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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
6/28/2012 3:52:13 PM

Our target is EA headquarters. All callsigns fall in.

Men. Flood. We as a people our under attack by a foreign threat that threatens our very rights to enjoy decently timed DLC releases and endings. I will spearhead Operation:Fallen King. Our spies have been collecting data for months, and now is the time to strike. Organize your men. We will need initial air bombings to soften up their defenses and then a substantial ground force to infiltrate EA's main offices. Who is with me!? No doubt their [url=]courtyard[/url] is heavily mined. [Edited on 06.28.2012 8:01 AM PDT]
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] johnson rules [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WhiteFang0699 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] johnson rules [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO Casey! Listen to yourself! You're indoctri*static*[/quote] *Aims weapon* You think killing him will end this?[/quote] "Just hold out! We're going to get more troops up there, then we can try and end this![/quote] *Gets shot in bad leg* Ah shi-. I don't think we can last much longer![/quote] RUN! Break rank and run for the beam! Only a few of you need to make it up so that we can help N7 and BF![/quote]Sir, I've managed to hijack an EA aircraft, I'm going to fly it into the mob of enemy soldiers that are following you...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WhiteFang0699 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] johnson rules [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO Casey! Listen to yourself! You're indoctri*static*[/quote] *Aims weapon* You think killing him will end this?[/quote] "Just hold out! We're going to get more troops up there, then we can try and end this![/quote] *Gets shot in bad leg* Ah shi-. I don't think we can last much longer![/quote] RUN! Break rank and run for the beam! Only a few of you need to make it up so that we can help N7 and BF!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Flaming Wombat All of these pages consist of mainly the same people pretending to....I don't even know what actually...[/quote]Well for a while I opposed them in their little role play. Then I showed them that they are still a part of it. since then I've been working.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] johnson rules [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO Casey! Listen to yourself! You're indoctri*static*[/quote] *Aims weapon* You think killing him will end this?[/quote] "Just hold out! We're going to get more troops up there, then we can try and end this![/quote] *Gets shot in bad leg* Ah shi-. I don't think we can last much longer!

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  • All of these pages consist of mainly the same people pretending to....I don't even know what actually...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO Casey! Listen to yourself! You're indoctri*static*[/quote] *Aims weapon* You think killing him will end this?[/quote] "Just hold out! We're going to get more troops up there, then we can try and end this!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO Casey! Listen to yourself! You're indoctri*static*[/quote] *Aims weapon* You think killing him will end this?

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  • Carnage-1 where are you? This is Rooster. Over.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO Mereel! *walks up ramp to some sort of control room* By God... *Casey Hudson takes control* Mereel! I...can't...[/quote] Orders sir![/quote] Casey! Listen to yourself! You're indoctri*static*[/quote] EA Drones have severed communications!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 *Other side of beam* Area is secure. Reminds me of the Citadel at the end of... FRAK! [/quote] Mereel! *walks up ramp to some sort of control room* By God... *Casey Hudson takes control* Mereel! I...can't...[/quote] DAMNIT! It's a Bioware trap! Alright people we need to get more troops up that beam. Form up in a spear formation advance they may have the advantage but we haven't lost!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO Mereel! *walks up ramp to some sort of control room* By God... *Casey Hudson takes control* Mereel! I...can't...[/quote] Orders sir![/quote] Casey! Listen to yourself! You're indoctri*static*

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO Mereel! *walks up ramp to some sort of control room* By God... *Casey Hudson takes control* Mereel! I...can't...[/quote] Orders sir!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 *Other side of beam* Area is secure. Reminds me of the Citadel at the end of... FRAK! [/quote] Mereel! *walks up ramp to some sort of control room* By God... *Casey Hudson takes control* Mereel! I...can't... [Edited on 06.28.2012 2:02 PM PDT]

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fat People Autism Detected [/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] noncreditchief All elements, this is Carnage-1 reporting. My whole squad is MIA. What is current objective?[/quote] Make your way *cough* to the beam. My men are getting torn apart trying to get to it. *fires at husk*[/quote] ++ This is Baseplate, reinforcements are on the way in the form of 14 fresh divisions, including 4 Mechanized Infantry Divisions. The forward units should be reaching your position in a matter of minutes. ++ Also, given the severity of the situation we have been allocated the use of 3 Airborne divisions made up of the 182nd, 185th, and 412th Airborne. the 285th Transport wing is awaiting final co-ordinates to Paradrop the said divisions. ++ Baseplate out ++

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  • *Other side of beam* Area is secure. Reminds me of the Citadel at the end of... FRAK!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] johnson rules [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO We need people down at the beam quick! We're almost there..but...oh dear God... It's Muzyka Shields![/quote] [b]Reinforcements have arrived[/b] the full forces of Activision have sided with us! The overwhelming numbers of Call of Duty fans have come to give us support from MOABs to AC-130's and even TAC NUKES! All units Charge! Break the lies of EA here and now![/quote] Negative! PC fans have been brainwashed by EA! Retreat! The CoD fans are getting slaughtered! *jumps towards beam and disappears* I'm up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO He's dead! The beam is 10 meters away! Run for it![/quote] *Charges to beam, Picks up Avenger Assault rifle on my way*

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] johnson rules [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO We need people down at the beam quick! We're almost there..but...oh dear God... It's Muzyka Shields![/quote] [b]Reinforcements have arrived[/b] the full forces of Activision have sided with us! The overwhelming numbers of Call of Duty fans have come to give us support from MOABs to AC-130's and even TAC NUKES! All units Charge! Break the lies of EA here and now![/quote] ZeniMax's forces have sided with us and joined the fight!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO We need people down at the beam quick! We're almost there..but...oh dear God... It's Muzyka Shields![/quote] [b]Reinforcements have arrived[/b] the full forces of Activision have sided with us! The overwhelming numbers of Call of Duty fans have come to give us support from MOABs to AC-130's and even TAC NUKES! All units Charge! Break the lies of EA here and now!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO We need people down at the beam quick! We're almost there..but...oh dear God... It's Muzyka Shields![/quote] Copy that sending available troops now.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO We need people down at the beam quick! We're almost there..but...oh dear God... It's Muzyka Shields![/quote] *Mako crushes Muzyka* Someone order a Mako?[/quote] He's dead! The beam is 10 meters away! Run for it!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BF117HALO We need people down at the beam quick! We're almost there..but...oh dear God... It's Muzyka Shields![/quote] *Mako crushes Muzyka* Someone order a Mako?

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  • Watch out! We got Harry Potter wizards from their video games with EA; their graphics are just HORRIBLE. 3 o'clock! [Edited on 06.28.2012 1:54 PM PDT]

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  • We need people down at the beam quick! We're almost there..but...oh dear God... It's Muzyka Shields!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] noncreditchief Acknowledged. I'm rallying with you, okay?[/quote] Copy. I think this Mako is still in working order. *Backs out of destroyed building*

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