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6/29/2012 8:15:31 PM

Mail Sack 23. Bungie Day is Coming.

[url=]Mail Sack 23[/url] is live. Get thee to the Bungie Blog to reap and rejoice. We will have one more Mail Sack before Bungie Day. Your creative challenge rests on the impending celebration. Bungie Day, after all, is a creation of the community. We have seized the reins and made it our own, but the tradition of recognizing the community of passionate gamers who dance to the beat of our drum falls on a date selected by people just like you. BUNGIE DAY IS COMING. That is your challenge. I have submitted the caption. You generate the image. It can be a photograph that reminds you of the Bungie Community. It can be an illustration that captures your emotional response to the tagline. It can be a sketch, a carving, a sculpture, a screenshot, a video, a song, or some painstakingly folded origami. Choose the artistic medium that you prefer. Whatever the end-result, those words must appear in your creation. Remember, this is about you - not us. Seven Finalists will win some collectibles that we have in reserve. One Winner will be selected by Bungie to win a bag of swag. You have until Monday at High Noon (that's our Noon, not yours) to submit your entry. Our favorites will appear in Mail Sack 24. Step lively. And, have a nice weekend. [Edited on 06.29.2012 2:13 PM PDT]

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  • ^ Bungie fan fiction is weird. :p Good job though, the history of the Mythics. [Edited on 07.01.2012 2:55 PM PDT]

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  • Art shmart, I wrote a story. [u][b]My submission below:[/b][/u] [quote]Once upon a time, in a land known as Bungie, there lived an ancient civilisation known as the Mythics. The Mythics were a wise, powerful race, who never fell victim to poor knowledge, and grammar attacks. The Mythics were not a vast race, tallying just over 500-strong. Living beside the Mythics were the Normals. The Normals looked up to the Mythics for guidance and help, but over time, the Normals grew impatient and demanded more than their fair share from the Mythics. The Mythics managed to hold the forces of the Normals back, suppressing them into an unnatural calm. Some rebelled, leaving the realm, to travel to the outlands. These few created a horrible, evil race, known as the Floodians. The Floodians wreaked havoc amongst the Normals and were only just held back by the Mythics. Higher members of the Mythic council, deemed Ninjas, soon put an end to the rioting and restored peace once again. However, the Mythics were few in a sea of millions, and as the numbers of the Normals grew, the Mythics did not. Soon there was risk of a catastrophic war, which the Mythics had little chance of winning alone. So, they sent the Ninjas to the depths of Bungie's wilderness, to find the lone warrior who's very look could turn those men of steel into disembodied souls. The one they called, Achronos. Achronos was a fearsome warrior, and had fought in many fierce battles. He had struck down the many rebels of the Floodian army and destroyed entire civilisations in seconds. One such example was the great clan of the H3 Beta - a small, yet eager to learn group of unfortunates. Their leadership had been infested with Floodians, and so he destroyed them all. As the Ninjas left the holy land of the Mythics, something terrible happened. The Floodians saw the chance to strike and acted quickly. The Mythics remained strong, but some fell to the bastards of the Flood. After a tense battle, the Mythics had triumphed, using command paradoxes to destroy their inferior machinery. The Mythics had once again restored order, but their forces were heavily weakened. The Ninjas had a far easier time finding the great Achronos. In fact, he was found in a small village within the Admin forest, which was full of the greatest warriors of all time. When the Ninjas spoke of the Floodian threat, few of the warriors seemed interested. However, three decided to aid the Mythics in the final battle against the Floodians. These brave warriors were Urk the Terrible, DeeJ the Almighty, and Achronos the Omnipotent. The warriors began to return to the Mythic holy land, but they feared it could have been too late. As the Ninjas and their new comrades returned, they saw the brutal damage done by the Floodians. They were outraged and called for a drastic measure. One which rivalled the great banning several years before. They had decided to destroy the Floodian homeland, once and for all. But for this, they would need someone even more powerful than Achronos and his brave warriors combined. Yes, the fabled Webmaster. Some say he is a giant spider, while others insist that he is just a scientist living in his mother's basement. It didn't matter what he was - his skills were needed. The Ninjas splintered into two teams after concluding they would need to keep some behind to retain order. The few who were selected for this new journey were dubbed Master Ninjas by the Admin warriors. The Master Ninjas, along with Achronos, set out for a final time, to the land of the Forbidden Access. They passed the horrific lair of the sleeping Moderators, encountering many fearsome enemies as they travelled. The great System Error monster, the deadly 404-legged Crash lizard, the daemonic headless dog Ling Ling; all fell to the Master Ninjas. It was not long before they reached the small hut housing the Webmaster. Achronos approached the door, and knocked quickly. The door slid open and the smell of body odour and wet fur blew past the Ninjas, dazing them slightly. Inside, a lone figure sat at a chair, with an old Macintosh computer on the desk in front of him. The figure turned and faced Achronos. He lifted his cowboy hat, and made a few loud grunts, signalling Achronos to speak. "We have come to ask you to destroy the Floodians. They have ruined our way of life, and threaten to create havoc in our peaceful world!" he said. The Webmaster simply nodded, then turned to his computer. A few seconds later, he turned back, and spoke: "It is done." Once the Ninjas returned to the holy Mythic land, bearing the good news, the Normals and the Mythics joined each other in celebration of the defeat of the great enemy. However, their festivities were not going to be long-lived. For you see, on the other side of Mount Server, a much greater threat had awoken. The ground began to tremble, and the sky blackened. The entire population of Bungie stopped in their tracks, and looked into the sky in horror. Some shrieked in fear, but the Admin warriors knew not to panic. DeeJ turned to the masses and announced: "Fear not, my brothers, FOR BUNGIE DAY IS COMING!"[/quote] [Edited on 07.01.2012 2:40 PM PDT]

