game Studios. It's not in the same position Bioware or Silicon Knights is in. Bioware and Silicon Knights are not part of MS but they are creating exclusive IPs from Microsoft. These are the kinds of studios that can "leave" Microsoft. Bungie can't. RARE can't. Lionhead can't. Ensemble Studios can't. [Edited on 10.02.2007 10:09 AM PDT]

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  • On the halo 3 limited edition disc jason jones did say that they were wanting to explore more exploratory games.

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  • I'm betting on this being real. Something is going on. Maybe all the speculation is going the wrong way but this smells fishy. [Edited on 10.02.2007 10:08 AM PDT]

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  • Yep. He was the lead designer for GRAW and, I believe, GRAW2 before he came to Bungie.

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  • You know, that'd be pretty sick. Is that the creator of GRAW?

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  • Also, don't forget that Bungie has a new lead designer with them; namely Christian Allen. He could be leading the design of a new IP at Bungie.

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  • I dont think Joe Staten or O'Conner is leaveing but if somthing is happening which looks a bit more likley now i think it will be somthing like Bungie will officaly be an independant Studio BUT will only work on Games for Microsoft. I wish MS/Bungie would just tell us now.

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  • I think it's bigger than that. That hardly warrants a big press conference announcement. I think something is going to change between the entities. My guess is that Bungie will become an independent developer AND publisher, but will remain exclusive to Xbox 360. Thus, Bungie gets their freedom, can make their own money, make games when they want to, hype it how they want, while MS still benefits from getting the greatest dev of all time...

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  • So something is indeed happening... dag nam it. Ok, so key figures could be leaving... Who's betting on Staten and O'Conner? [Edited on 10.02.2007 9:39 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Evil Caboose I call fake.[/quote] You sir would be wrong. Apparently it is "complex" but check out this teamxbox link - [url][/url] So what do we think are the complexities and the real reasons. I GUARANTEE Bungie is sick of the hype machine that MS has made them. They want to create amazing games, not become a PR statement.

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  • It seems like the rumor may be true team xbox is somewhat confirming it. [Edited on 10.02.2007 9:29 AM PDT]

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  • I call fake.

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  • TeamXbox has more rumor info, though not much more.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nikolai Dingle It can't be true...the website has just bottled and removed the link. Loooolerskatz. [/quote] They took down the link? I wonder if Microsoft would take them to court if there stock prices dropped because of it. I really don't think this is true, why wouldn't Microsoft just get rid of Rare?

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  • I just hope Bungie won't force me to buy a japanese CrapStation 3,4 etc. The chance is 100% that I buy their next unbelieveable game, if Halo or something else, but I would like it to run in an Xbox. [Edited on 10.02.2007 7:09 AM PDT]

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  • And that ONE, if proven false, must fall... after he get ripped apart, raped in his arse, get his photos splatter all over the internet, humiliated, embarrassed, disgraced, discredited, etc., etc.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zs450 I really wish that I could say that I think this is a fake, but, there have been a couple of reports out there and it's no where near time for the April Fools jokes. It would be depressing to see Bungie separate. I'll still buy the games....but it would be depressing.[/quote] What reports!? Everyone seems to think that everyone is reporting this. It is a big rumour that is all being cited back to the SAME blog. A single source. A single blog. That is everyone's source on it. There are not tons of reports out there, there is only ONE.

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  • If this rumor turns out to be false, people need to come out and totally rip apart the person who started this rumor, totally ruin his reputation, credibility and life and everything. Splatter his photos all over the internet, so he won't ever be able start another rumor again.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zs450 I really wish that I could say that I think this is a fake, but, there have been a couple of reports out there and it's no where near time for the April Fools jokes. It would be depressing to see Bungie separate. I'll still buy the games....but it would be depressing.[/quote] The reports have all originated from the same place, an obscure blog. What gives the rumor legs is the fact that it hasn't been officially squashed. When a crazy rumor like this gets out of hand usually a company representative will kill it, if it isn't true that is. If it is true but they don't plan on making an announcement until later they will give "no comment" type responses. Another possibility is Microsoft and Bungie are currently evaluating their relationship and nothing concrete has been decided. We really have no idea whats going on and we won't know until Microsoft and Bungie decide to make an official announcement on the subject. Don't expect that announcement to show up on an internet forum first. EDIT: Joystiq is taking a different approach to this story. They seem more than skeptical and are basically dismissing the whole idea because 1. all the information is coming from an unknown obsure blogger who is apparently receiving the information from a friend of a friend and 2. it makes little sense for Microsoft to just release Bungie. They also claim that the no comment responses do not point to anything because it is simply corporate policy for Bungie and Microsoft to not comment on rumors. [url][/url] I know Microsoft rarely, if ever, comments on rumors but I don't know how consistent Bungie has been with that policy. If this rumor is completely false, I would think that in this case it would be in Microsoft's best interest to simply reemphasize that Bungie is still part of Microsoft Game Studios. [Edited on 10.02.2007 6:24 AM PDT]

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  • It can't be true...the website has just bottled and removed the link. Loooolerskatz.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zs450 I really wish that I could say that I think this is a fake, but, there have been a couple of reports out there and it's no where near time for the April Fools jokes. It would be depressing to see Bungie separate. I'll still buy the games....but it would be depressing.[/quote] If MS told you that you can only make Halo games when you've already been making them for 10 years, wouldnt you get fed up too? Edit: But considering how MS let Rare do whatever they want, (hell, they're still doing DS games) i dont know why they'd force Bungie to do only Halo games. By making the fans wait longer for another Halo game will only make the franchise bigger. [Edited on 10.02.2007 5:08 AM PDT]

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  • I really wish that I could say that I think this is a fake, but, there have been a couple of reports out there and it's no where near time for the April Fools jokes. It would be depressing to see Bungie separate. I'll still buy the games....but it would be depressing.

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