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11/27/2012 9:34:01 PM

Seventh Column Council revival.

Hello there, community. I was searching through my saved threads the other day and something caught my attention. There was something being organized that, at least not to my knowledge, never really lifted off. It was called, "The Seventh Column Council". For those of you who don't know what I'm blabbering about, [url=]read up[/url]. For those too lazy to read up, I'll give you a brief description. The basic idea was to create a self-governing body to organize activites within the community. This isn't about gamenights or interviews, however. The Community Carnage and Community Joes do a fantastic job of entertaining and bringing the community closer together, but this is the next step. If we were to someday manage the organization of this we could make a massive community gathering like "Bungiecon" or "Bungiefest" a reality. I mean, think about PAX. They started out small and now PAX is a huge thing. Anyways, that isn't what this thread is about. I am writing this to attempt, keyword being attempt, to revive the old Seventh Column Council idea. If we could just come together and work as a community, we could pull it off. Here's the problem, however: it would involve voting. I know people here, myself included, are concerned with popularity outweighing the actual qualifications. I think if we looked at our government, and by we I mean the U.S. government (no offense to people outside the U.S.), we could see how to solve this issue. The key to making a voting system work is through checks and balances. [b][u]How it could work[/b][/u]: We could make this a month-long event, monitored closely by the moderators and employees, and separate it into four parts. [b]Week 1[/b]: Nomination process. [b]Week 2[/b]: Community questions for candidates (could take same order mail sack does). [b]Week 3[/b]: Community elects official candidates (number of candidates could be decided later). [b]Week 4[/b]: Offical election of Candidates. Now, once we have all officials elected here is how we could make this system work. Each official elected by the community [i]could[/i] be given a title in the main forums, if Bungie were to allow this. This wouldn't be something just to show off, however. It would be so that the officials could actually be held accountable for their responsibilities as an elected official. They would be in charge of working with the community to organize and carry-out community events. If the community feels that the officials are not performing the best they could (now being active enough, not creating events, not working with other officials, etc) there could be an offical way to remove an official from office. They could also serve a 1 or 2 year term and I think there should also be a requirement to be considered for nomination. These requirements could possibly be ammount of activity and ban history so that the community could know whether or not the member would be a good candidate. I feel that it would be important to establish this sometime before Destiny arrives so that when the new members arrive so they can immediately get involved and feel welcome. Again, the purpose of this council would to bring the community closer together and take the next step in community events. These are just my thoughts on these, but I feel that others should consider this as well. What do you think, community? Any other ideas? [Edited on 11.27.2012 1:37 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coxx153 Precisely what YANW is for[/quote]Oh please. This community council is predicated upon the election of whichever people are arbitrarily designated by the community. YANW sidesteps all the bureaucracy. p.s. - Change your avatar. Like, now. [Edited on 11.27.2012 4:07 PM PST]

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