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originally posted in: How a Bully Saved my Life
12/6/2012 11:26:43 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Studness4 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] General Dripik You needed some douche to tell you that? To change you? I was left with severe social anxiety disorder because of those -blam!-s. If I ever saw one again I'd beat them within an inch of their life. ITT idiots trying to justify bullying.[/quote] For simple bullying? I personally harbor no ill will towards the guy who bullied me. If anything I would shake his hand and buy him a beer, he helped me become the man I am today and am happy he acted like a jerk, besides hes probably a normal guy now, same with your bullies. No need beating them up over the past.[/quote] Funny enough, I ran into my bully at a bar a few months ago. He's still an -blam!-. Obviously he's not as overt about it now because you can't get away with beating random people up when you're a legal adult, but he hasn't changed one bit. Dude hasn't learned anything about life. He still gets the same ditzy girls who are attracted to his "bad boy" attitude and then loses them when he cheats on them. I had a long chat with one of his many ex-girlfriends and learned a lot about the kind of person he is.

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