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5/24/2011 11:04:17 PM

Credit Resets - 5/24/2011

Good afternoon, We have executed a round of Credit Resets with a temporary Credit Ban for accounts which have habitually exhibited idling or "AFK" behavior while playing in Firefight Matchmaking. We'll be keeping a close eye on all of the accounts which we have taken action against. Further action will be taken if necessary, up to or including a temporary or permanent Matchmaking Ban. When you idle or "AFK" frequently you're causing a negative impact on the enjoyment and integrity of the game for other players. Anytime you are in a Matchmaking session of Halo: Reach you are expected to be actively playing the game, we award you Credits in good faith and trust that you are earning them. Violating that trust by earning Credits that you don't deserve and negatively impacting the experience of other players will result in the removal of Credits. Furthermore, using network manipulation to splinter a matchmaking session so you can benefit from games intended for groups of players is not acceptable. When you do this you deprive the other players in your session of a teammate and you degrade their online experience. We have provided a single player Firefight playlist called Score Attack which you can use if you wish to play alone. [b]Regarding Disputes[/b] A separate thread will be created and monitored for as long as we believe necessary. If you believe your ban was a false positive, you can post a request for investigation. Only use this thread and request an investigation if you are absolutely sure that your ban was a false positive, if we take the time to investigate your account and find that you do have idling or "AFK" behavior, we will place an extended Credit Ban on your account. Thank you for your cooperation. [Edited on 05.24.2011 3:05 PM PDT]
#Reach #Halo

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NTRninja Do the commendations get reset too?[/quote] Are you seriously this dumb? Just get off the internet.

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  • Do the commendations get reset too?

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  • what about the people who constantly betray in zombies is that not ruining the game? who cares if someone sits in firefight arcade they can die 777 billion times you have infinite lifes so how does it negitively affect other players dont people want to get the highest score maybe iam wrong and the objective is to not kill anything and no one gets more then 5 points honestly if i wanna scope in and watch you people play while i drink juice and eat cookies then gusse what iam do it

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Carterfamilyrule do you get credit banned for being away for a few minutes of a game or is it just if your away for the whole game?[/quote] That is what i was thinking but i think it is just the whole game

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  • Good for you

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  • damn even i dont get 0 kills in swat and i suck at it oh and get off this forum noone looks at it anymore word of advice ^.^

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] B Rye [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MissPrissyXbox [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] B Rye I actually did not mean to come back here, yet here I am... Posted by: Hylebos Ignoring a broken window doesn't fix the window, nor does throwing on a blanket and adapting to the cold outside. The window is still broken. If the window is ever to be fixed, bringing the problem to the attention of those who are capable of mending it is the first step. Even if the window can't be fixed, figuring out how the window broke and ensuring that it doesn't ever happen again is essential if we are to progress forwards. Credit Resets are wrong [/quote] That is what he means to say[/quote] Damn Protomario, you still lurk here? I came here through a series of links starting in a completely irrelevant thread. You just can't let go, can you? And that quote in my Bio is for Armor Lock. Don't be twisting Hylebos's words to try to promote your own retarded agenda.[/quote] And yet it applies perfectly to both. Be mad all you want, but fixing the symptoms doesnt fix the problem.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MissPrissyXbox [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] B Rye I actually did not mean to come back here, yet here I am... Posted by: Hylebos Ignoring a broken window doesn't fix the window, nor does throwing on a blanket and adapting to the cold outside. The window is still broken. If the window is ever to be fixed, bringing the problem to the attention of those who are capable of mending it is the first step. Even if the window can't be fixed, figuring out how the window broke and ensuring that it doesn't ever happen again is essential if we are to progress forwards. Credit Resets are wrong [/quote] That is what he means to say[/quote] Damn Protomario, you still lurk here? I came here through a series of links starting in a completely irrelevant thread. You just can't let go, can you? And that quote in my Bio is for Armor Lock. Don't be twisting Hylebos's words to try to promote your own retarded agenda.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Aproinheritor Credit resets are wrong. How are Firefight Afkers even ruining someones experience. They sit their and die while other people kill the enemies. I don't see how it would alter a persons experience.[/quote] 1. People now have to play FF one man down. 2. YOu get undeserved experience. It's boosting and is wrong.

