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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
8/11/2007 11:15:31 PM

My story.

You all wanted me to write a story, so here's a little taste of what I'll be handing you in a couple days (probably). [url=]The rest of chapter one.[/url] [url=]Chapter two.[/url] [url=]Chapter three.[/url] [url=]Chapter four.[/url] [url=]Chapter five.[/url] [url=]Chapter six.[/url] [url=]Chapter seven.[/url] [url=¤t=Epictale.jpg]puffy's picture. It's made of win, but I think that we can all agree on that.[/url] [url=]Vertrexz's comic.[/url] [url=]This is the tank that Blimper is using.[/url] [i]Motion. Light. A figure was speaking in a muffled voice. Then, darkness again.[/i] Sniper McGee woke up in a cold sweat, panting. He had been having these dreams, or rather nightmares, for a while now. He got up off of his bed and walked over to his window. A cool breeze made him feel a bit better as he looked over the city of The Flood. He felt like this place was his one home, the one place where he belonged… A knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts. [i]Who could be here at this hour?[/i] He walked to the door, matting down his hair on the way. He took a breath and opened the door. A figure stood, dressed in black, and was facing the other end of the hall so Sniper couldn’t see their face. “Yes?” Sniper asked the person. He turned and looked at him, light blonde hair looked untidy and windswept, his face contorted in a mask of pain… “Colonel Corbec?” McGee sounded surprised and confused. Corbec glanced down the hall again, then, hunched over in pain, he stumbled over to the nearest couch and grunted as he sat down. Sniper now saw that the Colonel’s hand was covering the side of his stomach. “Corbec, are…are you okay?” McGee asked. Corbec wasn’t paying attention though. He was looking around the room, glancing at the door every now and then. “They’re coming,” the Colonel whispered. When he finally looked at Sniper and saw the questioning look he was giving him, he glanced at the door again and winced in pain. “You’ve got to get out of here,” he said through clenched teeth. McGee looked at the spot where Corbec was holding his side, and saw his hand was covered in blood. “Corbec, what happened? Were you shot? Who did this?!” Sniper’s vision became distorted from anger. “Listen McGee…you’ve got to…” here the Colonel paused for a moment, he grunted in pain again “…got to find Blimper. He’ll know what to do.” Suddenly there were footsteps in the hall. They stopped in front of McGee’s door and he could hear voices mumbling something. Slowly, barely daring to breathe, Sniper crept up to the door and locked it. Immediately the voices stopped. [Edited on 02.27.2008 11:38 AM PST]
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • I demand MetroidRising be placed in your story, Mcgee. Only to be raped by wild [url=]Orohippus[/url] that tear through the heavens.

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  • Your comic is great, Biscuit. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wattinree imma read that when i have time... and whats with all these special members?[/quote] What do you mean?

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  • imma read that when i have time... and whats with all these special members?

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  • who likes my comic?

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  • [url=]A comic that I made.[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X 10000 Fists X I'm going to write a story. Dammit, McGee, your's is so good you've made me jealous. You better hurry up, because I'd like to start after your's is finished. Keep writing, aside from a few shaky sentences towards the end with Mike's entrance it was flawless.[/quote] My entrance wasn't "shaky"...jerk.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BLACKJACK green Good -blam!- there Snipe.........[/quote]

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  • Good -blam!- there Snipe.........

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  • I'm going to write a story. Dammit, McGee, your's is so good you've made me jealous. You better hurry up, because I'd like to start after your's is finished. Keep writing, aside from a few shaky sentences towards the end with Mike's entrance it was flawless.

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  • Im tired so i skim read it, but it is good. Awaiting more chapters...

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  • Nice story!

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  • I hate to be a -blam!- idiot.... but can I be in it? If you decide to make this -blam!-'s wish come true.... can I be an eccentric? @MindTsunami i saw the M. candidate! Great movie, with Denzel washington. Kinda nasty ending, though. [Edited on 03.02.2008 2:43 AM PST]

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  • awesome man can i be in it?

