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7/17/2012 5:40:44 AM

Fitness 101: A Beginner's Guide to Working Out

[b][u]Introduction[/b][/u] Greetings! The purpose of this thread is to educate people about health and fitness, specifically working out and lifting weights. This thread is designed for younger males (15+) who want to build muscle. Questions are encouraged! So, you've decided that you want to start exercising and going to the gym. Good for you! You're on the right track towards a healthy lifestyle. However, weight-lifting can seem like a daunting task, especially when you have no idea where to start. Fear not, for this is why I made this thread. [quote][b][i][u]NOTICE: This thread is made for BEGINNERS, NOT for experienced lifters. This is NOT A WEIGHT LOSS THREAD.[/u][/i][/b][/quote] [quote][/quote] [b][u]The Basics[/u][/b] [i]How does the body build muscle?[/i] Cells mainly grow via Hypertrophy, when the cells and fibers get bigger. When you exercise a muscle, you create microscopic tears and other damage to the muscle fibers. When you finish exercising, your body scrambles to repair the damage via Hypertrohpy. In the process, it creates a stronger, more efficient muscle. Basically, you build muscle not during the exercise, but during the rest following the exercise. [i]Why should I lift weights?[/i] - Increased bone density - improved physique - increased joint strength - increased metabolism - improved posture - improves functionality despite aging - cardiovascular benefits (like preventing heart disease and diabetes) - counters depression/improves mood via increased pleasure chemicals in the brain - improved self discipline & work ethic - Sexy body = confidence boost [quote][/quote] [b][u]Anatomy[/b][/u] Before you head off to the gym, you need to do a little research and hit the books. Unless you want back pain, you will need to learn a little bit of human Anatomy and the muscles of the body so that you can balance your workout. Your body is made up of about 640 muscles. That's a lot! Your muscles are generally divided into your Legs, Stomach, Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Upper Back, and Lower Back. Any safe workout routine must balance ALL of these areas. [quote][b]Legs:[/b] [url=]Quadriceps[/url], [url=]Hamstrings[/url], and [url=]Calves[/url][/quote] [quote][b]Stomach: [/b][url=]Abdominals[/url] ("Abs") and [url=]Obliques[/url][/quote] [quote][b]Chest:[/b] [url=]Pectorals[/url] ("Pecs")[/quote] [quote][b]Arms:[/b] [url=]Biceps[/url], [url=]Triceps[/url][/quote] [quote][b]Shoulders:[/b] [url=]Deltoids[/url] and [url=]Trapezius[/url] ("Traps")[/quote] [quote][b]Upper Back:[/b] Traps, [url=]Latissimus Dorsi[/url] ("Lats"), and [url=]Rhomboids[/url][/quote] [quote][b]Lower Back[/b]: [url=]Erector Spinae[/url][/quote] Most muscles come in pairs; when one muscle contracts, the other relaxes. They are usually located on opposite sides of the body. These groups are called Opposing Muscle Groups. It is important to exercise both muscles of the group; If you don't do both, one muscle might get too strong which can cause pain in the weaker one. Here are the major opposing muscle groups: [quote]Quadriceps vs. Hamstrings Stomach vs. Lower Back Chest vs. Upper Back Deltoids vs Lats (Upper Back) Biceps vs Triceps[/quote] Why is this important? To avoid injury, you must exercise both muscles in the group to prevent an imbalance. Do you want a strong chest? Prepare to work out your back too. [quote][/quote] [b][u]Types of Lifting[/u][/b] There are two kinds of lifts: Compound Lifts and Isolation Lifts. -Compound Lifts utilize more than one muscle; for example, [url=]Squats[/url] work out almost every muscle in your legs and other muscles throughout your whole body. - Isolation lifts, such as [url=]Bicep Curls[/url], isolate one single muscle and only exercise that muscle. Compound Lifts are generally better, but that doesn't mean Isolation lifts are terrible. ---------- Exercises can generally be split into 3 categories by equipment: Body Weight, Free Weights, and Machines. - Body Weight exercises require no equipment except your own body. - Free Weights require the use of [url=]Dumbbells[/url], [url=]Barbells[/url], [url=]Kettleballs[/url], and other similar equipment. - Finally, there are Machines. They utilize several sets of simple machines and cables to convey the resistance in different ways. Now that you are more familiar with the different kinds of lifting, we can get to the exciting part: the actual exercise! [quote][/quote] [b][u]The Actual Exercise + Building Your Routine[/b][/u] Before you head off to the gym, you'll need to formulate some kind of weekly workout routine. Remember what I said about balancing the muscle groups? For most beginners, you'll want to keep it simple. 