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11/11/2007 2:45:23 AM

Project L.A.S.O: Now Under 4 HOURS! And Time Down To 03:37:54 HOURS!!

[i][u][b]*Note: New Stuff two posts below*[/b][/u][/i] [url=]The Halo Raiders Website[/url] [url=]Official Bungie.Net LASO Group[/url] [url=] Ghost22's Full Skull Guide[/url] [b]Update (30th November 2007)[/b]: Finished Sierra 117 and have finally started and finished Crow's Nest (see below). [b]Update (Sometime Early December)[/b]: Cortana was done, but sadly it was done while we were offline (my house was experiencing network problems) and so there is no online report...but I took the liberty of making a video of the aftermath of finishing it, which includes the Carnage Report). [b]Update (6th January 2008)[/b]: Just did Floodgate...on my own...Shilly refused to aid me :P And I suceeded anyway! :D Saved Film and Postgame Carnage Report Below. Extra Update: Also, I just remembered...a while back, me and Shilly went through Tsavo Highway, completed it after 5 hours or so...and then since we were using my disk...which was brutally scratched...the next level didn't load...therefore the Film was never Saved in Recent Films >_<...But since it was quite hard, we've decided to leave it for now :P Another Update: I have already completed Halo on LASO from the Rally Point. There is no change from normal Legendary. [b]Update - 20th January 2008[/b] Halo was just completed an hour ago-ish. Myself, Shilly117, Sabre911 and MightyDuckK went in, kicked ass and came out of it feeling satisfied :) We'd also spent 7 hours 40 minutes doing The Storm. to the part with the hunters...and Sabre lagged out :| (Which is the reasoning for no Carnage Report) Meehh...We'll be doing it again at some point in the future. Anyways, Halo's Carnage Report and Saved Film are below for viewing pleasure :) We also recorded a video after the completion of the full level (yes...I know I've not 100% finish the entire game on LASO...) but then again we did complete the entire levels, which is what counts. And we'll show the video that proves there's no 3rd alternative ending. Just Legendary. That video will be included in due course. (Can't be bothered uploading it just now :P Playing some Matchmaking, then off to do some studying and shizzle.) [u]Update[/u]: Ending Video Uploaded - See Links Below. Floodgate Coming Soon. [b]Update - 23th January 2008[/b] CYBERPLASMA and I just finished Tsavo Highway...with epic results. We did it just under an hour! Totally within viewing limits!!!!1 :P Download, watch, discuss, enjoy, celebrate! [u]Update - 27th Jan[/u] Only 2 more levels to go! MightyDuckK and I blasted our way through The Storm half an hour ago, and made it through in well under 3 hours. Just the Ark and The Covenant to go...and then we can start cutting down the times :D ...and then I suppose we'll redo Halo for all those people who want to know if the final ending cutscene shows anything different once all levels have been completed...but there shouldn't be a difference. [b][i]Update - 30th January[/i][/b] I just finished Halo on SLASO. I know we've already done this level before on L.A.S.O. but I figured I'd do it on S.L.A.S.O. both for a challenge and to see if the ending changed. Of course, it didn't ([url=]Click here to see proof of this[/url]). Thanks to The Sage Knight for his quick run-through of Halo, which he did in 28 Minutes. I beat his time by about 10/12 minutes. Thanks to him for the tips though! ([url=]See Last File For Clip[/url]) [b][i]Update - 2nd February[/i][/b] Well, MightyDuckK and Shilly117 and I are off to do a couple levels today...and hopefully finish. Once that's done, we'll begin Speed-Running (as you can see I've had two of the fastest times yet on LASO (Floodgate and Halo). And so, in