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4/21/2007 12:56:30 AM

Bungie Weekly Update

Very, very short Weekly Update today, but some good news about failed Halo 2 map downloads, at the very least.

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  • OMG thank you so much... i couldnt have done it without you

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  • Yah uhhh i can't seem to download the maps because its saying i don't have a premium accout but i had my gold account download the other maps no problem now theis one are being me mean to me lol, any who you guys said you fix the problem but yet i still can't download them and i want to get on matchmaking sooon. i can only play double team And hardcore but i wana play team slayer n snips. can you guys please help me..... i will tell you what i do... I go to the downloading area n its auto go to this screen says that i have can't download the premium content and its keep telling me to change the settings and i did meany of times . plz can any one help i called the 1-800-MY-XBOX they didn't even pick up n now i have o ask you poeple since your GODS !!!! WEll plz help me out MY tag is oo kickass oo

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  • gettin premium download error even tho i have them enabled on my 360....does any1 kno how to fix this or do i hav 2 keep trying?

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  • April 30th... captins log.. lol. But really i try to download em again today. and whats this? i have to buy them again?!?! ok so i buy em... its only another 4.50 canadian. So i buy em they start to download correctly.. a little less than half way.... INSTALLATION FAILED. just great =) edit:"o yea i got em just now =)" [Edited on 05.01.2007 8:16 PM PDT]

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  • My maps still wont download ):

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HyperGrunt [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Weasel of Evil [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Octane104 yea, Bungie, your bad; your -blam!- time wasting, dumbass bad. I've trusted you in the past, but these new maps were a monumental failure to deliver a product.[/quote] Oh wow this guy is a bk[/quote] Okay, so what the heck is a bk?? One guy called me that in xbox connect and then booted me. I wasn't doing a thing! I think it's time for another Bungie update. It's been about a week now. -Hyper[/quote]bk means bad kid but the only people who use that term are nerds that play this game 24/7. Sorry if im offending any of you , but its true.

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  • The big exciting thing that was supposed to happen was probably the "leaked" halo 3 gameplay on the remake of zanzibar. It's pretty sweet :D

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  • Bungie is ones of the top game design corporations in the U.S. I think we can cut them a little slack. I want the maps too, but I can also wait. Or get my money back. >_>

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Harlen 1st post ever!!!!..........Were's the weekly update,i'm gettin a little agitatided!!!!! It's messin up my routine!!!!! By the way Frankie,I haven't thanked you for being such a nice Host and feeding use with little sugar cubes of goodness on a weekly base'es,It's got me feeling like i'm strung out on crack!!!!! I need my fix!![/quote] what he said

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  • 1st post ever!!!!..........Were's the weekly update,i'm gettin a little agitatided!!!!! It's messin up my routine!!!!! By the way Frankie,I haven't thanked you for being such a nice Host and feeding use with little sugar cubes of goodness on a weekly base'es,It's got me feeling like i'm strung out on crack!!!!! I need my fix!!

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  • everyone needs to stop their -blam!-in about the maps not bein in MM especially those who complain that ppl dont hav the maps complain way 2 -blam!- much so everyone just shut the -blam!- up and stop their damn whining....i dont hav the maps and it sucks but i dont -blam!- about it 2 everyone

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  • Edited by Delete_User: 8/9/2020 9:26:08 PM

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  • Edited by Delete_User: 8/9/2020 9:13:47 PM

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  • STILL....cant download the maps??

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  • omg, u guys are -blam!-s. It isnt our fault, and Bungie should NOT exclude us by updating MM. They are the ones that screwed us, and so u think they should just forget us and continue to please all of u? Hell no! Thats so fukin wrong...

