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3/30/2005 1:25:23 AM
It would be pretty cool if you could use a Spartan specific weapon. I just finished Fall of Reach and it mentioned the Spartans wepon locker. After that Keyes wanted to know if there was standard weapons to repel borders. So there could be Spartan specific weapons. My Idea: Mjolinir Shock Rifle: Fires a .90 caliber armour percing round. The tip of the bullet delivers a minurate EMP blast to drop the foes shields completly. However this drains your shield halfway. This feature can be turned off. It also has a fragmentation grenade launcher attached to the bottom of the barrel to propell the grenade to even farther distances then previous. The rifle can fire fully automatic, 3 round burst and single shot. It also has two levels of magnification, a 2x magnification and a 5x magnification. The rifle also sport a jumbo sized magizine of up to 50 bullets stored at one time. *Note: EMP blast can only be delivered in semi-automatic shots only. I added the EMP blast thing to try and even the weopon out. Also the wepon has horrible accuracy when fired fully automantic (worse than SMG) but sports pin-point accuracy with single shots. Well this just came of the top of my head in the spur of the moment. Also the shield thing would be pretty cool. If you stood to close to the EMP blast it could drain your shield also. Plus it also include the armour into your weapon. Tell me what you think. [Edited on 3/29/2005 5:30:08 PM]

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