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6/29/2012 8:15:31 PM

Mail Sack 23. Bungie Day is Coming.

[url=]Mail Sack 23[/url] is live. Get thee to the Bungie Blog to reap and rejoice. We will have one more Mail Sack before Bungie Day. Your creative challenge rests on the impending celebration. Bungie Day, after all, is a creation of the community. We have seized the reins and made it our own, but the tradition of recognizing the community of passionate gamers who dance to the beat of our drum falls on a date selected by people just like you. BUNGIE DAY IS COMING. That is your challenge. I have submitted the caption. You generate the image. It can be a photograph that reminds you of the Bungie Community. It can be an illustration that captures your emotional response to the tagline. It can be a sketch, a carving, a sculpture, a screenshot, a video, a song, or some painstakingly folded origami. Choose the artistic medium that you prefer. Whatever the end-result, those words must appear in your creation. Remember, this is about you - not us. Seven Finalists will win some collectibles that we have in reserve. One Winner will be selected by Bungie to win a bag of swag. You have until Monday at High Noon (that's our Noon, not yours) to submit your entry. Our favorites will appear in Mail Sack 24. Step lively. And, have a nice weekend. [Edited on 06.29.2012 2:13 PM PDT]

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  • My entry is in the form of a script dedicated to Bungie Day-related tweaks. The script: - adds a countdown timer to the next Bungie day to the forum index - automatically checks for new news - offers to redirect you to /oneofseven on Bungie Day if you haven't visited it yet - changes Member Titles to more Bungie-themed ones during the week preceding Bungie Day - has a small easter egg that will expose itself on Bungie day - adds a "Letters to Bungie tab to your profile. This feature appends a drawing canvas to your profile, which allows you to draw a picture or write a note. You can then submit the picture, which will be saved on the server (along with all submitted pictures) in a directory that I will compress and send to DeeJ, with which he may read alone, with his colleagues, disregard it entirely, or whatever he pleases. It's a pretty cool script and it was a bit of a challenge to write it and the PHP in two days. SCREENSHOTS [url=]Countdown Timer[/url] [url=]Drawing Canvas[/url] DOWNLOAD [url=]Firefox[/url] [url= Day is Coming.crx]Chrome[/url]

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  • My submission: [url][/url] Wish I could have done more, but I just moved to a new apartment and all of my stuff is packed away in boxes.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MasterSin Here's my very first youtube video ever, I hope you like this video, it's humble and simple but I hope you like it The video is a Bungie tribute with the Master Chief introducing it. [url=]Bungie day 2012[/url].[/quote] To: DeeJ - I deleted the credits section because I didn't want to offend anybody, (even though I meant that as a joke only) since is my very first edited video so, I just wanted to make that clear. [Edited on 07.01.2012 11:27 PM PDT]

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  • [url=]My submission, paid as homage to the Bungie of old.[/url]

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  • [url=]My submission[/url] There you go. It isn't great artistically but I still think the ref. isn't bad. [url=]For those who don't know what this is from[/url] [Edited on 07.01.2012 9:51 PM PDT]

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  • My Poem Submission. Bungie Day is coming! Bungie Day is coming! I tell you it's getting quite near! Lets all get together! Master Chief, get the beer! We'll invite Soulblighter, Pfhor Fighters,and don't forget our fans! They helped make us uber great. We owe 'em, man. We'll campaign all the day until that night. Then we'll get into a lobby and drop into firefight. We'll take this day as a great opportunity. News on the project or not, we'll still enjoy it with our community. So in these dark times, try not to be so sad and solemn because you all should be happy to be part of the mighty seventh column. [Edited on 07.01.2012 9:41 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] LordOfBlah51 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kr1egerdude [url=]Kr1egerdude's submission[/url] Any questions just just PM me.[/quote] I'm gonna end this right now and say you win.[/quote]Sorry I spelled COMMUNITY as COMUNITY and FLOOD as FIOOD. Check back to my post to see the updated one.

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  • This is hilarious to me, even if Bungie doesn't like it. [url=]Grab your friends! Bungie Day is Coming![/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kr1egerdude [url=]Kr1egerdude's submission[/url] Any questions just just PM me.[/quote] I'm gonna end this right now and say you win.

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  • I'm just not good enough to do anything...All I can produce is a poorly written story followed by some stick figures that say bungie day is coming...

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  • *Looks at all the entries that came in over the weekend* My entry looks like garbage compared to the others. Very good work.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RogueRainbowX [url=]Ling Ling reporting in![/url] Feels good to be done.[/quote] whaaaaat?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Eric Duffy [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RogueRainbowX [url=]Ling Ling reporting in![/url] Feels good to be done.[/quote] Damn that's good.[/quote] Thanks! It means a lot man. Just glad I could have an entry that actually looks like I put effort in. [Edited on 07.01.2012 9:42 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RogueRainbowX [url=]Ling Ling reporting in![/url] Feels good to be done.[/quote] Damn that's good.

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  • [url=]Ling Ling reporting in![/url] Feels good to be done. [Edited on 07.01.2012 8:06 PM PDT]

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  • I am working on the final touches on my image now.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] burritosenior Hmm. A submission about us. Hey Deej, can I add the Community Carnage thread to my submission? This is a lot harder to keep organized than it looks. I've been updating stuff literally non-stop since I posted it. XP[/quote] Yeh...I know what you mean. ;p

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  • This is my [url=]first submission[/url] for something like this, hope you like it! At least it would make a nice wallpaper.

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  • Hmm. A submission about us. Hey Deej, can I add the Community Carnage thread to my submission? This is a lot harder to keep organized than it looks. I've been updating stuff literally non-stop since I posted it. XP

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Index Here's some memory lane typography art from yer iconography: [url=]small[/url] / [url=]larger[/url]. Cheers to another Bungie Day.[/quote]Your work never disappoints Index, cheers indeed!

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  • [url=]My submission.[/url] [Edited on 07.01.2012 5:56 PM PDT]

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  • Like always, great read. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dropship dude [/quote][/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartain ken 15 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dropship dude [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartain ken 15 ^ Bungie fan fiction is weird. :p[/quote]Fanfics about game and film universes aren't too hard to write. Fanfics about websites? Damn, that's some difficult business.[/quote]I liked it, I thought it was funny. [/quote]Thanks. Ilol'd at your submission too. The Jason Jones train was high-lary-ous.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dropship dude [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartain ken 15 ^ Bungie fan fiction is weird. :p[/quote]Fanfics about game and film universes aren't too hard to write. Fanfics about websites? Damn, that's some difficult business.[/quote] I liked it, I thought it was funny.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartain ken 15 ^ Bungie fan fiction is weird. :p[/quote]Fanfics about game and film universes aren't too hard to write. Fanfics about websites? Damn, that's some difficult business.

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  • ^ Bungie fan fiction is weird. :p Good job though, the history of the Mythics. [Edited on 07.01.2012 2:55 PM PDT]

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