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5/6/2004 10:30:56 PM

Seventh Column Council

Taken from the recent "History of the Seventh Column" article. [quote]Q: People think of Bungie as just Halo, but 7th Column is the most old-school aspect of the community, where do you see it going in the future? A(Yeroen): In the future I would love to see the 7th Column become much more organized. With organization comes the ability to pull off bigger and better things--bigger FanFests, bigger fan films, whatever. We've considered imposing high level organization on the 7th Column in the past, but always held off. [b]As much as we'd love to be at the forefront of this project, we believe it will only be successful if it is organized from within, by its own members[/b].[/quote] Ok, well I suppose we should get to work. Sounds like bungie really wants us to setup some sort of governing body for the seventh column. Might be best to get this started now before halo 2 hits and were all too busy fragging each other. So how do we do this? Should we model the SCC after our democratic goverment and have a president and advisors? I don't really know. What are your ideas? (i know we've had this conversation in the past -- but lets recap). [Edited on 5/6/2004 2:31:32 PM]

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  • No. Absolutely not. I'm totally against this. It is my strong opinion that this is a bad idea. [Note that I'm not attacking you, [b]Apollo[/b]; I'm just expressing my strong, heartfelt opinion. Read on...] The thing is, many of us like to have our own intimate chapters. I have a feeling I'd all but leave the Column if I couldn't have my chapter for my friends. Sure it's nice to communicate with other anonymous Halo fans from time to time, but the true joy for me comes from having a chapter just for me and my real-life friends where we don't have to worry about other people interfering in our stuff and generally getting in the way. I like having my OWN chapter. And I think that many others here will agree. After all, the purpose of the 7th Column is for people to join chapters where they can interact with other Halo fans [i]of their choice[/i]. I like the look and feel of my chapter, and I love the intimate connection I have with every database and event and news article and poll. Even when the entries aren't my own, I can put a smiling face to every screen name on there. I can remember fun times I've had with them, both in Halo and otherwise. Those are my friends. Now imagine an illustration of your suggestion: Let's say that a large convention hall is created in your state to be open 24/7 for all Halo fans in [insert yoru state/province here]. It's filled with booths and activities for all to enjoy. Everyone seems to be having a good time, smiling faces are everywhere. And everyone's wearing a nametag. A bunch of the people there you know just by reputation, since they seem to be there all the time and they like to man many of the booths. However, only about 5% of the people there you would consider close friends with whom you do stuff outside the convention. You and your friends have a busy schedule, so you aren't able to make it as often as many others. When you are there, sure you talk to many of the fans there, but you end up congregating with your own relatively small group of close friends for most of the time. You begin to talk about how much fun your having and how you'd like to do this sort of thing together every now and then, but you'd only want your close friends to come and you'd have your own activities and booths and decorations. But someone overhears you talking, and they comment that Y'ou aren't allowed to do this.' When you protest, they say that 'Since you don't come here very often and you don't operate your own booth and you don't organize your own activities, you can't start your own mini-convention. But you're more than welcome to going to the mini-convention that's going to be started by so-and-so over there who is always here and always operates a number of booths and always gets involved in a number of activities, and you can bring your friends with you if you want. But, no, you can't start your own mini-convention because you don't do enough here. You and your friends will just have to keep going to our conventions if you want to enjoy any Halo activities. Sorry, but rules are rules.' See my point? The convention would be like the designated state/province chapter, the booths/activities would be like the databases/events/news/polls/etc., the guys who always show up at the convention would be the active members of the chapter, and so-and-so who's gonna start his own mini-convention (chapter) is one of the more active members of the chapter. I think you should get it. I probably said way more than I needed to to get my point across, but I just feel so strongly about it that I had to make sure. Just my thoughts, [b]Poocho[/b] :) P.S. Btw, [b]Appollo[/b], I respect your opinion; I just disagree. Please don't take anything above as offensive or insulting. :)

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