3-4 Full Body workouts a week for about one month is a good start. Don't overstress yourself. Keep the weight light/moderate and focus mostly on your form. Pick one exercise from each following group, and you'll exercise almost every muscle in your body. I've tried to list different exercises that use different kinds of equipment. Do 2-3 sets of 8 repetitions for each exercise. If you have an experienced parent, friend, or coach, ask them to show you the "advanced" exercises. And remember, form is key! [quote][u]Legs:[/u] [url=]Squats[/url] (Advanced) [url=]Lunges[/url] [url=]Step-Ups[/url] [url=]Leg Curl[/url] [url=]Machine Leg Extensions[/url] [/quote] [quote][u]Core:[/u] [url=]Russian Twists[/url] [url=]Planks[/url] [url=]V-ups[/url] [url=]Roman Chair Leg Raise[/url][/quote] [quote][u]Chest:[/u] [url=]Push-Ups[/url] [url=]Dumbbell Bench Press[/url] [url=]Machine Chest Press[/url] [url=]Flyes[/url] [url=]Barbell Bench Press[/url] (Advanced)[/quote] [quote][u]Biceps:[/u] [url=]Dumbbell Curl[/url] [url=]Barbell Curl[/url] [url=]Hammer Curl[/url] [url=]Machine Bicep Curls[/url][/quote] [quote][u]Triceps:[/u] [url=]Cable Tricep Push Downs[/url] [url=]Skullcrushers[/url] [url=]French Press[/url] [url=]Bench Dip[/url] [url=]Machine Triceps Extensions[/url][/quote] [quote][u]Shoulders:[/u] [url=]Military Press[/url] (Advanced) [url=]Arnold Press[/url] [url=]Dumbbell Front Raise[/url] [url=]Dumbbell Lateral Raise[/url] [url=]Dumbbell Shoulder Press[/url] [url=]Machine Shoulder Press[/url][/quote] [quote][u]Back:[/u] [url=]Pull Ups[/url] (You can use the [url=]assist machine[/url] if you need help) [url=]Barbell Bent-Over Row[/url] (Advanced) [url=]Deadlift[/url] (Advanced) [url=]Back Extensions[/url] [url=]Seated Cable Row Machine[/url] [url=]Lateral Pulldown Machine[/url] [/quote] ---------- After about 6 weeks of this, you'll be ready to get more advanced with your routine. You can start splitting different muscle groups each day. You will build muscle more effectively this way. Here's the split I'm going to suggest: Sun: Back + Biceps Tues: Chest + Triceps Wed: Legs Fri: Shoulders + Abs [u]Use google to find more lifts,[/u] and choose 3-4 lifts for each muscle group. For example, do 4 back lifts and 3 bicep lifts on Sunday. Generally speaking, 3 sets of 8-12 reps for each lift EXCEPT 3-5x1-6 for deadlifts, 4-6x6 for squats. You can do more lifts for Legs. [quote][b][u][url=]HERE[/url] is another sample routine.[/b][/u][/quote] However, everyone's body is different. You will need to cater your routine to your own needs. I would highly suggest you join the [url=] Health & Fitness[/url] group; they can help you personalize your routine. [quote][/quote] [u][b]Diet (IMPORTANT)[/u][/b] So now you're back from your first workout. You're probably tired and want to take a nap. But don't! You need to EAT. NOM NOM NOM I kid you not, [u]diet is 70% of your size gains.[/u] What you eat determines whether or not you just wasted your time at the gym. It's quite simple, really; you just need to ingest a lot of protein. If you want to maximize the gains, you will want to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight; so if you weigh 150 pounds, consume 150g of protein. More is better. Dairy products such as milk and eggs are full of protein; so is chicken, fish, pork, beans. Whey protein powder is a godsend, and creatine is great. Get lots of carbs too, at least 200-300g a day. If you want to pack on muscle, you will eat 4-6 meals a day. I'm out of characters, but one last thing: GET ENOUGH SLEEP. IT'S IMPORTANT. Lift, Eat, Sleep, Repeat. [Edited on 10.21.2012 7:02 PM PDT]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xanarxses I guess I could use some running in some way, will make my heavy ass boots even easier to wear. Still though, any other suggestions? I don't just want to keep myself at bay from being fat. I guess I could use some muscle. Essentially I prefer being a little toned than fat so yeah. Any tips? No gym and no shakes.[/quote]If you want to run at least get some running shoes and some jogging trousers, running in boots is impractical and very silly. And why no gym? That is pretty much the best way to gain muscle and tone your body.[/quote] well I never said about running in boots. That's just stupid. Running in these [url=]things[/url] is absolute stupidity. No gym because it just costs money and too much time, I have a rather tight school schedule. And besides when I said that I prefer to be a little toned rather than fat, I meant that I don't mind it but that's not the reason I'm doing it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xanarxses I guess I could use some running in some way, will make my heavy ass boots even easier to wear. Still though, any other suggestions? I don't just want to keep myself at bay from being fat. I guess I could use some muscle. Essentially I prefer being a little toned than fat so yeah. Any tips? No gym and no shakes.[/quote] Running is still your best bet I "got into" fitness by running. You'll notice changes in yourself within a few weeks if you're consistent with it. Look into the Couch to 5k program, it's fantastic.

