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5/3/2004 9:40:05 PM

Caption #4 - From a late night of Halo PC testing...

This particular screen was taken by some of our testers last year as they were wrapping up work on Halo PC. Commence with the captions! [img]/images/forums/captions/galleryforum_trailofcorpses.jpg[/img]
#Gallery #FanArt

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  • Thats the last time I break out the beer..

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  • A horrible parachuting accident; the Aftermath

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  • The fact is, we just ran out of yellow bricks.

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  • "You do know "Wake up and smell the roses" is metaphorical right? Or are you just trying to kiss my ass?"

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  • When Hansel and Gretal play Halo...

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  • –"Gee Sarge... Looks like we ran over some poor feller's dog..." –Sarge: "Alright men, now despite the evident stupidity on your faces, I know you had something to do with this! My troops don't just die on their own unless I tell them to!" –Sarge:"Alright you washouts! You'd better give me fifty by the time I come around for another pass, or you won't have no reason to lift yourself off the dirt anymore!" *Spartans collectively groan*

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  • --The Blue team realizes the importance of not installing Windows ME into their neural network. --Blue team-Insomniacs Red team-Narcoleptics Any Questions? --Blue Team Leader: Red Team, what do you hear? Red Team Leader: Enemy is closing in fast from the south. --SIMON SAYS..... --Blue Team Leader : When I said "Drop in Line" I did not mean literally you maggots! --Don't get all cozy just because I mentioned the word "massage"

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  • Red team thought their new "Follow the Leader" squad formation was fool-proof. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't sniper-proof!

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  • The devastating aftermath of a Blue sniper camping on a Red respawn point.

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  • New game in developement by Bungie: Halo: Roadkill

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  • When they found out Tex was a girl, the men began to take chivalry to a whole new level.

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  • "WOW, the Sniper Rifle really can penetrate through several feet of meat and bone!!!" Or, "Oops, my bad. Just trying out my new Sniper Rifle." Or, "Oops, that not a camera, it's a Sniper Rifle. Doh!" Or, "What? It's a team game? Ohhh, that explains those little green things. I thought those were target identifiers."

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  • ever wonder what 12 MC'S after a college party would look like? OR, this is bungies attempt at the beer comercial that had people dominoing across town. OR, these are just a few mc's in a line of at least ten miles trying to pull off the GREAT WALL OF CHINA DEFENSE SYSTEM. Unfortunately, it didn't hold up. OR, One of the chiefs had mexican and got gas, unfortunately the wind was blowing in everyones direction.;

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  • [b]Remember Kids:[/b] "DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE... ...A TANK." [i]This message brought to you by Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the Ad Council.[/i] [b]SuperFlious Your Daddy[/b]

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  • 1) How could they mistake us for Unicef pennies? 2) Spartans version of graveyard 3) "so your telling me that if a warthog runs over my men, they win the record for biggest speed bump?" "No i said the only speed bump.

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  • Red Team Captain: Soldiers you are Redtopian's last hope. Remember never give up... die fighting and never surrender to the Bluetopians, die fighting them, but never surrender to them. ............................. Red team soldier in battle with Blue team: Red team guys kill each other cause the blue team is too good. Die fighting remember captain told us. kill yourself. but wait kill each other in an orderly fashioned a single file!!

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  • after FINALLY making up the hill, frankie decided it wasn't worth it and got shot again... in the head... and joined the quiet huddled masses of defeat

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  • *Damn it dan, Parachutes and Spartans don't mix OK!?* *We rehearsed and practiced all day, but we just couldn't get the River Dance right!* *Last Red: "Ah man! Now the Captains going to Court Martial me for sure! Wait... never mind. I just found his dog tag by this foot over their..."* *They all tried playing musical chairs with the warthog as the chairs. We just didn't expect it to get this out of hand!* *Blue: ya, they're definitely drunk. Just look at those pee stains!* *Damn it Ryu! You're in the wrong game!* *Last Red: All I can remember is that I saw 2 bright lights shining in my eyes...* *Blue: So, what should we categories this as, a farside comic or a Twilight Zone occurence* *Blue: I'm sad to say it sir, but I didn't kill everyone here. One of them jumped off that tree to try and stop me.* *[b] Fan playing Halo Online: [/b] "Ahh! I dropped my controller! Where'd it go! Where'd it go! Oh no! My score's going to be so horrible! Ah! [b] trips to the ground [/b] Ouch! Ow, my head! uh... huh? Here it is! Back to the game! I wonder how many times I've died alr.......... wow...* (he won the match neadless to say)

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  • Kinda like dominoes.

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  • and soon after little johnny realised he shouldn't have played with that really big dog (a werewolf, there's a full moon here) blue pvt.1- i told you it would work blue pvt. 2- awww you got lucky blue sarge- good work private!! take this medal for doing that! blue pvt.2- but he cheated!! blue sarge- well then you should cheat some more and learn a lesson from this feller! announcer- this is what happens to team kill kiddies. you end up sniffing each other's butts, because you deserve it

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  • timmy- "cool! look at this mommy!" mom- "don't touch those timmy, you could get West Nile!!"

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  • *Last Red: "Ha Ha! and you guys said that the MJOLNIR armor was to heavy for the tree branches! HA! I sure did show yu... wo... ahHHHA!!!!!" *Red: Umph! Can't... Move... Wow. I never realized how heavy this suit was with out it's power on!* *Blue: So, Sarge, did I pass the test?* *"Hackers have their moments in halo too you know!" *UNSC Driving Instructor: Well, I don't know whether or not I should flunk you, or praise you.* *Red: Damn it Bob, how many times did I tell you not to run by that hill! You'd think he'd know by now that their's snipers all over that area!* *Ahh C'mon! The joke wasn't that bad, was it?* *Red: we all tried to play jump rope. It didn't work out very well.*

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  • (after firgin a single sniper rifle bullet to the head) DEAR GOD MAN! that brings your overall accuracy to 1200%

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  • *Ah man, it's amazing how this all happened because the red guy in the back forgot to tie his shoe...* *Blue: I told you I was good with the Rocket Launcher!* *I don't know how Red Vs Blue will continue their series now...* *Damn, I missed the tree!*

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