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  • As usual, you do a great job. =P

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  • you are, you're just not the only one. also(to sniper), rent the movie, it's really good. [Edited on 03.01.2008 7:32 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] halo2mnky I smile every single time I read. This truly is one of the best works of a hybrid of plot and theme of the flood that I have ever read. I want to publish it. At least this first part of what I hope will be a series of large books. [/quote] Okay good, I'm not the only one who thinks tha. Makin sure I'm not insane.

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  • I smile every single time I read. This truly is one of the best works of a hybrid of plot and theme of the flood that I have ever read. I want to publish it. At least this first part of what I hope will be a series of large books.

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  • Amazing story. Can you put me in the story as an actual rabid snail? Not just a snail, but a rabid death snail with razor blades taped to it.

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  • You should rent it, the resemblance is creepy.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MindTsunami 77 p.s. - this story keeps reminding me of The Manchurian Candidate(great movie, though confusing at times), was that part of your inspiration?[/quote] Thanks. And, I've never even heard of that movie. haha :P

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  • Sorry to be cliche, but I agree with the rest... AWESOME!!!! p.s. - this story keeps reminding me of The Manchurian Candidate(great movie, though confusing at times), was that part of your inspiration? p.p.s.- it would be cool if i got a part, but I don't expect you to go out of your way. Just keep WRITING this gold!!

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  • I cant believe I haven't posted in here before! This. Is. An. Epic. Story.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mister Muffles Wow. Let me be the first to say [i][b]'no thx.'[/b][/i][/quote] K. [quote]I seriously thought you were taking an interesting turn when I read the first few paragraphs, Sniper. And then, out of no where, you lost me. Hardcore lost. Without a map.[/quote] Maybe you should have brought your own, then. [quote]In fact, it seems like this wasn't Chapter 7 at all. More of a Chapter 6.5. Or maybe just a Chapter 6.2.[/quote] I'm not good with maths. [quote]We need more action and plot development! The problem with syndicated work is that to keep the readers interested you need to do more than just give them the latest edition. You need to give them a reason to come back next week, leave them hanging on the edges of their seats and screaming in frustration when they don't get the ending they wanted.[/quote] No, my good sir, that is what [i]you[/i] need. I'll write my story the way I see fit. Besides, why do I need action in every chapter? That'd just be corny. [quote]Other than that, nothing to complain about. It was well written and obviously took time to think through. I wouldn't have had so many complaints if this had been released earlier. I guess I was expecting more of a bang when you returned. [b]: /[/b][/quote] Thanks. And returned from what? You just started reading my story recently. [quote][i]speed it up pl0x[/i][/quote] Slow and steady wins the race.

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  • I hate hate [i]hate[/i] this computer. This is the third time I've typed this. Grr. Anyway, I like it! A bit short, but that can't be helped. Looking forward to the next chapter. With the introduction of Sith Spartan I can see a bit more development of the whole mind control thing, and all the memories at the chapter beginnings. Am I right? That would be good. People seem to be complaining about this chapter. Obviously, these people don't have what it takes to do this. I think it is commendable of Sniper to post it chapter by chapter. While we may not get a complete picture of the story, and therefore may enjoy it less, it takes a bit to submit a story in such a way, because it is then very easy to take to pieces. What I am saying is: "You divots. You can't complain about a single chapter untill you have read all the ones following and preceding it. The way he wrote it may be a tactful break in the story to change the pace, who knows." So I'd reserve your judgements until the story is finished. If someone just doesn't like it, I have nothing agaisnt that; after all, who am I to dictate opinions? But please, less of the doom-mongering! You humans complain too much. Give some compliments, you'll feel better for it.

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  • I still think me and cam should rip some new asses. It would flare some action that these people are looking for.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sniper McGee Blimper’s tank[/quote] ♥TANK♥

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