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  • I'd like to know how do I do training where you have to sprint because 1 you can't do it on a treadmill B i can't do it in the street because it looks real dorky plus it's dangerous and 6 i can't do it in my back garden

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xanarxses I guess I could use some running in some way, will make my heavy ass boots even easier to wear. Still though, any other suggestions? I don't just want to keep myself at bay from being fat. I guess I could use some muscle. Essentially I prefer being a little toned than fat so yeah. Any tips? No gym and no shakes.[/quote]If you want to run at least get some running shoes and some jogging trousers, running in boots is impractical and very silly. And why no gym? That is pretty much the best way to gain muscle and tone your body.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xanarxses I hate running. walking, sure I enjoy that but running? no.[/quote]If you keep running you will get better at it and find it more enjoyable Go to a park Say hi to some people on your way Pat a dog See the birds[/quote] I guess I could use some running in some way, will make my heavy ass boots even easier to wear. Still though, any other suggestions? I don't just want to keep myself at bay from being fat. I guess I could use some muscle. Essentially I prefer being a little toned than fat so yeah. Any tips? No gym and no shakes.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xanarxses I hate running. walking, sure I enjoy that but running? no.[/quote]If you keep running you will get better at it and find it more enjoyable Go to a park Say hi to some people on your way Pat a dog See the birds

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Daxina13 You can't walk outside and run around the block? The only good excuse is that you live in a sketchy neighborhood[/quote] I hate running. walking, sure I enjoy that but running? no.

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  • You can't walk outside and run around the block? The only good excuse is that you live in a sketchy neighborhood [Edited on 11.13.2012 1:36 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Daxina13 running run away from things run towards them just run[/quote] what part of "at home" don't you understand? Is it the "at" or is it the "home"?

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  • running run away from things run towards them just run

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  • Hey I have a question: do you have any good daily exercises for me to do at home without gear? Not to get any muscle or anything. That's not the goal, I want to stay in shape I suppose. I haven't had any time to dance lately either.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rainbow A Dash When it comes to physical fitness, personal safety (and the safety of those around you) is more important then risking your life for the smile of a girl who probably already has a boyfriend.[/quote] Couldn't have said it better myself.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Omelet Pants So I went to the gym today and I tried to bench press about 90 pounds (I was also trying to show off to this cute girl there, heh). I started to grunt and make orgasmic sounds because I had trouble lifting it up. I almost got it all the way up, but I started shaking and the weights fell off on the side. Everyone was looking at me like I was some kind of freak. Did I really do anything wrong??? Since the cute girl was watching, I just played it off cool and said out loud that the bar was broken (I think she bought it). [/quote] 1. I hate to break it to you, but 90 pounds isn't much to show off. 2. Don't try to show off at the gym. You need to check your ego at the door. Never lift beyond your means without a good spotter. 3. You are extremely lucky that you didn't seriously hurt yourself. It is a very, VERY big deal if a weight falls off the bar when you bench press. [url=]This can happen if weights start to fall off the bar.[/url] [u]People have literally killed themselves on bench press by trying to lift too much and then dropping it on their neck.[/u] This is nothing personal, I just want you to understand the seriousness of the situation. Never, never, NEVER lift beyond your means unless you have a good spotter that you can trust. The gym is NOT the place to show off; that is what the beach is for. [Edited on 11.10.2012 1:45 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheGreenAlloy So, I somehow collected the guts to go to the gym a couple months back, and boy was that a good decision. This whole working out thing is gorram cool.[/quote]I have no idea what "gorram cool" means but I'm glad you are liking it... although that is my assumption because I don't know what you actually said.

