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1/8/2013 3:44:11 PM

Anyone excited for the new Xbox?

Are you? I am
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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BENNY 092 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr TimothyLeary [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DarkestSeptagon [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BENNY 092 Nope I speculate that: -Ridiculously high launch price -If its anything like the 360 it will be rushed to beat the PS4 launch so it could be faulty: RROD-like problems again -[u]Microsoft are moving from away from a gaming console to an entertainment console: expect to see more Kinect like rubbish which therefore means less hardcore games[/u] - Lack of decent launch games -Lack of new IPs: Halo, Gears, Fable, Forza are the main ones the Xbox exclusively has, new ones are really needed for the next gen. [/quote]Not sure I understand your logic there. Microsoft is adding more entertainment features, that's not going to stop any games from coming to the Xbox or being made.[/quote]Current rumors state that there will be two versions of the box. One will be a traditional console with a blueray drive. The other is expected to be more of a media center that is used just for movies, music, and downloadable games. Doesn't mean they're moving away from anything, though. Just throwing things against a wall and seeing if it sticks. There very well may be a market for such a device. [/quote] That's slijghtly more reassuring, but I'd rather they just concentrate on making 1 console just for gaming. It's obvious that they will make it play movies, music and search the web. But i wish they didnt cram it down our throats with all the advertising; majority of people have itunes, dvd/blu ray player and a computer/laptop for the internet. We dont need lesser versions of each on consoles.[/quote]I agree to a point. But they pay attention to market trends and popularity just like anyone else. And there's no denying the success of media devices like Apple tv and Roku boxes. Hell, I have an Apple tv and two Roku boxes myself. Along with several dvd, blue ray, consoles, and whatnot. If there's a market for it, any company will try to get a foothold in it. And Xbox has always wanted to be an "all-in-one" device, anyway.

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