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10/1/2007 8:57:17 PM

Bungie leaving Microsoft according to inside information, link inside osoft_you_heard_it_here_first_folks.php what do you all reckon, i'm calling BS on this one sorry if this is in the wrong place mods

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  • I agree, leaving Microsoft would be a bad move. Sure they could go off and create new games. But doesn't Bungie themselves have the power to say what they want to make. It is their creation. If it doesn't workout this is America, go sue them for your stuff Bungie. But I digress, the Halo series is a great franchise and whatever you do Bungie, I'll support you! Love, AsiansOnFire

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] An7iherosk8er [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] halvie If they leave Halo 3 will be the last Bungie game I ever purchase. I seriously cannot believe how childish they are acting..."yeah I don't want to make any more games that break sales records" ....good luck repeating the success without MS marketing and money. [/quote] You are forget Bungie made the game, not microsoft. So inturn if bungie made another game, it will be just as good as halo if not better.[/quote] I think you're wrong An7iherosk8er if Bungie released Halo without the marketing power of Microsoft it wouldn't be as big as it is today. Sure there will be people playing it but I doubt those numbers will be similar to what it is now. Prior to those whole XBOX thing, I was a Playstation fan. It was Halo that got me to choose the XBOX 360 over the PS3. And I wouldn't have known Halo had it not been marketed as agressively as it has been. Halo is what is now not because of Bungie alone. Don't be too egoistical to think that Bungie's skill is enough to beat out developers who are far more celebrated and respected than they are. Without the support of Microsoft this game is not what is today. And Bungie should know that. I'm with halvie here, should they leave Microsoft under these terms, I will have lost my respect for Bungie. Perhaps I may still buy their games but for developers, I don't think they're admirable. ALL I CAN SAY IS THIS... THIS RUMOR HAS DECREASED MY ENJOYMENT OF HALO 3. WHY? NOT BECAUSE I'M A FANBOY BUT BECAUSE OF THIS THE DISCUSSION IS NOW BEING FOCUSED MORE ON BUNGIE LEAVING MS RATHER THAN THE GAME ITSELF. IF THIS IS TRUE BUNGIE, SCREW YOU! [Edited on 10.02.2007 9:51 PM PDT]

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] stangfan I'm sure they would also have to tell the shareholder long before a move like this would take place. It funny people refer to Bungie kind of like a person. "MS is releasing Bungie." "Bungie is leaving MS" When Bungie is basically just a deparment within MS. Also if MS bought Rare for 400 mil, imagine what someone would have to pay MS to have the name and people involved with Bungie. I would have to be at least a billion dollars. I know the executives at Bungie probably get paid alot, but no where near what it would take to buy back the name and people from MS. [/quote] Bungie is not just some department of Microsoft. It is its own entity, that has remained fairly independent. And according to the rumor, it is not some other company that wants to buy Bungie, but the members of Bungie itself. If this is the case, then if MS said no, the employees could just quit. While losing one or two members may be acceptable, if the entire head creative team quit, there would not be much of a Bungie left. So if that was the case, it would be a better idea for MS to allow Bungie to leave with its name, in return for (according to rumors) the Halo franchise rights and the right to have the first chance to publish any future Bungie titles. That second factor would also ensure that Bungie keeps producing games for the 360, and perhaps even still exclusively for the 360.

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  • I'm sure they would also have to tell the shareholder long before a move like this would take place. It funny people refer to Bungie kind of like a person. "MS is releasing Bungie." "Bungie is leaving MS" When Bungie is basically just a deparment within MS. Also if MS bought Rare for 400 mil, imagine what someone would have to pay MS to have the name and people involved with Bungie. I would have to be at least a billion dollars. I know the executives at Bungie probably get paid alot, but no where near what it would take to buy back the name and people from MS.

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  • Valid points, however from what I've been reading, this would apparently entail the purchasing of the rights to the name "Bungie," back from Microsoft. Once this is done, if done, it is presumable that at least a few, perhaps many, Microsoft-Bungie employees would leave in order to join a technically new studio under the reaquired name Bungie, thus separating Bungie from Microsoft. I have no idea if this is true, but it does seem possible. The lack of an actual denial from PR as well as Bungie reps make this issue, at the very least, worthy of interest.

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  • Hahaha, anyone who thinks that this is true needs to take Business 101. Parent corporations do not "release" their children as a "thank you." Especially not their most profitable children. Any executive responsible for that decision would be destroyed by the shareholders and would never work again -- at least not in a major corporation. You guys need to realize that money and shareholder interests control what happens in a corporation, and, quite literally, [b]NOTHING ELSE[/b]. Corporations do not make any move whatsoever unless such a move is (at least arguably) profitable in the long-term. Since there seems to be no profit involved in simply "releasing" a large corporation's most profitable subsidiary, I fail to see how this rumor holds even a shred of truth.

