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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
3/10/2005 10:03:28 PM

My friend, the suicidal maniac. And his car.

Ok. Picture this. Your friend, a known manic depressive who seems unusually hyper today, invites you over for a some Halo 2 matches. You agree and get in his car, but you've hardly closed the door when he reverses onto the road, pedal pressed to the floor. He does a swerving skid that leaves long tyre marks on the road, then speeds off. It's dark, there's no traffic, and he's on third gear already. Jumping the traffic lights, he shifts up a gear. 60mph already. 65. 70. The car jumps as the gear goes up again. 80. 90. A single car passes, horn blaring as he swerves out of the way. Your friend then decides to start laughing and swerves the car across lanes repeatedly, making the radio jump. At least he slows down for the corner, scraping the curve at 60mph. Finally he reaches his house. I STILL PWNED HIS ASS!!! But seriously, this happened to me yesterday. All of it. Any experiences that put your life in danger, post it here.
#Flood #Offtopic

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