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9/8/2012 12:44:14 AM

Let's spend some quality time together (Mail Sack).

[url=]Mail Sack[/url]. Wanna see a grown man cry like a baby? Solve the challenge for this week in less than one hour.

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  • I put it into a decoder and discovered the puzzle resembles a Patristocrat. Here's what I got: [quote]9R3T9 A48R3E3S99A162 A2E75T44HE14E0S3 E9261S5873T6 A0ER522 A2E70T4S59 A0T2 A0E5063SA83524S38332659E51684583522S499663 SHE H26E48 E9222S39H366 SH9A4294187524 S38R067449916R45E5063 S59H3E2 A3833 E25E8 R4E7S5E7527A08R3EE488 R26950E53T3A283369E T8H16745E506 E499A1T1 SH89166499716E48934 T3S59A169419932SS9E7068528R52E59 EH1664 S5 R1E7A59 A122 S4E106E548R4E7549 H166A0993T SET9 H3EE488 R1E649E14T4 S48ER21559A1T4S5934 T74HE9667 A5E552SA0930T0 S S8 R3E3S99A162A2933E3S7E53 TEA05 A5T2A7E526E45E14E7S7E5066A3E H26E489 H56E4 H9A169ET9H569508 R3T84S8R127S T9H526499716E488 R3EES A851692T EH22SRHEH1664S5952445E5160A28R1T94583522 A2591T9419 A122A29 A566S28 R4E9 A49H06850996634 HE53 TEA2E H26659874E0S6E8 RE6S1 R3220A0R33TES4934T0 S7E5162E SE11694391067438R667A5831T9458ERERS883526 S1E9522A2E7269A49106E538 R5E2ST934T6S HE5160A78R4T7S A8 R524419A3T745 EH2664 S8 R5E2A293360S7933E2 S9E94T2S S8A527S28E RE0ST894 T7ES EH161 SH8916RS9E9220S A E1322A38R5E2 STE6R274 HE93 T745E6RE3418751 A50E53T3A283369 A0830T5 S5895T4A4914T2 A68R3E9S1E5166 SHE5160A78R4T7S A8R524419A424A491668529H1T9419R4 TE4883520A0 E132SS H9A169ETR51694H8R4A HA78R3262SE H169A49332654912674RE9222 A94 H4E2 S79H3T22 TE14E2 A4E9668419906E4185322ETE H163A2834284S8 R5T4 A4916E2A29H169 S19932E488R524S A8ERE2 A68R3E74 HE TRESS5E6 RE445E515743833 ESS HER422S HE1322A38R16E488R35 HA2931T4549116945933 EE48934 T64H9A1TE45R151 HA083569S5E93 TE4197160S S9H3E3 SS9H3T5ETE11694391067438R52449 E7220A385162ST835 T4SSR31T0S A8526E419932E48934TE499R15 HA78R3262SE13 T649E722E489H4T2 A4912674R933E3S383429E TR33 TES8835 E2S19R426459 A566S28 R4E9A49 H1E4 ST88RE441E A169 SH9R163559S869A48366441E142 SET[/quote] I feel like there are many words in there that we could easily solve except for the fact that they are hidden by numbers in the middle. Hope this helps.

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