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1/22/2007 11:20:42 PM

Fan Art Submissions

Every month in The Gallery, we have a new thread for people to submit their own Bungie fan art. You’ll need to link your submission in that thread and at the end of the month we will gather the top submissions, host them and post them in a top story with all due credits. Yes, you will get mad street credz. The guidelines are pretty standard. No limitations on size (we’ll host the original file, but we will likely shrink it to 350px wide in order to display it properly on our page). Content... no pr0nz. I don’t care if it’s Bungie related, we’re not hosting pr0nz. Other generally unacceptable items include: gratuitous gore, copyright infringement and/or using others’ work without permission. Outside of that, anything goes. You can submit a creation in paint that took you 2 seconds, but we’re not going to feature it on the site (unless you’re Frankie). We’ll be featuring the best of a particular batch. We’re not limiting ourselves to a certain amount of submissions per posting, if a piece should be featured then it will be. You should really only submit new art. If you've created art in the past, please don't submit it. I know there's a lot, LOT of good stuff out there already, that's why we're doing this. But we can't have older pieces submitted or we could go on forever like that. Please only submit new works. We're not asking for exclusivity either. Go ahead and post them to all the usual blog, forum or the HBO Misc Art secion as you please. ONLY SUBMIT YOUR OWN WORK. Why would you submit someone else's work? It's their work, they can submit it. [b]In your post you must have A) the title of your piece, B) the name you'd like to appear with the piece. In fact it'd be best if you did that in the filename as well, "ThePieceNamebyMyName.jpg" if possible.[/b] If I have to log in to a service to see your piece, it's not going to get done, so don't host them on myspace or whatever. Please do not submit more than one or two pieces at a time. If you made a whole bunch, then pick your favorites and either wait for next month or just link the rest of them in case people are interested. Disclaimer: We’re not soliciting this artwork to be used for profit or in any commercial capacity by Bungie Studios. We are simply looking to give Bnet users a place to submit their artwork and ultimately to highlight and give the best of it a home.
#Gallery #FanArt

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  • ok i am sorry if it seams like i am posting a lot of pictures. may i ask how many are aloud to be posted? and here are 2 more. [url=]recruiting[/url] [url=]australian halo[/url] both made by me zac moffitt

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  • There is always a large amount of halo artwork, but what about the classics? [url=]Mosaic1[/url] Basic Mosaic goodness [url=]Mosaic2[/url] For those of us who can't see what is going on. Each of those tiles is a screenshot taken from within the game (shrunk down, there are over 20000 tiles). Pretty nice, eh? RESPECT THE CLASSICS Vote Marathon Infinity for President PS. feel free to download them, but be warned. They are Huge (2880x1803... don't ask about that 3) [Edited on 1/25/2007]

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  • Title: Beyond the Horizon Aritist: Dalton Black Style: Free Hand with Charcol Address: [url=]Beyond The Horizon[/url] (I'm 13 so be nice about it) [Edited on 1/27/2007]

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  • hunterm90, those are some very good manipulations.

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  • Name of my Fan art is: 2 pictures, R.I.P Steve Irwin and Run little grunt! By: Helloworldofbngy Both pics: [url=] Hide grunt! HIDE![/url] [Edited on 3/8/2007]

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  • Model of a Halo 2 shotgun made entirely out of Lego bricks [url=] Lego Shotgun[/url] [url=] More Pics [/url] [url=] More Pics[/url]

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  • ******Take these out my actual entry is in a later post******* [Edited on 1/29/2007]

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  • well um its good to be on here and i have 2 picture that i have drawn and edited on my computer. i am extreamly new to this so dont get anoyed over me stufing up something. [url=] old body, old guns[/url] made by zac moffitt [url=] oh god, time to do it all over again[/url] and this is also made my me zac moffitt thanks to bungie for giving me the insperation to make these.. [Edited on 1/24/2007]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazyDragon16 *coughs* sorry I submitted three pics at the same time, didn't label them n' so n' so forth. *slaps self for stupidity* Ignore the last post, i'll just submit one pic (my most recent). It's called Elites Seeing Blue, it was done in ballpoint pen. I don't know the grand total of hours I spent but the one elite on the left took me three hours. I used pencil guidlines for the elite on the right, which funny enough, is the only thing in this picture that turned out reasonably alright. This is my 2nd attempt at Elites and hell i've also lost count with how many references I used. Elites Seeing Blue: [url][/url] [/quote] Just 'cause it'd be a shame if Bungie skipped this one over due to lack of link-ness.

