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9/21/2012 9:19:12 PM

Reverse Mail Sack 2.0

Walk through the door backwards and enjoy the turnabout. The [url=]Reverse Mail Sack[/url] is live. Drinking from the fire hose was its own challenge this week, so I am giving you an art puzzle to solve. It's time for all of you to emulate game designers. One of the questions you answered related to great movies that would make great games. Show me. Choose one of the selections that made the cut in the article. Produce a screen shot from your game. Link the image here. Do not use the image provided in the Sack. Make creative decisions about the format of your game (i.e. FPS, MMO, RPG, side-scroller, et al) and imagine a graphical user interface. What are the objectives? What tools come into play? What's the threat? We'll sort it out and concoct a way to pick a winner on Monday.

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  • I was thinking of an open world Blade Runner game. Story: Three Years after the spectacular escape of several replicants at a remote agricultural planet at the Tau Ceti solar system several batches of telomerase are stolen at the Cubix Chemlab (CC) facilities in Epsilon Eridani. The synthetic overwatch believes that a rogue group of replicators wants to use the telomerase to stop their aging sequence. They decide to send you, a novice Blade Runner, to investigate Cubix Chemlab. CC has hired 50 new employees in the last 3 years, it's up to you to identify the replicators. You can only test 7 employees with the Voight-Kampf apparatus at your disposal so you'll need to gather evidence before you accuse someone. Objectives: The most part of the game consists of finding evidence in the open world (CC compounds and surrounding city). you can also complete optional secondary objectives that will give you more insights in the Blade runner universe and find out why you are restricted from visiting several compounds in CC. Gameplay: You can [url=]move freely [/url]in the dynamic futuristic city and the compounds although you will be attacked by guards/bouncers/police if you are seen in a restricted area or are spotted while breaking in. You have access to several detective tools and a handgun for emergencies. NPC's behave like in Oblivion with a daily/night cycle, so you'll be able to stalk them. Stealth is important in these events. [url=]Here is a screenshot of the Voight-Kampf gameplay.[/url] UI:The UI is minimalistic, you can open your inventory to check your health, ammo, tools, employee dossiers and notes. Health is regenable after a visit to a hospital. You can switch between third person and first person. You'll recieve different endings based on the number of replicators identified, inocents killed and secondary objectives completed. There are 3 replictors at CC, 5 in the city and 4 humans are helping the replicators. The replicators, helpers and the placement of clues are chosen randomly for replayability (like cluedo).

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