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6/14/2011 4:00:54 AM

Bungie Community Mosaic Done! Download is up!

[b]Note[/b]: Done with accepting submissions, the final image is below. [quote][url=]Bungie Day Community Mosaic on Deviantart[/url] [url=]Full sized Image link[/url] (Warning: May make your program crash XD) [url=]Rapidshare download link[/url][/quote] [quote] [b]To see the full image in 10050 x 10050 glory press that little "Download Image" button on the top right. It's a 44 MB download :O[/b] [quote] [u]Other Mosaics[/u] *The images that make up these mosaics are repeated a lot to create a more defined look. [url=]Bungie VS The World Humpday Poster Mosaic[/url] [url=]20th Anniversary Image Mosaic[/url] [url=]Original Image[/url] ----- [url=]Webmaster Mosaic[/url] [url=]Original Image[/URL] ----- [url=]Urk Mosaic[/url][/quote] [b][u]Mosaic Stats[/u][/b] 1004/777 pictures! 181 MB of space! Over 100 contributors! [B][url=]Achievment Unlocked![/url][/B] [quote][b]Thank you all for contributing your pictures(and time) to help me with this community project. Without you guys, it wouldn't even of hit 100! Huge thanks to Joen93, HaloGuru13, Agripeta Gero, and ShadedSpartan17 for the huge amount of pictures you guys sent.[/b][/quote] [u]Original Message[/u] To show our appreciation for what Bungie is planning on doing this Bungie day, and with all this talk about us giving back to [i]them[/i], I felt a good idea would be something simple, that everyone should be able to do. [u]The idea[/u] A [url=]Picture Mosaic[/url], which would consist of tiny pictures in which the community has taken of themselves expressing their love for Bungie. Your picture could be utter crazyness(Halo armor, group picture, etc), just a little note, [url=]this for example[/url], or in game screen shot even. The picture has to be in .JPG format. [b]THE EMAIL IS: [u][/u][/b] Title your message: Bungie Mosaic. [/quote] [Edited on 07.08.2011 6:55 AM PDT]

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  • I'm a bit disappointed 'cause we didn't get any response :/

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Primo84 I'm actually somewhat disappointed; I liked my picture. [/quote] Was is saved as jpg? Images as a png weren't picked up. What was your picture, I'll check all the folder.

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  • Found mine, glad I could be part of this.

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  • I'm actually somewhat disappointed; I liked my picture.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mac2po [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] buddydog327 cool! although i was hoping to see [url=]my submitted photo[/url] in there, maybe i just couldnt find it among the 1000...[/quote] It might of been cut down to fit in the square. It's in the folder so keep looking![/quote] i scoured the entire mosaic, its not in there :| maybe it got skipped over? lol

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  • So I take it that I [i]had[/i] to email it? :\ [Edited on 07.06.2011 8:53 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] buddydog327 cool! although i was hoping to see [url=]my submitted photo[/url] in there, maybe i just couldnt find it among the 1000...[/quote] It might of been cut down to fit in the square. It's in the folder so keep looking!

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  • cool! although i was hoping to see [url=]my submitted photo[/url] in there, maybe i just couldnt find it among the 1000...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mac2po [url=]Full sized image[/url][/quote]That is amazing!!! Great job!

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  • Wow, this is awesome. I should have taken part in it. :/

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  • Awesome...looks cool. nice job

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  • Pretty cool! Nice job! The only problem with it is WTF IS STUPID HALO 4 BULL -blam!- DOING IN A [u][b]BUNGIE[/b][/u] MOSAIC?!

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  • So epic

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mac2po [url=]Full sized image[/url][/quote] That's a purty piece of work ya got thar.

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  • Ha! Updated OP with warning XD

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mac2po [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JABBERWOCK xeno So is it done now? Your gonna send it to them? Can you provide a direct link to the full sized image? Deveiant art won't let me see it fully, even if I hit download fullsize. EDIT: PM me when you answer this, can't leave window open to check.[/quote] I sent them a tweet, you can too if you want. [url=]Full sized image[/url][/quote] HOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYY BLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That thing just made my program crash! AWESOME!

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  • Wow Mac, thanks so much again for doing this ^_^ they'll love it I'm sure. You did an awesome job! [Edited on 07.06.2011 4:21 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JABBERWOCK xeno So is it done now? Your gonna send it to them? Can you provide a direct link to the full sized image? Deveiant art won't let me see it fully, even if I hit download fullsize. EDIT: PM me when you answer this, can't leave window open to check.[/quote] I sent them a tweet, you can too if you want. [url=]Full sized image[/url]

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  • So is it done now? Your gonna send it to them? Can you provide a direct link to the full sized image? Deveiant art won't let me see it fully, even if I hit download fullsize. EDIT: PM me when you answer this, can't leave window open to check. [Edited on 07.06.2011 4:10 PM PDT]

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  • WOOOOHOOOO !!!! Still lol at the Urk mosaic :p

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  • I'm glad we reached 1000. The mosaic is awesome.

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  • We hit 1000. I'd say that's enough. You can keep submitting pictures if you want, but I'm going to use the 1000 we have now to make the "final". [url=!/Mac2po/status/88722380918243328]@Bungietweets[/url] [Edited on 07.06.2011 2:35 PM PDT]

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  • Wow, this has come along great!

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  • Thanks. That brings us up to 950. 50 more to 1000! Come we can do it today. I just put in a couple of my own!

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  • I keep forgetting about this... anyway, I'm wrapping up an email with some purdy pictures. It's inbound!

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  • We need 79 more for 1000. I'll start getting some too. Updated OP with contributors.

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