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  • never mind... [Edited on 2/1/2007]

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  • This is on eof my favorites. TITLE: THE LONG ROAD HOME [url=¤t=The-Long-Road-Home.jpg]THE LONG ROAD HOME[/url] enjoy. [Edited on 2/1/2007]

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  • here's my submissions for the month i might have more coming but this is it so far enjoy [url=¤t=135720.jpg]first drawing[/url] [url=¤t=130351.jpg]new brute drawing[/url] [url=¤t=spartacus2.jpg]naughty halo[/url]

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  • thank you for that i will check them out ive change the colour so it looks more spartan/reclaimerish any thoughts on the colour ??? what colour should it be?? [url=]forerunner armour[/url] By Addison Marshall [Edited on 2/2/2007]

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  • Photoshop or JASC Paintshop Pro, they have a lot of layer effects you can do, that are really good.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xXSycomunkeeXx Hope you guys like them, BTW I got a BETA INVITE!!!! That also got me hyped for making these wallpapers. Anyway, enjoy![/quote] well done on the beta invite heres my piece does nebody know how i can get a better colour shading effect?? [url=]forerunner armour[/url] By Addison Marshall [Edited on 2/2/2007]

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  • Here are 2 of my pieces, I made clouds with a brush I found, and it reminded me of the "ark Storm" and how epic the final Halo will be. [url=]Beginning Of The End[/url] [url=]Eye Of The Storm[/url] Hope you guys like them, BTW I got a BETA INVITE!!!! That also got me hyped for making these wallpapers. Anyway, enjoy!

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  • *coughs* sorry I submitted three pics at the same time, didn't label them n' so n' so forth. *slaps self for stupidity* Ignore the last post, i'll just submit one pic (my most recent). It's called Elites Seeing Blue, it was done in ballpoint pen. I don't know the grand total of hours I spent but the one elite on the left took me three hours. I used pencil guidlines for the elite on the right, which funny enough, is the only thing in this picture that turned out reasonably alright. This is my 2nd attempt at Elites and hell i've also lost count with how many references I used. Elites Seeing Blue:

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  • title:[url=]The Flood[/url] credited to: Daniel "messenjah" Winnett (= me) man its amazing what you can do when youre bored in a hospital bed isn't it?

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  • Here, its small, but my best so far. I might apply with more later though, depending on how my graphics stuff comes. I call it Debri Field. [url][/url] [Edited on 1/24/2007]

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  • Edited on 2/16/07 [Edited on 2/16/2007]

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  • I've only done three real pictures of Halo thingery's so here they are: 1st attempt at elite with Photoshop: 2nd attempt at elites with ballpoint pen: 1st true attempt at MC with my character CrazyDragon:

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jessHAZ Title: The Chief By: jessHAZ [url=]Link.[/url] URL: Comments: It was done in Photoshop, line by line.[/quote] That is the shiz, Im going to edit it, and use it as my MSN Its really good!

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  • First Submission: [url=] Aftermath. by CANTANATRIX[/url] [Edited on 1/30/2007]

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  • [url=]Soffish[/url]. -[i]Hobo Grunt[/i]

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  • [url=] My pimp halo graphic. [/url] I did this one on gimp.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] O Caboose O Don't think about drawing hands, just draw the shapes you see...that's about all there is to it...just a case of how good you are at drawing after that. That drawing was great by the way.[/quote] thanks on both counts :)

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