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  • wow still no word..... didn't think they would let fans hang this long

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MSI I hope this is true. I really do. There's nothing I'd [i]hate[/i] more than seeing Bungie forced to make Halo 4, then a remake of Halo 1 and then Halo 5 etc. They are a talented developer, and it would be a waste to see it all go to sequel upon sequel upon sequel. Look at what they did for the console FPS.. imagine what could be done with an RPG or adventure game![/quote] Bioware is already making a genre changing RPG, trust me.

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  • No offense because I like/ed Bungie as much as the rest of you but where is this supposed talent coming from. Besides the Halo series which is amazing what have they put out that has been near that quality. The Myth series was solid 8 reviews, Oni scored crap and do we even consider Marathon any more seeing how old it is. What makes you all think they are so above the Halo series now because thye had two games score 8s before Halo...get real this isn't Blizzard.

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    I hope this is true. I really do. There's nothing I'd [i]hate[/i] more than seeing Bungie forced to make Halo 4, then a remake of Halo 1 and then Halo 5 etc. They are a talented developer, and it would be a waste to see it all go to sequel upon sequel upon sequel. Look at what they did for the console FPS.. imagine what could be done with an RPG or adventure game!

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  • I don't now if it is true, but as long as bungie makes a new 1st person shooter (as good if not better then all of the halos) then i'm all good

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  • The people who have plenty of money now at Bungie are the ones who want more control. If it were about the money alone (which is more of a concern for lower level employees I'd guess), they'd demand and receive more. This is a dance as old as art. The delicate and demanding artists want more time to perfect their creations while the backers just want to sell the damn things and make their money. This happens in movies, music, books, etc. Problem for Microsoft is, if all the key people at Bungie leave, they are left with an empty name (Rare anyone?). So they make some money back, sell the name to the people who want in exchange for more creative control - developmental freedom. It seems a second party status wouldn't be good enough for Bungie though, they'd still be reporting to Microsoft. But as a third party with strong ties and an obligation to deliver games for Microsoft if they ask for it, they seem to get a good mix of intellectual freedom and financial security. Problem is, now when Bungie releases it's first non-Halo game exclusive to the 360 (Microsoft probably plans on snatching up each exclusive it can) - it had better sell well. If it doesn't, Microsoft may not get behind more projects unless they're guaranteed. Maybe Microsoft will wait and see how the first few exclusives do, but either way, Bungie will no longer have the same cushion they had while being a first party. Of course, a developer as talented as Bungie shouldn't have trouble making solid games, but getting the mass market appeal of Halo is difficult. Many great(er) games have sold far worse than Halo.

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  • At this point i don't know what to think about the whole thing, it could go many different ways but at this point i think that i'd be pretty pissed if it turned out to be nothing. Just because that means that the bloggers or PS3 fanboys got the better of us and made us all look like crazy people. That's why i'm not really letting it get to me, although since more and more reports about it are coming out and neither Microsoft nor Bungie are saying anything it makes me think that something is up. But like i said i'm going to hold off on freaking out until we get official word on whats going on.

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  • I just want an answer from M$ or Bungie.

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  • For the love of Sparta at least keep ties with microsoft. We need more halo universe.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] an orange peal [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] just another fan [i]Microsoft official announcement[/i]: "Bungie isn't leaving us, we're leaving Bungie. When we found out the truth, Bungie's actual plan, we decided we had to abandon them as soon as possible. We are very fond of Micorosft, and Bungie too, but we don't want to be taken over by them. Microsoft is known for it's software, world domination, Bungie's at least, doesn't fit in our policy. We wish Bungie all the luck, but we won't be the company that will help them with step 6." [i]Frank O'Connor stated[/i]: "It's true, Microsoft left us. They found out the truth earlier than we had hoped, and we can no longer use them to dominate the world. Despite our great partnership, we will have to launch them into the sun. It's a sad happening, but that's how things go. What Bungie will do from this point on? We're not quite sure, we might set our sights on Sony, or Nintendo instead. Or we just skip step 6 all together, the slingshot is almost done anyway. I can't really tell, only the future can." :P[/quote] NNNNOOOOOOOOooooooo! Bungie still [i]can[/i] make games for xbox....right? Whats step 6!? DON'T set sights for sony! This sucks. I liked bungie and microsoft together.[/quote] This made me laugh.

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  • I followed Bungie from the Mac to the Xbox, so if this is true I'll follow them on whatever platform they end up on next. That said, I really hope they can stay at MS and maintain creative freedom. If those two things are in conflict I would rather see them leave than lose their ability to create new IPs and game ideas. The Halo series, as good as it is, has become a bit too formulaic for such a creatively talented developer, such as Bungie, to continue investing time in. It is time for something different; something other than Halo 4.

