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10/1/2007 8:57:17 PM

Bungie leaving Microsoft according to inside information, link inside osoft_you_heard_it_here_first_folks.php what do you all reckon, i'm calling BS on this one sorry if this is in the wrong place mods

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hills Well its going to happen. Bungie is going to leave. I wished they would prove me wrong but I highly doubt it. I do not understand why MS just would let them do whatever.[/quote] Just what are you basing this on? Rumours?

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  • Well its going to happen. Bungie is going to leave. I wished they would prove me wrong but I highly doubt it. I do not understand why MS just would let them do whatever.

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  • I really think that this is a big rumor, well part of it. I really think this will be a reorangization of Bungie and Microsoft. I don't see how you can or even allow separation from a company that makes one of the biggest games for the Xbox 360. [Edited on 10.02.2007 2:14 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Javienne Looks like things are starting to get a little more juicy... [url][/url][/quote] Are people really linking to Game Informer as if it were a reputable source nowadays?

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  • Looks like things are starting to get a little more juicy... [url][/url]

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  • If it's true, a management buyout doesn't seem like such a bad thing to me.

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  • I hope that this is all a bunch of bollocks but the fact that nobody has outright denied it, kind of lends some credence to these claims. Personally, I hope that Bungie sticks with MicroSquish and their console, and I seriously hope that MS has the brains to treat this developer the way they deserve to be treated. I really enjoy Bungie games and I'd like to continue to enjoy them on my X-Box for years and years. Really the only reason I'd want Bungie to stay exclusive though, is that I think that their games push systems, and the more 360s that are out there, the more wicked games will get made for it.

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  • There is something I do not buy in the story, that is Microsoft pushing or pressing Bungie too hard. Come on, MS takes quite a lot of care in Bungie and gives them many incentives, among monetary incentives. Pressure? 3 years development per game is pressure? Other studios pump out AAA games at double that speed Infinity Ward or Bizarre or Petroglyph or several others. Pressure? Ask Lionhead if MS is constantly demanding results from them, because it seems they take their Fables at an easy pace. Creativity? Well, we have been repeated several times Halo is over as it is, new games in this universe will come from Ensemble and Peter Jackson, NOT Bungie, so it seems MS is okay with Bungie developing new IP. In fact, before it was obvious Bungie was developing Halo 3 there were several rumours about Bungie perhaps developing another game or having two teams working on two games, Halo 3 plus some other. So, I do not know what is going to come out of here, but I personally cannot understand it with the information available. Inner workings surely must be different, but logic dictates that some issues are not as such. Very easy always thinking and saying "M$" or that Microsoft is only interested in money when Xbox division loses billions of dollars, including a 1 billon plus in repairs...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] EL Pleased to see [url=]step 6[/url] commencing.[/quote] Do stage 5 & 6 have something to do with [url=]this[/url] Strangley addictive food company. (Trust me I've eaten it before O_o)

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  • I think we can agree MS wouldn't cut Bungie. No one would cut Bungie, seriously. But Bungie probably wants to work on new IP and maybe wants to develop on other platforms. So whatever the announcement is, it likely isn't a complete split or Bungie going from exclusively MS to exclusively Sony. My money is on one of these three possibilities 1) Bungie stays MS owned but is free to work on any IP as they see fit 2) Bungie divides in two. One works Halo, while one works on new IP 3) Bungie goes multiplatform, new IP certainly still in the mix. I certainly feel that Bungie wants more freedom, but I don't think we're talking permenant split here.

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  • Found this on maxconsole: MS: There's no such announcement on Bungie split, we're enjoying Halo's success Link : [url][/url] [Edited on 10.02.2007 1:03 PM PDT]

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  • 0
    Pleased to see [url=]step 6[/url] commencing.

