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6/14/2011 7:32:24 PM

Bungie Mobile FAQ

[url=]Bungie Mobile FAQ[/url] Let us know if that doesn't cover all your questionable needs. :) [Edited on 01.24.2012 1:22 PM PST]

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  • no my friend dosent werk for bungie and has it and i got the red flaming helm so there for u dont need to be an worker for bungie

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  • If someone deletes a message you sent them, does it disappear from your sent messages?

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  • So.. How bout that WP7 application??

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  • When or will we ever get new stuff for Reach from the app on ipods? :o

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SniperKid86 HEY, DONT U HAVE TO BE A BUNGIE EMPLOYEE TO GET TO INHERITOR? [/quote] Idiot... >.>

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  • Will the Android version actually get its own stat page inside the app? Instead of redirecting you to the website? Basically what the IPhone version does.

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  • nice post

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  • no one asks the right questions on bungie net community its really annoying. :)!!!!!!!!!

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  • I've had this happen to me a few times, but it's only happened when I lose service. Which is only really when I go from 4G to Wi-Fi during that two or three second down time.

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  • I have an issue with my app. It keeps saying, 'Can't communicate with server'. I've resinstalled, used my data network and my wifi and still nothing.

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  • Well they have now. Compatible with Android phones and the new App is really awesome!

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  • I don't think it would create any kind of issue. It would be the same as if logging onto your e-mail on two different PCs. And when was the app released for Android? I haven't paid any attention to it until I just searched "Bungie" like I always do every once in a while and found it. Finally Bungie! Thanks! [Edited on 10.19.2011 7:00 PM PDT]

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  • [url=]As I asked here...[/url] [quote]A question I haven't seen answered yet: I have both an iOS device and an Android device. While using both with the Bungie app, which device would be remembered on my account [url=]here?[/url] I haven't tried logging in with my iOS device yet since using the android version, but would this create a conflict of some sort?[/quote] Anyone have any answers/support?

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  • If your Halo is on the MICROSOFT Xbox can you guys make an App for the MICROSOFT Windows Phone system as well? Please I need more programs for my HTC Trophy :)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] L337b4k4 Any plans for a Windows Phone 7.5 version? *crosses fingers*[/quote] There are plans for Android, I'd like to guess there'd be plans for Windows Phone. Just have to wait and see! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Spartan TKIA This was on twitter: [quote]the_onom Greg Bishop @bungietweets Any word on the #android version of the Bungie Mobile app? Looking forward to it nonetheless[/quote] [quote]@bungietweets Bungie @the_onom It's content complete and in testing. More news soon. Ish.[/quote] [/quote] [Edited on 10.11.2011 7:55 PM PDT]

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  • Any plans for a Windows Phone 7.5 version? *crosses fingers*

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  • I love the Bungie App. Can't wait to see what other goodies are to come from it.

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] G DOGY [/quote]Who was that even aimed at? Also, it's not Bungie day, blue flames are no longer available.

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathReaperJojo Okay so i made a Halo Reach account on my xbox live and i used a different email and cant remember it, how can i switch it on to the bungie account so its under my name like, so i can see it all because i cant see anything as if it was on my profile i have to search it all the time, can you help?[/quote]Go on your xbox and change the email connected to your gamertag to the email that you use to log into bnet with. Your account will then automatically link. It doesn't matter if you forgot your gamertag email because you will be able to see it on your xbox. You need to know the password though.

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  • Okay so i made a Halo Reach account on my xbox live and i used a different email and cant remember it, how can i switch it on to the bungie account so its under my name like, so i can see it all because i cant see anything as if it was on my profile i have to search it all the time, can you help?

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  • Not sure if this has been asked, or answered. The app saves every private message. Is there a way to.. delete said messages?

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  • Do you... want to, perhaps, make a new account now? One without the name "gofyerselfbungie?" LOL! Also, good job posting in the sticky. Few new members actually read those. -_- [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] gofyerselfbungie ty for fixing tht problem bungie much apreciated im glad u did. i am much happier ty.[/quote]

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  • ty for fixing tht problem bungie much apreciated im glad u did. i am much happier ty.

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