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  • If you try to push weights you are not capable of pushing for pure status, you will hurt yourself. If you want to show off to women, work for it by pushing weights you can manage and putting effort/common sense into it. Be happy you blissfully ignored the safety clips because if the weights hadn't fallen off and you couldn't get it up you would have had more worries then the girl. 90 pounds may not have seemed like a big enough deal to matter, but 90 pounds collapsing on your throat or skull will ensure you don't have the capacity to even make that bad judgement another time. If you want the bowflex-esque body then work for it. Besides, I can assure you that not only will trying to show off in a gym (or with most types of exercise) will get you hurt, but will also get you disapproving looks from everyone who takes it seriously. I don't know about you but most everyone I talk to would hold more respect for the guy pushing little weight properly over the guy pushing heavy weight improperly. I don't care if spotting the person doing squats puts you nut-to-butt and squatting with them, or you have to look up some guy's shorts when he's standing over you spotting your max bench (hint: just look away). When it comes to physical fitness, personal safety (and the safety of those around you) is more important then risking your life for the smile of a girl who probably already has a boyfriend. [Edited on 11.09.2012 7:37 PM PST]

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  • So I went to the gym today and I tried to bench press about 90 pounds (I was also trying to show off to this cute girl there, heh). I started to grunt and make orgasmic sounds because I had trouble lifting it up. I almost got it all the way up, but I started shaking and the weights fell off on the side. Everyone was looking at me like I was some kind of freak. Did I really do anything wrong??? Since the cute girl was watching, I just played it off cool and said out loud that the bar was broken (I think she bought it).

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  • So, I somehow collected the guts to go to the gym a couple months back, and boy was that a good decision. This whole working out thing is gorram cool.

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  • Oakland, I can see abs now, =].

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] oaklandp8ntbalr I would highly suggest you join the [url=] Health & Fitness[/url] group[/quote]disclaimer: alot of rap haters in this group[/quote] I thought you died, where have you been?

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] oaklandp8ntbalr I would highly suggest you join the [url=] Health & Fitness[/url] group[/quote]disclaimer: alot of rap haters in this group

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  • Noobus posted a great workout in H&F, I'm putting it here. [quote] Posted by: General Noobus Day 1: Chest, Triceps, Core Flat bench press, barbell or dumbbell 3x6-8 Chest flies 3x6-8 Pushups 2xfailure Dips, or tricep rope pushdowns 3x6-8. Make sure you flair out at the bottom if using the rope Skullcrushers 3x6-8 Three different core exercises of your choice, two or three sets each for 15 reps, don't rest for too long between sets Day 2: Back, Biceps Deadlifts 2x5. Start off light, view countless videos on youtube so you know good form, ask someone at the gym for pointers if you're not sure, and don't go above 135lbs unless you're sure your form is impeccable. Barbell or dumbbell rows 3x6-8 Pullups, or chinups, or neutral grip pullups 3x8. Lat pulldowns 3x8. Two different types of curls 3x8. Some grip work. Whether it be static holds, or forearm curls 2x25 is up to you. Day 3: Shoulders, Legs OHP/dumbbell shoulder press 3x6-8. Dumbbell rear delt flies 3x6-8 Dumbbell lateral raises 3x6-8 Squats 3x6. Same advice as deadlifts, start off light, get someone to help you with your form if you're not sure Leg curls 3x6. Calf work 3x20 Shrugs 3x20[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ShieldyPoo [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] oaklandp8ntbalr Progress Pics! [url=]Pic 2[/url] Going for 170-175 pounds by end of the year.[/quote] good progress what's the time frame between the before/after^[/quote] About 3 1/2 months Update: [url=]More recent picture[/url] Benched 230 :D [Edited on 11.14.2012 10:47 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] oaklandp8ntbalr Progress Pics! This used to be me. [url=]Pic.[/url] Skinny, 140 pounds. And here is me now at 164 pounds. [url=]Pic 1[/url] [url=]Pic 2[/url] Going for 170-175 pounds by end of the year.[/quote] good progress what's the time frame between the before/after^

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  • I can sort of see the results. Pretty good. Good luck.

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  • Progress Pics! Here is me now at 164 pounds. [url=]Pic 1[/url] Going for 170-175 pounds by end of the year. [Edited on 11.14.2012 10:47 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] American Made Didn't even know a Fitness group on Bnet existed. I've been lifting since April but did everything wrong until June. OP is my routine any good? Chest/Triceps db chest press db incline chest press decline bb chest press flies skull crushers dips tricep cable pulldown Back/Biceps Sitting Rows V bar pulldown Low rows T-bar rows Lat pulldown bb curl db hammer curl Preacher curl Legs/Shoulders/traps db shoulder press bb smith machine shoulder press front raise side raise shrug 45 Leg press leg extension calf raise I eat around 2,500-3,000 calories of good foods a day like ground beef, chicken, potatoes etc. Not taking any supplements except protein as well. What should I do to get better gains? Progress pics too [url][/url] July [url][/url] Last week Was 140 in July and now I'm 119 so I just started bulking now that I'm down to around 13% BF.[/quote] This routine is nearly identical to what I do. Join the group.

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