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1/22/2007 11:20:42 PM

Fan Art Submissions

Every month in The Gallery, we have a new thread for people to submit their own Bungie fan art. You’ll need to link your submission in that thread and at the end of the month we will gather the top submissions, host them and post them in a top story with all due credits. Yes, you will get mad street credz. The guidelines are pretty standard. No limitations on size (we’ll host the original file, but we will likely shrink it to 350px wide in order to display it properly on our page). Content... no pr0nz. I don’t care if it’s Bungie related, we’re not hosting pr0nz. Other generally unacceptable items include: gratuitous gore, copyright infringement and/or using others’ work without permission. Outside of that, anything goes. You can submit a creation in paint that took you 2 seconds, but we’re not going to feature it on the site (unless you’re Frankie). We’ll be featuring the best of a particular batch. We’re not limiting ourselves to a certain amount of submissions per posting, if a piece should be featured then it will be. You should really only submit new art. If you've created art in the past, please don't submit it. I know there's a lot, LOT of good stuff out there already, that's why we're doing this. But we can't have older pieces submitted or we could go on forever like that. Please only submit new works. We're not asking for exclusivity either. Go ahead and post them to all the usual blog, forum or the HBO Misc Art secion as you please. ONLY SUBMIT YOUR OWN WORK. Why would you submit someone else's work? It's their work, they can submit it. [b]In your post you must have A) the title of your piece, B) the name you'd like to appear with the piece. In fact it'd be best if you did that in the filename as well, "ThePieceNamebyMyName.jpg" if possible.[/b] If I have to log in to a service to see your piece, it's not going to get done, so don't host them on myspace or whatever. Please do not submit more than one or two pieces at a time. If you made a whole bunch, then pick your favorites and either wait for next month or just link the rest of them in case people are interested. Disclaimer: We’re not soliciting this artwork to be used for profit or in any commercial capacity by Bungie Studios. We are simply looking to give Bnet users a place to submit their artwork and ultimately to highlight and give the best of it a home.
#Gallery #FanArt

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] dejavus447 [url=] My pimp halo graphic. [/url] I did this one on gimp.[/quote] I am NOT entering this for the contest, stil working on that, just wanted to counter this piece.(it's cool btw) [url=]Gangsta MC[/url] i know that KP said not to post more then 1 pic, but can i post but not enter it? plz [Edited on 1/29/2007]

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  • Title:[url=][u]Lazy Like A Sunday Morn'[/u][/url] Artist: KoG Cheddarbob Comments are appreciated this is a self made image cut that I made. I took an image and cut it up into several images and put together a new image it's kind of like mosaic with the computer.

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  • well this is NOT I REPEAT NOT mine but i thought it was quite intresting im working on my halo 3 cover now [url=] Alot of Halo 3 fake covers [/url] And here are some cool halo comics i helped make one of them =) [url=] Alot of Halo Comics click the arrow at bottom to go to next one [/url] Name: Spartan7777 (leading spartan) [Edited on 2/9/2007]

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  • Correct me if I did this wrong; I'm kind of a noob; this is a photoshop illustration of what I want for H3: [url=]Raulboy[/url] [Edited on 1/30/2007]

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  • here is: [url=]first strike[/url] [url=]MJOLNIR armour[/url] this is a drawing of the real armour from the MJOLNIR site

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HaloHunter117 how about my tribute to the chief... or chiefs in this case [url=]revolution of the chief[/url] commemorating how much work has been put into the chief over the years comments ?[/quote] lol doesnt the spartan from halo wars remind you of a frog or something, his arms and legs are huge!

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  • I figured a more light-hearted pic was in order given that my last submission was not very cheery. Presenting [url=] He Will Rock You by CANTANATRIX[/url] Also known as "Shut yo s-blam!- Mendez, it's MY turn to use the rock!" [Edited on 1/28/2007]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HaloHunter117 these are: [url=]covenant[/url] [url=]UNSC[/url] [url=]flood[/url] i will probably do one for halo 3 when its released because there wiull be more characters etc comments? [/quote] I love it. [i]Maybe[/i] you can clean it up a little bit.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] UsefulSilent1 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] UsefulSilent1 [url=] COOLEST MC PICTURE EVA!!!!!!!![/url] can someone please put this into a link please i cant get it to work just remember my name and give me some credit plz[/quote] again sum1 help it may be on artpad but its awesome[/quote] there ye go edit: yeah you need to actually link to the pic u did not the site cos that link just goes to the site.. [Edited on 1/28/2007]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] UsefulSilent1 [url=] COOLEST MC PICTURE EVA!!!!!!!![url=/] can someone please put this into a link please i cant get it to work just remember my name and give me some credit plz[/quote] again sum1 help it may be on artpad but its awesome

