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11/9/2012 1:19:36 AM

The Man Who Sang to the Stars

[May 2ND, 2554, Earth, Norfolk UNSC Naval Academy] Major Eric "Smooth" O'Kife just finished teaching these young naval cadets on photographic intelligence. They were eager young minds who had been taking his Introduction to Electronic Surveillance 101. This course educates the student on devices from a lapel cam to Drones. Useful applications in collecting intelligence and how to gather useful nuggets of intelligence. Students filed out of the class room as the class was concluded for today. Clearing up his notes on his holo display at his desk. He looked up to see Samantha Bright one of his top students." Sir that was quite informative today. I learned a great deal about how even with the best equipment it still comes down to the human factor." Eric smiled at the young woman who was a lovely young brunette. " I related it back to World War Two when they did not have computers yet were able to get air recon over targets. In those days a pilot had to fly a mission to take the pictures. Later it developed into spy planes that were useful in the Cuban Missile Crisis and Even During the Vietnam Conflict. If you look it up you can find out how we got to drones and satellites but yes there is still a human factor in this." Samantha shook her head yes at him. Excitement in her voice." I shall look that up sir. Thank you." She curtly left his classroom as he returned to clearing up his notes. Stepping out of the class room he ran into the Commandant of the Academy. Who was making his rounds. He stopped to chat with Eric for a moment." Major i am glad i ran into you. I hope you have been treated well. Navy is not used to seeing Air Force personnel but you come highly recommended. The Covenant War has left us short handed." Eric simply nodded at the true statement having lost too many good friends to the Alien Menace that was thankfully over." I am glad to be here sir. I accepted due to the fact my experience might rub off on these young minds. I accepted this position due to shortages all over and it i am proud to help out." This Made the Commandant smile. " Good..good" Patting Eric on the shoulder." We should have a drink in the next staff meeting. I need to take care of a few things but we desperately need ten more of you but i will take what i can get so we can get these cadets graduated. Tell you more later keep up the good work." Patting Eric once again on the shoulder the Commandant walked on down the hall. Exiting the building Eric did seem a bit out of place but his record shows he was willing to work with any one who worked with him. He headed back to his officer billet. It was a single house on a simple street. Military housing still was on the base yet he knew he would have to do "Paperwork" from his terminal inside. He got into his car driveing off looking at the main building and its parade ground. Not to mention it's wet navy docks. Seamen have trained here for many years. He left the parking lot heading home. After parking his car Eric entering his house. His loyal companion was a six month old Golden Retriever named George. Who bounded over to give him puppy kisses when he bent down to pet the dog. Passing his small Living room that lead to his kitchen he sat down opening his computer interface then petting George who was so happy to see him. Giving George his favorite bone the dog happily chewed on it. Eric turned to do a few hours of work. He created a lesson plan for next week. George waged his tail before whimpering he was hungry. Eric stood up feeding his loyal companion in his small kitchen. Giving George a pat on the head Eric looked outside to see that night had fallen. Walking over to a worn guitar case. He took out his guitar from a case that was sitting on a couch. It had a blue finish yet was a familiar brand. Grabbing a few beers he headed out back. Carrying the instrument into his back yard,Plugging in his guitar to his set up. It was a clear night with the stars shining bright. He left the sliding glass door open for George to come out if he wanted. Sitting down on a pre placed chair Eric began to play the blues. It seemed as if time melted everything away. Even the crisp night air did not bother him. Twenty years of war faded from mind as he sang to the stars. [Edited on 11.08.2012 5:29 PM PST]
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  • Authors Note:Well to tell you the truth i dont have MS word and i would have to check on that(Puter never came with it). Also i know it seems akward but i got used to just writeing it up. I will fix it. I do apologise but this one is being written in this format. So i do need to clear it up ect. Its being told from diffrent view points so i am trying my best to keep it clear. Humm i just feel the creative flow of things for some reson also vs sitting off line. But i will work on it get back to you. I think there is even some free stuff out there. Thanks. [Edited on 12.13.2012 8:06 PM PST]

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