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5/25/2010 5:56:46 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] grey101 Im sorry guys but i just have to do this. Terminal 7 "[i][b] You don't know the contortions I had to go through to follow you here, Reclaimer. I know what you're here for. What position do I take? Will I follow one betrayal with another? You're going to say I'm making a habit of turning on my masters. But the one that destroyed me long ago, in the upper atmosphere of a world far distant from here, was an implement far cruder than I. My weakness was capacity - unintentional though it was! - to choose the Flood. A mistake my makers would not soon forgive. But I want something far different from you, Reclaimer. Atonement. And so here at the end of my life, I do once again betray a former master. The path ahead is fraught with peril. But I will do all I can to keep it stable - keep you safe. I'm not so foolish to think this will absolve me of my sins. One life hardly balances billions. But I would have my masters know that I have changed. And you shall be my example. [/i][/b]"[/quote] I completely agree the terminals fleshed out the epic backstory of the forerunner flood war and it isn't noticed by most of the casual fans. But for people who enjoy the canon like myself this just shows how much detail bungie puts into their story lines. On the lighter side of quotes my favorite Johnson quote: "When I joined the corps we didn't have any fancy shmancy tanks! We had sticks! Two sticks and a rock for the whole platoon! And we had to SHARE the rock!" EPIC [Edited on 05.25.2010 10:14 AM PDT]

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