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Edited by FoMan123: 1/3/2014 11:50:53 PM


So many people are quick to trash "casual" gamers who don't play [insert game franchise here] as somehow not being dedicated enough to gaming to be allowed to claim the "gamer" title. But that's a load of bollocks, really, isn't it? I mean, I'm pretty old by the standards of people who enjoy video games enough to post on forums about them. Every day, I talk to dozens of people who never played a 90s Cliffy B-era Epic Megagames PC platformer. I bet only a handful of people on this site have even [i]heard[/i] of Jill of the Jungle or Xargon or Jazz Jackrabbit, let alone played them through. But they call themselves "hardcore" gamers because they've played all of the however many CoD titles there are, which are so mainstream that it's laughable. "Hardcore" is such an arbitrary standard. In my mind, if you want to play mainstream shooters and claim that you're a real gamer, you don't really have a leg to stand on when bashing people who enjoy Wii games or handhelds - or hell, even phone games, for that matter. If you weren't around for when gaming as we know it today was actually starting up, maybe you shouldn't be so quick to throw stones. Maybe we should all stop trying to judge who deserves to be called a real gamer and who doesn't and just enjoy our hobbies, right?
#Flood #Gaming

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  • When you talk about a hardcore gamer, it depends on whether you put the focus on the word hardcore or on the word gamer. "Hardcore" gamers are young poop in a sock gamers who take modern FPS games too seriously. They put too much focus on being hardcore and not enough on being gamers. Personally I find it a sad existence to only play shooters when there are a variety of different types of video game content out there.

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  • nobody cares about what you group yourself into...... as long as you enjoy games as a hobby then you are a gamer..... HEY LOOK I BEAT DARKSOULS AS A SL1 IN 5 HOURS DURRRR you are no better or worse than the single mom that plays farmville of the jock that plays cod each of these people play the game that they like and it has very little to no effect on you.

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  • I think you are missing the point OP. When people say they are hardcore at said game series they mean compared to how the games used to be made to how they are now are less hardcore. Take Halo for example. It's gone so easy and casual now with so many gimmicks and handholding I can see why hardcore competitive players are turning away from it. I don't blame them. When your favorite game series that used to be about skill is turned into "everyone is a winner even if you suck and only play this game once" it's enough to make any dedicated gamer upset.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hoggs Bison [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Co M4N Then why can't you "Live and let live" people who have a different opinion to you about how casuals are ruining the industry? Fail logic is fail. [/quote] Because opinions aren't equally valid. Just because Person A and Person B have different opinions, doesn't mean they're equally right. For example, "ruining the industry" isn't grounded in any kind of reality. There's more variety and creativity in gaming than we've seen ever before. We're finding new ways to play and new ways to play with other people. A growing audience is bringing much-needed diversity to the world of game development. But Co M4N is mad at CoD and Angry Birds, so his opinion matters just as much. [/quote]Reminds me of a great bit by Dara O'Briain, who is a fantastic Irish comedian, where he discusses the ridiculous idea that for the sake of "balance", we need to consider the opinions of people who are uneducated, ignorant or just plain wrong as somehow equally as valid as the opinions of (for example) scientists who are at the top of their respective fields. Not all opinions are equally valid. Someone who says that the gaming industry is being ruined forever by people who play Angry Birds obviously doesn't have a leg to stand on, whereas someone who points out that people playing Angry Birds aren't preventing anyone from pouring hundreds of hours into innovative indie titles or award-winning RPGs is quite clearly backed up by reality. The reason I haven't responded to anyone in this thread who's gotten mad at me for my opinion is that I already know I'm right, and I feel no need to further convince myself.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari 1v1 me irl[/quote] Name the time place and wall.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Simba Too Cold [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Simba Too Cold [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MegaMuffin16 Isn't the point of video games to be played and enjoyed, not obsessed over? Video games should be bringing us together not tearing us apart, especially when the mass media still loves to label us as bad or anti social people.[/quote] I think [i]every[/i] activity on the planet has people who obsess over it. Somewhere in the world are competitive paint-drying watchers.[/quote] Nobody. and I mean NOBODY!!! watches the color red dry like I do. [/quote] Bk scrub I watch blue and everyone knows blue is superior Go home kid[/quote] lol wow. You casuals really think easy on the eyes blue is harder then red? HAHAHAHA Get out casual. [/quote] 1v1 me irl

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hoggs Bison [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari Somewhere in the world are competitive paint-drying watchers.[/quote] DIY-ers are ruining the Paint Dry Watching industry. Now we're getting all these casuals with their weird-ass colors and shades. The casuals are [i]sitting down[/i] while watching paint dry! What happened to the days when you'd just stand back and watch the ol' Navy Blue dry? It was all about skill back then.[/quote] Blame the developers for making the paint too DIY-Friendly

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Simba Too Cold [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MegaMuffin16 Isn't the point of video games to be played and enjoyed, not obsessed over? Video games should be bringing us together not tearing us apart, especially when the mass media still loves to label us as bad or anti social people.[/quote] I think [i]every[/i] activity on the planet has people who obsess over it. Somewhere in the world are competitive paint-drying watchers.[/quote] Nobody. and I mean NOBODY!!! watches the color red dry like I do. [/quote] Bk scrub I watch blue and everyone knows blue is superior Go home kid[/quote] lol wow. You casuals really think easy on the eyes blue is harder then red? HAHAHAHA Get out casual.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari Somewhere in the world are competitive paint-drying watchers.[/quote] DIY-ers are ruining the Paint Dry Watching industry. Now we're getting all these casuals with their weird-ass colors and shades. The casuals are [i]sitting down[/i] while watching paint dry! What happened to the days when you'd just stand back and watch the ol' Navy Blue dry? It was all about skill back then.