a combination of awesome SLASO runs, I'll be attempting to do them in the fastest possible time. If you have a fast time for LASO, please don't hesitate to post your clip and your fastest time and add it to the leaderboard. We'll probably be needing a new post for this (within this thread)...since there's like 414 characters left. [b]Update[/b] - 10th February 2008 Wooooooooooooooo. I don't think it gets much better than this...The Covenant=done [b]Update[/b] - 16th February 2008 It's all done :D Within an hour, myself, MightyDuckK, and our new LASOR (Legendary All Skulls On Runner) Avg Camouflaged. It's in the fileshare and looking good. All 9 levels comeplete! Now alls I gotta do is fufill your guys wants by recording the ending to SLASO again to make sure there 100% isn't a 3rd ending. This is the final level for us to have done. Congrats everyone! Now for SLASO stuff. Let's see if we can make the fastest time possible! [b]Update[/b] - 22nd April 2008 L.A.S.O.DASH is now officially comeplete! With the help of "Pahis" (Bnet Account), we have now a new Fast Overall Time of [b]06:02:43 Hours!![/b] Which is great because we suceeded in our mission of completing the game on L.A.S.O. in under 7 Hours! *Will update everything asap* [b]Update[/b] - 27nd April 2008 No more room in this post. *See next post of mine* [b]The L.A.S.O. Runners[/b] [quote][u][url=]SonicJohn[/url] - Killer of Scarabs and other such Giants[/u] [u][url=]Shilly117[/url] - Anchorman[/u] [u][url=]MightyDuckK[/url] - Rocket Wrangler[/u] [u][url=]Sabre911[/url] - Solo Dare-Devil[/u] [u][url=]CYBERPLASMA[/url] - Speed Demon[/U] [u][url=]AvG Camouflaged[/url] - Brutal Brute Devourer[/u] [u][url=]goatrope[/url] - Speed Runner Champ[/u] [u][url=]poopisgood007[/url] - LASO Guru [url=]Pahat Pojat[/url] - S.L.A.S.O. [b]Slayer![/b][/u] [b][i]Honorary Virtual Team Playa[/u][/i][/b]: [url=]Uber Rocket Man Marine 4tw[/url][/quote] [b]Key For Understanding Acronyms:[/b] Awesome Ones: [quote][u]L.A.S.O.[/u] - Legendary All Skulls On - [i]The general catch-all name[/i] [u]S.L.A.S.O.[/u] - Solo Legendary All Skulls On - [i]For Solo Runs[/i] [u]C.L.A.S.O.[/u] - Cooperative Legendary All Skulls On - [i]For Co-op Runs [/i] [u]S.C.L.A.S.O.[/u] - Sorta Cooperative Legendary All Skulls On - [i]When one or more players out of the two/three/four in the game don't play.[/i][/quote] Fastest Time: [quote]1.[i]Sierra 117[/i] - S.L.A.S.O. [u]Best Time:[/u] 00:32:32 - Pahat Pojat 2.[i]Crow's Nest[/i] - S.L.A.S.O. [u]Best Time:[/u] 00:31:09 - Pahat Pojat 3.[i]Tsavo Highway[/i] - S.L.A.S.O. [u]Best Time:[/u] 00:42:42 - Pahat Pojat 4.[i]The Storm[/i] - S.L.A.S.O. [u]Best Time:[/u] 00:27:36 - Pahat Pojat 5.[i]Floodgate[/i] - S.L.A.S.O. - [u]Best Time:[/u] 00:04:41 - Pahat Pojat 6.[i]The Ark[/i] - S.L.A.S.O. - [u]Best Time:[/u] 01:01:50 - Pahat Pojat 7.[i]The Covenant[/i] S.L.A.S.O. - [u]Best Time:[/u] 00:47:35 - Pahat Pojat 8.[i]Cortana[/i] S.L.A.S.O [u]Best Time:[/u] 00:09:35 - Pahat Pojat 9.[I]Halo[/I] S.L.A.S.O. [U]Best Time:[/U] 00:14:00 - Pahat Pojat[/quote] [b]Overal Best L.A.S.O. Time Thus Far:[/b] 03:37:54 My Saved Films: [quote][url=]Sierra 117 CLASO[/url] - 07:48:26 [url=]Crow's Nest SCLASO[/url] - 03:09:33 [url=]Tsavo Highway CLASO[/url]* - 59:03 [url=]The Storm CLASO[/url] - 02:39:32 [url=]Floodgate SLASO[/url] - 05:07 [url=]The Ark[/url] - 03:27:35 [url=]The Covenant[/url] - 04:18:36 [url=]Cortana SCLASO[/url] - 43:31 [url=]Halo SLASO[/url] - 18:48 [url=]SCLASO[/url] - 03:11:48[/quote] [Edited on 05.24.2008 6:33 AM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • I think people are forgetting I've done Cortana... Otherwise thanks for the support! Also: Some Screenshots of Crow's Nest Have been added to the Carnage Report.

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