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5/3/2004 9:40:05 PM

Caption #4 - From a late night of Halo PC testing...

This particular screen was taken by some of our testers last year as they were wrapping up work on Halo PC. Commence with the captions! [img]/images/forums/captions/galleryforum_trailofcorpses.jpg[/img]
#Gallery #FanArt

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  • Red 1- so sniper bullets go through bodies Red 2- yes Red 1- THEN WHY DIDN'T WE CHOOSE LINDA TO BE ON OUR SIDE???

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  • So it turns out they will have more than 1 person co-op play in halo 2... but it stilll won't save you from the new Hunter and Brute forms of the flood

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  • the testing for the newest weapon in Halo 2... the grunt cannon Instructions 1) put satchel charge on grunt 2) put grunt in cannon 3) fire grunt 4) as soon as the grunt lands, BLOW IT UP

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  • Red leader- Red 12!!!!! how many times have a told you!!!!!!!! if your going to be last in the line!!!! LOOK FORWARD NOT BACK!!! Red 12- but i was watching my back Red leader- then how come the warthog killed us ALL!!!!! Red 12- sir it wasnt the warthog Red leader- then WHAT?!?! Red 12- The Puma did

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  • *You know that Big creature Bungie said they might release into halo 2? Well... I think they have...* *All the Spartans were excited to see that they had reached the new planet. Unfortunately, someone started the rumor of their being no gravity...* *[b] Halo Fan: [/b] So, how were you able to have the Master Chief Jump off that Spaceship and onto the Covenant carrier in one try? [b] Bungie Employee: [/b] It wasn't exactly [i] one [/i] Master Chief; we used Red Stunt men to practice the shot first, but we still don't know where they landed...* *[b] Blue 1: [/b] I can't believe you were able to kill 12 Reds! [b] Blue 2: [/b] 12!? I got a lot more then 12! That's all I could fit in the camera!

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  • Hey,if they were all carrying grenades,we could have had hours of Warthog Jump!

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  • Red#2 talking to Red#1: when i said if at first you dont succed try again i didn't mean 12 more times down the exact same route.

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  • -The conga line of death -"Alright, who pushed me over?" -Red #1 "I saw this on Animal Planet, if we all lay here long enough, the Blues will think we're part of the habitat, and then we can sneak up behind them, and attack them." Red #2 "Uhh, I don't think it works if we're red and the ground is brown." Red #1 "Quiet, here they come."

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  • Experiment 117: Use Spartans as fertilizer on the dead grass.

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  • Gearbox employee to another Gearbox employee, at the Gearbox vs. Bungie tournament, "Are you [i]sure[/i] you removed all the Bungie 1337 hax code?"

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  • anything but the conga line! or aww crap, i thought i was the only one coming to the fancy dress party as tarmac!

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  • New steamroller mod goes down a treat with blue team, lucky they were standing in a row really

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  • The Fall of Reach all over again.

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  • Zamamee-Wow i can't beleive i killed every single spartan and none of them were the one im after!!!!....nor did i spill any blood Master Cheif- (rockets the elite) wow he really needs to get a life!

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  • NO ONE CAN KILL THE GUILTY SPARK (insert evil laugh)

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  • Red leader- guys the UNSC Human domino competition is in 3 days and I don't the guys who are going to take home the Bungie Trophy!!!

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  • needless to say Blue team won

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  • How did one grunt DO ALL OF THIS!!!!!......

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  • "Dammit, sargent! What part of 'FLAMMABLE' didn't you understand?!!"

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  • *MC shaped Stepping stones* *So, how do we check their pulses?* *The Forensic team was puzzeled. The only evidence they had was tire tracks on the victims and a warthog* *The UNSC forces recently discovered were the test subjects were sent to for the first Spartan project* *[b] Just before the Incident: Sarge: [/b] Don't worry! This little thingy on my HUD says that their's oxygen here.* *Blue: I knew that rock I through looked funny!* *The last hope of the Earth was on their way. They all ran single file towards the enemy, ranting chants to the Covenant ahead. Then, out of no where, Master Chief takes a sharp corner wrong and flips the Warthog, sending him flying to his death. The unexpecting Spartans ahead had no clue what they were about to be hit with...* *[b] Covenant Teacher: [/b] "Shooting a spartan in the leg makes it 93% effective in battle. Shooting one in the arm makes in 78% effective. Shooting both their arms and legs makes them 12% effective. So, what have we learned today?" [b] Student: [/b] "To just try and run them over, to eliminate all the confusing math."*

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  • SARGE: Looks like the warthog rose from the swamp afterall. MENDOZA: I told you Sarge, I said he would come. JENKINS: Yea but he didn't bring any gifts MENDOZA i wouldn't be so sure of that, look at them hog droppings by the sniper...

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  • The Reds are exhausted after their 'exercises'

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  • Hey, i think there is something wrong with the teleporter...

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  • Oops

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  • Thats the last time I break out the beer..

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