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  • I play games my way. If it's a team game. I help my team, try to win and if I don't then oh well on to the next one.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Simba Too Cold [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MegaMuffin16 Isn't the point of video games to be played and enjoyed, not obsessed over? Video games should be bringing us together not tearing us apart, especially when the mass media still loves to label us as bad or anti social people.[/quote] I think [i]every[/i] activity on the planet has people who obsess over it. Somewhere in the world are competitive paint-drying watchers.[/quote] Nobody. and I mean NOBODY!!! watches the color red dry like I do. [/quote] Bk scrub I watch blue and everyone knows blue is superior Go home kid

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hoggs Bison [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Co M4N Then why can't you "Live and let live" people who have a different opinion to you about how casuals are ruining the industry? Fail logic is fail. [/quote] Because opinions aren't equally valid. Just because Person A and Person B have different opinions, doesn't mean they're equally right. For example, "ruining the industry" isn't grounded in any kind of reality. There's more variety and creativity in gaming than we've seen ever before. We're finding new ways to play and new ways to play with other people. A growing audience is bringing much-needed diversity to the world of game development. But Co M4N is mad at CoD and Angry Birds, so his opinion matters just as much. [/quote] Thank you, at least you replied with a good response. Not like how Op is just replying to post that agree with her and then she replys just for a bump. This whole thread is just to rustle jimmies and to get attention.

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  • OP is a filthy casual. And what is considered a hardcore gamer to one isn't what that is to another. In short, who cares?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MegaMuffin16 Isn't the point of video games to be played and enjoyed, not obsessed over? Video games should be bringing us together not tearing us apart, especially when the mass media still loves to label us as bad or anti social people.[/quote] I think [i]every[/i] activity on the planet has people who obsess over it. Somewhere in the world are competitive paint-drying watchers.[/quote] Nobody. and I mean NOBODY!!! watches the color red dry like I do.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MegaMuffin16 Isn't the point of video games to be played and enjoyed, not obsessed over? Video games should be bringing us together not tearing us apart, especially when the mass media still loves to label us as bad or anti social people.[/quote] I think [i]every[/i] activity on the planet has people who obsess over it. Somewhere in the world are competitive paint-drying watchers.

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  • I don't have an opinion on this... I play Mario Kart racing with my girlfriend; If I win I get to tickle her. If she wins she kisses me. I'm a hardcore gamer at the core bro come at me!!! Although she moved out of town recently so I'm in limbo of what I should consider myself as... I'm sad. ):

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  • Isn't the point of video games to be played and enjoyed, not obsessed over? Video games should be bringing us together not tearing us apart, especially when the mass media still loves to label us as bad or anti social people. [Edited on 01.07.2013 6:39 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Co M4N Then why can't you "Live and let live" people who have a different opinion to you about how casuals are ruining the industry? Fail logic is fail. [/quote] Because opinions aren't equally valid. Just because Person A and Person B have different opinions, doesn't mean they're equally right. For example, "ruining the industry" isn't grounded in any kind of reality. There's more variety and creativity in gaming than we've seen ever before. We're finding new ways to play and new ways to play with other people. A growing audience is bringing much-needed diversity to the world of game development. But Co M4N is mad at CoD and Angry Birds, so his opinion matters just as much.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ShedSomeLight I never understood the whole hardcore and casual gamer thing. We're all gamers, no use in separating. [/quote]A+ post.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] halo3genius What's funnier is that supposedly, they determine what makes a game competitive. What's also funny is the conception of the word "casual" in gaming terms. I still can't get a concrete definition because it differs with each big-egoed bigot that calls themselves a competitive gamer.[/quote] That's why it's stupid for anybody to ever care one way or another. I am competitive in the sense I play to win the game (hello) Am I hardcore? No. Am I casual? No. I play video games. That's that.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] copaka12 I am constantly crapped on for mostly playing single player games. or old ones. I maintain armored core 4 is more enjoyable than halo 4.[/quote] Playing with a stick IRL is funner than Halo 4.

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  • Some games like Halo cater very well to the casual and competitive gamer. And Halo 4 could if they got their act together.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kai Hiwatari 13 year old kids playing CoD claiming they are 'hardcore pro' and yet have barely played any other genre other than FPS and Fifa. Kids pls.[/quote]MEGAMAN BATTLE NETWORK 2 OR BUST :D

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  • I never understood the whole hardcore and casual gamer thing. We're all gamers, no use in separating.

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  • [url=]You mean like this guy @ 0:44?[/url]

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  • I enjoy playing video games. You can call me a guy that enjoys playing video games.

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