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  • Quoting Adam (Owner of [quote] By now, you must have heard the rumor of Bungie leaving Microsoft that started at 8Bit Well, we can't provide further info now (we'd put our sources in trouble) but we're going to tell you that it is more complex than simply Bungie leaving Microsoft or Microsoft letting Bungie go. [b]There will be an official announcement this week, definitely before October 12th... [/b] [/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Atomic Eclipse [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheOnlyIx2 ffs! Dont leave us hanging here Bungie! Are Sony buying MGS???? or what!!! ;)[/quote] Yes absolutely, that would explain everything. MS is selling their entire games division so Sony. Sony will then put the PS3 to pasture, and the 360 will become the new "PS360". That would perfectly explain the rumors of a $399 PS3 coming in November; it's actually a rebranded 360! ;-)[/quote] LMAO!! =)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheOnlyIx2 ffs! Dont leave us hanging here Bungie! Are Sony buying MGS???? or what!!! ;)[/quote] Yes absolutely, that would explain everything. MS is selling their entire games division so Sony. Sony will then put the PS3 to pasture, and the 360 will become the new "PS360". That would perfectly explain the rumors of a $399 PS3 coming in November; it's actually a rebranded 360! ;-)

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  • ffs! Dont leave us hanging here Bungie! Are Sony buying MGS???? or what!!! ;)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Raiden627 If Bungie moves on to make games for other consoles, then good for them,[/quote] Yes but I'd like to be able to own every Bungie game of note, and there's no way in hell my affinity to the company is sufficient enough to make me buy a PS3 or Wii... So were your assumptions true it'd be pretty bad news for me.[/quote] You hit the nail on the head. I can't afford nor do I want a PS3 or a MAC. I want to keep playing their games, but if they go away from MS, then this sucks ass.

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  • This is bothering me, why in the world would Microsoft refuse to let Bungie do other projects? I mean Microsoft knows Halo is all great, but milking a franchise isn't something they should be thinking about. Bungie exploring new games is great. I mean it'll show how much talent they have and that Halo isn't the olny game they can make. If they put the same amount of effort in thier new projects that they did in Halo their new games will be all Gold. Theres just too much money to be made from Bungie than to left them go. If Bungie is unhappy, let do what they want, and keep that an xbox only game ;) Why let them go though?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Raiden627 If Bungie moves on to make games for other consoles, then good for them,[/quote] Yes but I'd like to be able to own every Bungie game of note, and there's no way in hell my affinity to the company is sufficient enough to make me buy a PS3 or Wii... So were your assumptions true it'd be pretty bad news for me. [Edited on 10.02.2007 11:52 AM PDT]

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  • Who knows and who cares, if they are splitting, which I find to be highly unlikely, it's not like it's the end of the world. If Bungie moves on to make games for other consoles, then good for them, it will give the chance to prove that they're not a one trick pony, not saying they are, but some people see Bungie, and all they think of is Halo, and they are more than just that. If this turns out to be some idiot posting rumors, chances are M$'s executive "PR" team probably has this blogger in the back room of some bar, beating the tar out of him, demanding to know who his source is, so they can "flush" out the mole, if one even exists. If anything happens, it will probably be Bungie becoming an independent developer, that is exclusive to M$, or possibly some announcement about how Bungie, M$, and Wingnut Interactive, are going to have an orgy that will produce the next "Halo" game. Still, if any announcement is made, it would mean that someone at Bungie is leaking information, albeit wrong, and leaks need to be plugged, with .45 slugs. To those of you hoping that the Halo series will be on any other platforms than M$ consoles or PC, regardless of what happens with Bungie and M$, that won't be happening.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jihad Exodus Team Xbox said it was "more complex than Bungie leaving Microsoft." So I think it is a safe bet that this week, Bungie is going to take control of Microsoft, and Microsoft will change its name to Bungie. (if only)[/quote] At last. They announce that they have completed step 6 of The Plan.

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  • I still think that this is a bunch of crap. Bungie might leave M$ eventually..... but not now. With the upcoming holiday season, M$ will want a reason to make people want to purchase 360s. Ad if Bungie is still exclusive to the 360, well then it will make people want to buy 360s.

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  • I think this topic would need to reach about 40 pages before it warrents a reply from any official source. Get cracking everyone! ;-) Nah, just kidding, let the Bungie guys alone; they are all (or should all be) on vacation right now. After their blood, sweat, and tears created the masterpiece we are all enjoying now we should all be taking them out for a long round of beer, not nagging them for a response to another stupid internet rumor. (Still, I wanna know if there is anything behind this...)

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  • Team Xbox said it was "more complex than Bungie leaving Microsoft." So I think it is a safe bet that this week, Bungie is going to take control of Microsoft, and Microsoft will change its name to Bungie. (if only)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Zermon Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Gears an Epic IP, not a Microsoft IP?[/quote] Microsoft owns exclusive publishing rights for the first two games of the GeOW series.

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  • Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Gears an Epic IP, not a Microsoft IP?

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