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  • [quote]Elites Seeing Blue: i'm wondering how you can get that much detail with a ballpoint pen, how big the dang paper was, and how does your ballpoint pen flow so smoothly? [/quote] I cushion the picture i'm working on with about ten other sheets underneith and then I just basically scratch lightly line by line with the pen. I overlap in the same or different direction to build shape and shadows.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HaloHunter117 how about my tribute to the chief... or chiefs in this case [url=]revolution of the chief[/url] commemorating how much work has been put into the chief over the years comments ?[/quote] it's a good idea but the cuts are pretty scratchy

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  • i used referances on the cortana, chief and sgt johnson from halobabies yer wot do u think ? none of it has been traced though if thats what you think [Edited on 1/28/2007]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HaloHunter117 these are: [url=]covenant[/url] [url=]UNSC[/url] [url=]flood[/url] i will probably do one for halo 3 when its released because there wiull be more characters etc comments? [/quote] HaloBabies?

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  • these are: [url=]covenant[/url] [url=]UNSC[/url] [url=]flood[/url] By Addison Marshall i will probably do one for halo 3 when its released because there wiull be more characters etc comments? [Edited on 2/2/2007]

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  • how about my tribute to the chief... or chiefs in this case [url=]revolution of the chief[/url] By Addison Marshall commemorating how much work has been put into the chief over the years comments ? [Edited on 2/2/2007]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elite avengingx7 alright, here is my art, two different pictures. [URL=]Blade of the Prophets[/URL] [URL=]You Just Might Die[/URL] the first one is of an elite, the second is of my version of the master chief before i looked at the H3 version in detail. oh yeah, i'm only 16. i'd appreciate some constructive criticism, other than use better paper and a better scanner. both are done free-hand with 2B pencil. both are done by me, Geoff Dunn.[/quote] About You Just Might Die, it's very good. Very, VERY good. Juts one minor problem: the right arm is too straight. It looks unnatural. It should be bent just the tiniest amount. Otherwise great.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazyDragon16 It's called Elites Seeing Blue, it was done in ballpoint pen. I don't know the grand total of hours I spent but the one elite on the left took me three hours. I used pencil guidlines for the elite on the right, which funny enough, is the only thing in this picture that turned out reasonably alright. This is my 2nd attempt at Elites and hell i've also lost count with how many references I used. Elites Seeing Blue: [/quote] i'm wondering how you can get that much detail with a ballpoint pen, how big the dang paper was, and how does your ballpoint pen flow so smoothly?

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  • alright, here is my art, two different pictures. [URL=]Blade of the Prophets[/URL] [URL=]You Just Might Die[/URL] the first one is of an elite, the second is of my version of the master chief before i looked at the H3 version in detail. oh yeah, i'm only 16. i'd appreciate some constructive criticism, other than use better paper and a better scanner. both are done free-hand with 2B pencil. both are done by me, Geoff Dunn. [Edited on 1/27/2007]

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  • [url=] COOLEST MC PICTURE EVA!!!!!!!![url=/] can someone please put this into a link please i cant get it to work just remember my name and give me some credit plz [Edited on 1/27/2007]

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  • I GOTA BETA INVITE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xXSycomunkeeXx Here are 2 of my pieces, I made clouds with a brush I found, and it reminded me of the "ark Storm" and how epic the final Halo will be. [url=]Beginning Of The End[/url] [url=]Eye Of The Storm[/url] Hope you guys like them, BTW I got a BETA INVITE!!!! That also got me hyped for making these wallpapers. Anyway, enjoy![/quote]

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  • [url=]Transition[/url] here's the actual finished one but I liked the results of the sketch to photoshop one better [url=]Chief[/url] ~Jun-sIk [Edited on 1/27/2007]

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  • [url=]The Mongoose[/url] Its not much...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x InF4m0uS x Friend messed around on paint and come up with these, kinda a lead off of another picture he saw on here. Both are team pictures for our team which is why they have chek on them. [url=] Group pic[/url] [url=]chek mini [/url][/quote] [b][url=]Hmm...[/url][/b] [Edited on 1/26/2007]

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  • my piece finished now its entitled [url=]forerunner class 12 combat skin[/url] i also have [url=]santa will finish the fight[/url] christmassy and floodchief [url=]colour[/url] and [url=]sketch[/url] By Addison Marshall [Edited on 2/2/2007]

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  • ok i am sorry if it seams like i am posting a lot of pictures. may i ask how many are aloud to be posted? and here are 2 more. [url=]recruiting[/url] [url=]australian halo[/url] both made by me zac moffitt

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