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  • [url=] I had to reach deep into myself and embrace the insanity, what came out is the craziness that is Bungie Day[/url] It zoomed in weird. ._. [url=] (This one is NOT my submission), it is one I did for fun in addition to the first one, think of this one as the Beta Version of #1[/url] Tell me what you guys think. [Edited on 07.01.2012 2:34 PM PDT]

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  • First time doing one of these. [url][/url]

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  • My [url=]first submission[/url] for any of these competitions. Hope ya'll like it. As inspired by: [url=][/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hylebos [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] coolmike699 I would love to participate, but due to some massively severe storms and the ensuing blackout, I can't do very much. [/quote]Go outside into the storm and videotape it, putting your very life at risk, so you can later overlay the words "Bungie Day is Coming" onto the storm clouds.  That is unless your storm is a blizzard.  Wouldn't work too well then.[/quote]Hint: faraday cage. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] EPANDEMIC [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ Hey, guys. Do me a huge favor, and just submit your entry once. M'kay? If this thread bloats to 12 pages of previews and revisions, it makes the sorting a little hard. Then, some of you fall through the cracks. Then, justice is derailed.[/quote]I'm not really interested in swag. [url=]I just do it[/url] [url=]cause I appreciate[/url].[/quote] I actually really like the first one.[/quote]Has anyone else parodied it before I posted? It's the first thing that I thought of using after reading the op.

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  • [url=]My submission.[/url] I had fun making this, took me about an hour because it was made on paint. Edit:[url=]Another submission of mine.[/url] [Edited on 07.02.2012 11:13 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spawn031 Hyle, my sides. I blame you.[/quote]I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ Hey, guys. Do me a huge favor, and just submit your entry once. M'kay? If this thread bloats to 12 pages of previews and revisions, it makes the sorting a little hard. Then, some of you fall through the cracks. Then, justice is derailed.[/quote]I'm not really interested in swag. [url=]I just do it[/url] [url=]cause I appreciate[/url].[/quote] I actually really like the first one.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] coolmike699 I would love to participate, but due to some massively severe storms and the ensuing blackout, I can't do very much. [/quote]Go outside into the storm and videotape it, putting your very life at risk, so you can later overlay the words "Bungie Day is Coming" onto the storm clouds. That is unless your storm is a blizzard. Wouldn't work too well then.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ Hey, guys. Do me a huge favor, and just submit your entry once. M'kay? If this thread bloats to 12 pages of previews and revisions, it makes the sorting a little hard. Then, some of you fall through the cracks. Then, justice is derailed.[/quote]I'm not really interested in swag. [url=]I just do it[/url] [url=]cause I appreciate[/url].

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  • I would love to participate, but due to some massively severe storms and the ensuing blackout, I can't do very much.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Remorazz [url=]The Bungie Community: Bungie, the overseer to interaction Bnet, the instrument that brings us together Halo, the messenger (at least for most of us) that brought us here. My video is 7 Minutes and 77 seconds. (Until Youtube F'ed it up)[/url][/quote]Nice. I spotted a thread posted by my cousin during the Halo 3 Forum segment too.

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  • [url=]The Bungie Community: Bungie, the overseer to interaction Bnet, the instrument that brings us together Halo, the messenger (at least for most of us) that brought us here. My video is 7 Minutes and 77 seconds. (Until Youtube F'ed it up)[/url]

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  • Hyle, my sides. I blame you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Logan7798 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartain ken 15 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Logan7798 This took longer then I thought,here's my submission. [url=]We are all doomed[/url][/quote] Why do you people make Bungie Day seem like a day of fear, not joy?[/quote] It was just the first that came to mind.In no way was I trying to consider Bungie Day a bad day(In fact its just the opposite).Sorry.[/quote]There's no need to be, Sken is just being silly, it's just a different take on the prompt. Having a massive crowd of people running from asteroids, tripods, or various other monsters was my first idea, but I went for the Star Wars Crawl out of lazyness.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartain ken 15 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Logan7798 This took longer then I thought,here's my submission. [url=]We are all doomed[/url][/quote] Why do you people make Bungie Day seem like a day of fear, not joy?[/quote] Because we're all in fear of what happens when you and swag get together.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartain ken 15 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Logan7798 This took longer then I thought,here's my submission. [url=]We are all doomed[/url][/quote] Why do you people make Bungie Day seem like a day of fear, not joy?[/quote] It was just the first that came to mind.In no way was I trying to consider Bungie Day a bad day(In fact its just the opposite).Sorry. [Edited on 07.01.2012 9:12 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Logan7798 This took longer then I thought,here's my submission. [url=]We are all doomed[/url][/quote] Why do you people make Bungie Day seem like a day of fear, not joy?

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  • This took longer then I thought,here's my submission. [url=]We are all doomed[/url]

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  • [url=]My submission.[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] antony X1000[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Plain Ben *Has only just started actually drawing up my entry*[/quote]On the bright side, you still have more than a day to complete it.[/quote]Yeah, I realised I actually have until 8pm tomorrow to do it. So I'm not so worried about finishing on time. Actually winning anything, is another story... [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RogueRainbowX I started yesterday, and have scrapped way too many ideas[/quote]Oh I know this feeling, I really had lots of ideas, I just haven't liked any of my ideas until now. [Edited on 07.01.2012 8:41 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Plain Ben *Has only just started actually drawing up my entry*[/quote]On the bright side, you still have more than a day to complete it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Plain Ben *Has only just started actually drawing up my entry*[/quote] I started yesterday, and have scrapped way too many ideas.

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  • *Has only just started actually drawing up my entry* [Edited on 07.01.2012 8:20 AM PDT]

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  • [url=]This is my submission.[/url]

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