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1/7/2013 1:15:04 AM

Preparing for when The Darkness no longer protects our Kingdom.

Fellow Septagonians, we are on the brink of war. Soon(TM), the Darkness that has protected us these many months will fall. The hordes of new users who don't understand the meaning of our humble home will come. They will post many off-topic threads on the subject of Destiny. As loyal members of the Seventh Column, it's our duty to protect this place from them. We must practice, so we may identify the evils around us and how to counteract them. It is our Destiny! ---------------------------- [quote][u][b][i]Offensive Techiques of the Dark Arts and their Practitioners:[/i][/b][/u][/quote] [quote][b]Ignoramusing[/b][/quote] Mostly used by those unfamiliar in our Customs. They may ask for Flames of Blue, or even armor for scouting. These times may have passed, but they shall remain, as is their way. Feel pitty for it's practitioners, education is the best option. With it, they shall join our ranks, contributing to the cause. [quote][b]Neyspeaking[/b][/quote] Unfortunetely, dark beings will someday find this place once more. We have Flooded many of them out of our Reach. They stir discontent with their fury words. At this very instant, our brightest scholars toil away; attempting to discern the meaning of their cryptic words, such as "Frame Rate" and "Randoms". Their dark propaganda is best handled by experienced wizards. Report them. They are not pleased with the grand Destiny of all, arguing will do nothing. [quote][b]Trolling[/b][/quote] One of the oldest and most barbaric of the Dark Arts, Trolling is practiced by many fallen peoples. To this day they infiltrate our ranks, sucking at the life of our grand community. Be wary, for anyone may practice. Though today's practitioner of the art do not come close to the skills of the techniques from the days of olde, they still must be felt with accordingly. Many variations exist, but most often occur in either an infuriating tactic or false-flag offenses. [quote][b]-Infuriating[/b] Spreading false information or claiming an opinion on a topic held dear to the hearts of many. Seeds of fury spread from their words, ignore them as best you can, or else fire may rain from the heavens. Should a fire storm erupt, contacting your local wizard is your best option. [b]-False-Flag Offenses[/b] Sometimes when practitioners, or "Trolls", become bored, they cast their dark magic over themselves, giving them the appearance of any numerous beings. Sometimes they disguise themselves as practitioners of [i]Neyspeaking[/i] in hopes of using their ability to [i]Infuriate[/i] to bring fire down from the sky, a shared tactic between the two arts. Report them to avoid conflict. [b]-Par O' Dying[/b] Those who use this evil have little left to offer. They often give up and sacrifice themselves to the wizards. This dark art is essentially stealing the works of others and twisting it for the pleasure. Since they hide not their misdoings, they beith easily spotted, metaphorically dying without a fight. This has lead to the act being reffered to as dying by Par O', or [i]"Par O' Dying"[/i]. You can spot and report these offenses easily to your local wizard. [/quote] [quote][i]Note: "Trolling" is a large and varied dark art, and as such not all techniques are mentioned.[/i][/quote] ---------------------------- [quote][u][b][i]Defensive Techiques against the Dark Arts and their Practitioners:[/i][/b][/u][/quote] [quote][b]Educating[/b][/quote] This is a technique used for dealing with those who practice [i]Ignoramusing[/i]. One must understand that many, if not all who practice this often don't understand our ways here. Explaining how they may correct their ways is often enough to keep them from being recruited for other, darker arts. Quite literally, educate them on how they have forgone our Communities rules, and how they may avoid them in the future. [quote][b]Reporting[/b][/quote] Simple and easy to do, reporting consists of alerting the Wizards to misgivings within the community. Simply send a scroll "reporting" infractions by pressing Report under it. For extreme circumstances, it's possible to alert a wizard via a "Private Scroll", or "PSing". [quote][/quote] [quote]Remember, we must defend our home once the Darkness recedes. Never attempt to combat those who practice Dark Arts. Leave that to the experienced Wizards. If you have any questions, remember this rule of thumb: [b]PS Grand Wizard Duardo.[/b][/quote] [quote][i]Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any misconceptions you may have on this scroll. I may not be blamed or attacked should you be banished from the kingdom as a result of said misconception.[/i][/quote] [Edited on 01.06.2013 5:16 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] prometheus25 "Themed" posts like this are the reason Foe Hammer crashed in the end of Halo. You should feel bad.[/quote] She was pretentious anyways.

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