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  • [quote] i think it's time for another Bungie update. It's been about a week now. -Hyper[/quote] i do too but bungie has to deal with the maps because all these blam-ing morons that keep complaning. [Edited on 04.26.2007 8:19 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Weasel of Evil [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Octane104 yea, Bungie, your bad; your -blam!- time wasting, dumbass bad. I've trusted you in the past, but these new maps were a monumental failure to deliver a product.[/quote] Oh wow this guy is a bk[/quote] Okay, so what the heck is a bk?? One guy called me that in xbox connect and then booted me. I wasn't doing a thing! I think it's time for another Bungie update. It's been about a week now. -Hyper [Edited on 04.26.2007 7:57 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] IcedSpartan [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Colby likes butt [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Throwing beef i hate it that some of you are having problems downloading these maps , but most of us have them and have had them for over a week now , but iam ready to play on them in MM. why should the majority of us have to wait for the few . i understand that their are problems that need to be fixed, and as well they should be, all iam saying is that Certain Affinity took a long time to make these maps and to make them wright, with little or no problems . now i also understand that most of the people that are haveing problems is not directly related to actually downloading the maps but problems with credit cards , purchasing them . like i said why should the majority of us have to wait for the few? they could still be able to play , just not on the new maps [/quote] I agree there is way more people that have the maps then people who dont. The reason there is so many pages of complaints is because it is alot of the same people posting every day complaining about it. For the people that cant download it, I know it probably pisses you off that you cant get them, but that is no reason to make the people that actually got them to wait. Besides there is still other gametypes that dont require the maps. Its not like you are totally excluded from matchmaking.[/quote] Umm, most of the people are having downloading and installing problems, not purchasing problems, and since they are downloading problems and installing problems, they are completly out of our control... And with that last post there you are making it sound like it is our fault that they are not working... For most of us it isnt our fault...[/quote]All im saying is that most people have the new maps.I have about 70 or 80 people on my friends list and i havent gotten a message or anything from any of them saying that they cant download the maps. I'm not saying it is your fault that you cant dl them all I am saying is that the reason there is so many pages of complaints is there is the same people complaining every single day. I also think that i should not have to wait for them to go into matchmaking when i already have them. Im not saying that they shouldnt fix the problem you are having either, I just think that the majority of us that have the maps should not have to wait for the smaller group of people who dont have them. I know that someone is gonna quote me on this giving me some huge paragraph explanation with big words trying to make themselves sound smart and that they know what they are talking about, but I dont care.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Colby likes butt [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Throwing beef i hate it that some of you are having problems downloading these maps , but most of us have them and have had them for over a week now , but iam ready to play on them in MM. why should the majority of us have to wait for the few . i understand that their are problems that need to be fixed, and as well they should be, all iam saying is that Certain Affinity took a long time to make these maps and to make them wright, with little or no problems . now i also understand that most of the people that are haveing problems is not directly related to actually downloading the maps but problems with credit cards , purchasing them . like i said why should the majority of us have to wait for the few? they could still be able to play , just not on the new maps [/quote] I agree there is way more people that have the maps then people who dont. The reason there is so many pages of complaints is because it is alot of the same people posting every day complaining about it. For the people that cant download it, I know it probably pisses you off that you cant get them, but that is no reason to make the people that actually got them to wait. Besides there is still other gametypes that dont require the maps. Its not like you are totally excluded from matchmaking.[/quote] Umm, most of the people are having downloading and installing problems, not purchasing problems, and since they are downloading problems and installing problems, they are completly out of our control... And with that last post there you are making it sound like it is our fault that they are not working... For most of us it isnt our fault... [Edited on 04.26.2007 6:56 PM PDT]

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  • um hay guys whats up. tho i may write like in -blam!- here it gos. almost 2 weeks know the maps have been out i have been waiting to play them with other people on matchmaking for that loing. this should not take as loing as it is right know. i hope i can play on these maps befor i get halo 2 vista because i wont play them. heres my question how come you guys at bungie are not seting up as quick as you did for the other maps? (the other maps came out for $11.99. $4 is not very high priced so i would have thought they would of been on match making after the first week like the other maps.) my other quistion; does halo 2 pc have these maps or i'm i going to have to go custom?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Octane104 yea, Bungie, your bad; your -blam!- time wasting, dumbass bad. I've trusted you in the past, but these new maps were a monumental failure to deliver a product.[/quote] Oh wow this guy is a bk

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  • Anybody know what's "going to happen very shortly" in terms of the next official Bungie podcast as posted in the last line of the update? This interests me much .

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Colby likes butt [/quote] I agree there is way more people that have the maps then people who dont. The reason there is so many pages of complaints is because it is alot of the same people posting every day complaining about it. For the people that cant download it, I know it probably pisses you off that you cant get them, but that is no reason to make the people that actually got them to wait. Besides there is still other gametypes that dont require the maps. Its not like you are totally excluded from matchmaking.[/quote] Even though i am having problems with my download, i also think that people shouldnt keep posting the same problem hundreds of times on like 4 different forums. No wonder Bungie doesnt respond, i know i wouldn't want to sift through all 13 pages of just this forum and that isn't counting the others ive seen with 30 pages of the same thing. I hope after this i will not see another post with the same problem everybody else has, because that is just one more reason Bungie shouldn't pay attention to the halo 2 population.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Throwing beef i hate it that some of you are having problems downloading these maps , but most of us have them and have had them for over a week now , but iam ready to play on them in MM. why should the majority of us have to wait for the few . i understand that their are problems that need to be fixed, and as well they should be, all iam saying is that Certain Affinity took a long time to make these maps and to make them wright, with little or no problems . now i also understand that most of the people that are haveing problems is not directly related to actually downloading the maps but problems with credit cards , purchasing them . like i said why should the majority of us have to wait for the few? they could still be able to play , just not on the new maps [/quote] I agree there is way more people that have the maps then people who dont. The reason there is so many pages of complaints is because it is alot of the same people posting every day complaining about it. For the people that cant download it, I know it probably pisses you off that you cant get them, but that is no reason to make the people that actually got them to wait. Besides there is still other gametypes that dont require the maps. Its not like you are totally excluded from matchmaking.

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  • i hate it that some of you are having problems downloading these maps , but most of us have them and have had them for over a week now , but iam ready to play on them in MM. why should the majority of us have to wait for the few . i understand that their are problems that need to be fixed, and as well they should be, all iam saying is that Certain Affinity took a long time to make these maps and to make them wright, with little or no problems . now i also understand that most of the people that are haveing problems is not directly related to actually downloading the maps but problems with credit cards , purchasing them . like i said why should the majority of us have to wait for the few? they could still be able to play , just not on the new maps

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  • The oddest part of this whole thing is... My credit card info is right... i paid my money ... I'm getting installation problems.... I've tried just about everything... my roomate has an xbox 360 too.. at first he was having problems .... we put his correct credit card info in b/c he was having the purchase failed message ... and then he got the same error message like me... but after awhile the menu showed the new download content symbol and we tried again and it worked for him... but i still cant get the maps on my 360.. and i paid for them four days before we tried getting his. So what the heck is going on? I cant even play system link at my house with my friends this really sucks.

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