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  • One issue about what you said. Oni rights or Myth rights are not belonging to Bungie or Microsoft, Take Two got them. On another aspect I do not consider Bungie`s decision right. I do not thnik an studio that needs six years to finish two games is being bossed around, in fact, MS does not seem to boss around any of the studios it owns. Bungie has some of the best contracts in the industry, apart from quite juicy perks. The timing for any announcement is just aweful and in bad taste. This seems as blackmail to MS, as has been said without the tech, the money, support and marketing of MS I do not believe Halo would have been such a success fulfranchise, though Bungie's talent is out of the question, but so it does the talent of many other developers that struggle to sell 200k copies of a game. Where is the positive aspect to MS apart to kneeling to demands if the above scenario is true? Not belonging to MS Bungie would lose resources, and so would MS as tecnology developed by Bungie would not be available to other MS Studios. Relationship would not be so fluid, doing something for a contract is not the same and belonging. Anyway, I dont like the idea but nothing really we can do. Such a pity.

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  • still done with Bungie if what you posted turns out to be true. I hope they had to pay through the ass to MS to get their name back. Sure hope one day I land my dream job(like working on Halo must be for anyone in the game industry) and then -blam!- and leave cause I am doing what I always dreamed of. Good luck Bungie maybe your first game out the gate will surpass the excellent sales numbers of Stubs the Zombie++

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  • Yamka where did you read that?

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  • The rumour is true. Guaranteed. You can all come back and quote me over the next few days (or call me out if you have doubt). Specifically.... 0. Microsoft will retain all IP related to Halo. Present discussions include all IP rights to current Bungie games - Marathon, ONI, Myth, etc. - *** 1. Bungie is going independent. Bungie employees/other stakeholders have purchased the name of Bungie studios back from Microsoft. Bungie will be leaving the MS domain. 2. Bungie can now make whatever games they want, for whomever they want.... HOWEVER... a. They will continue to have a working relationship with MS. They will continue to consult with Ensemble/Wingnuts on related Halo games. b. Microsoft will have first dibs at any/all Bungie games for a predetermiend period of time (3-5 years). c. As Bungie plans to have several development teams, there is nothing to stop one team from working on future Halo projects (Halo 4) "on contract" for Microsoft. In the end, nothing REALLY changes for MS. If MS did not agree to these terms, most key players from Bungie were going to leave and start their own dev house anways. This way, MS still has a nice working relationship with Bungie. MS can dictate terms of agreements for future games, without having to pay the expensive overhead for a 200 person development studio. And MS gets first dibs at any independent IP, and have (of course) sole dibs on any contract IP. I see it as a win-win. Do not know why so many of you are -blam!-ing about MS. MS really had no choice, and this works out well for everyone. - *** - edited to add... Ok by naming games here, I embellished the information that I have. The comment I heard specifically was all "Bungie" owned IP will belong to MS. I added the game names, not knowing which ones are owned by MS/Bungie/ or other parties. The original comment - "Microsoft will retain all IP related to Halo. Present discussions include all IP rights to current Bungie games " still stands. What goes to the "new" Bungie has yet to be formally announced. [Edited on 10.02.2007 7:53 PM PDT]

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  • Something definitely is happening. If it was just a rumor the two or three Bungie employees that frequent the GAF forums would have responded to the three thousand post long thread about it rather than replying to everything but that thread. Something is definitely going on....its not just a rumor.

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  • okay i'm pretty sure this rumor is complete BS. For those of you are that still spectacle about this because of Microsoft’s comment. Just because they didn’t flat out say no doesn’t mean the rumor is true. The reason why I think Microsoft didn’t say “the rumor is a lie, bungie is sticking with microsoft” is because they need to stay consistent with their “we don’t comment on rumors” policy. If they say that this rumor is BS then Microsoft will screw themselves for all the other times they don’t want to comment on a rumor. The next time they get accused for something from a rumor, that might actually be true, people will think the rumor is true once hear the “we don’t comment on rumors” since they denied the ‘bungie separating rumor’.

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  • The most I can see happening is something like Yugi Naka and Probe, some employees leave to form their own company but get funding and support from MS, in return they do multi platform but give MS first dibs on a franchise and better overall support and versions of their games to the 360 and its successors. If they are trying to leave MS as a company, please don't Bungie. You and MS have made 3 fantastic games together and seem to go together like bread and butter.

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  • no no I didn't forget they made Halo, but it wouldn't have been near the success without the money/marketing from MS. Besides the ancient Marathon and Myth what besides Halo have they made worth playing? Again gl repeating "the biggest entertainment launch in history" without MS.

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  • I'm betting on there being some truth to it for one simple reason: nobody from MS or Bungie has come out and denied the rumour.

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