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  • Credit resets are wrong. How are Firefight Afkers even ruining someones experience. They sit their and die while other people kill the enemies. I don't see how it would alter a persons experience.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] B Rye I actually did not mean to come back here, yet here I am... Posted by: Hylebos Ignoring a broken window doesn't fix the window, nor does throwing on a blanket and adapting to the cold outside. The window is still broken. If the window is ever to be fixed, bringing the problem to the attention of those who are capable of mending it is the first step. Even if the window can't be fixed, figuring out how the window broke and ensuring that it doesn't ever happen again is essential if we are to progress forwards. Credit Resets are wrong [/quote] That is what he means to say

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  • I actually did not mean to come back here, yet here I am... And there's work to be done: [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JOHN GRIMM 1822 I would just like to know why I got banned in the first place, and why I never received a warning about my credit ban. At least this way, I wouldn't have to worry about committing the alleged offense ever again. I don't cheat, and I don't do all of the challenges. I also never quit matches, even if I am by myself against other players. Not to mention, my gameplay has NEVER been seen as unsporting or unfair. I am not the best, and I will never claim to be. [/quote] Come on kid, you have 5 games in a row of zero kills in SWAT.

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  • I have been having this problem (well not a problem ) where I glitch out of Arcade Firefight and get a lot of credits. Also happens whenever I play campaghin matchmaking. Will that somehow count against me?

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  • fiesty on you are pumpkin

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  • do you get credit banned for being away for a few minutes of a game or is it just if your away for the whole game?

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  • I sorta think its stupid I got tired of playing for 20 mins and getting like what 1-2k more credits then you get if you sit and do nothing how about you get credits for doing work I get 70+ kills in a invasion game and I get a 130cr performance bonus what sense does that make? give people the cr they deserve and there whouldnt be a need to afk

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  • i never play split screen. my gf doesn't like to play shooting games like that. i always party up with a few other people that like to communicate while playing as a team, just like in the REAL US military.

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  • Wait a few days and then you can earn more credits, I don't see what the problem is.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JOHN GRIMM 1822 I would just like to know why I got banned in the first place, and why I never received a warning about my credit ban. At least this way, I wouldn't have to worry about committing the alleged offense ever again. I don't cheat, and I don't do all of the challenges. I also never quit matches, even if I am by myself against other players. Not to mention, my gameplay has NEVER been seen as unsporting or unfair. I am not the best, and I will never claim to be. [/quote] Did you play splitscreen?

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  • I would just like to know why I got banned in the first place, and why I never received a warning about my credit ban. At least this way, I wouldn't have to worry about committing the alleged offense ever again. I don't cheat, and I don't do all of the challenges. I also never quit matches, even if I am by myself against other players. Not to mention, my gameplay has NEVER been seen as unsporting or unfair. I am not the best, and I will never claim to be.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cWa animal -blam!- bungie and 343 for wrongfully banning thousands of players. They -blam!- up, got owned by smart players and dealt with it like complete idiots. CONGRATS. -blam!- you.[/quote] Pretty much everyone that got banned and reset was deserving, I don't think you know what you're talking about.

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  • -blam!- bungie and 343 for wrongfully banning thousands of players. They -blam!- up, got owned by smart players and dealt with it like complete idiots. CONGRATS. -blam!- you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] giga fox 117 No, Jeramiah doesn't post in anything[/quote] He posts all the time, what are you talking about?

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  • Ya i would like a warning BEFORE being credit banned so you can stop doing the thing your banned for before you are banned.

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  • Finished a daily only to get nothing... guess Bungie wants fewer ppl to play Halo...? Sound logic. Suggestion in the future: talk with someone before you credit ban.

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  • T-Bagg'n like a M0.f0

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