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3/18/2011 1:30:35 AM

The Arab Spring (Tunisia, Libya, Egypt,Yemen,Syria)UPDATE 433

This thread was started after the [url=]UNSC[/url] approved the no-flyzone over Libya, and mostly follows the events surrounding The Arab Spring that began in Tunisia, on the fateful day a man was denied his fruit cart, and spread across the Arab world in a push for democratic reform. [url=] AlJazeera LIVE[/url] [url=]Current LIVE Blog On Libya Courtesy of AlJazeera[/url] [url=]Current LIVE Blog on Yemen Courtesy of AlJazeera[/url] [url=]Current LIVE Blog on Syria Courtesy of AlJazeera[/url] [url=]BBC Africa[/url] [url=]BBC Middle East[/url] [url=]CBC World News[/url] [quote][/quote] As people seem to still be posting here, I will add this updates again as i see them rather than creating a new thread, if you guys keep posting i'll keep updating. [u]LIBYA[/u] Gaddafi is dead. He was captured after a NATO plane hit his convoy escaping Sirte after the rebels took it earlier today, heavily wounded, he was taken to a hospital in Misurata where he succumbed to his wounds. NATO has confirmed that they hit the convoy, but has not directly seen the body yet. it's worth noting that some other sources say he died under different circumstances, killed by NTC forces in Sirte when found, shot in the head, or shot in both legs and dieing of blood loss. All that is confirmed is he is dead and taken to a location in Misurata 17:01 10/21 [u]LIBYA[/u] The NTC is allowing for the UN to send a 3rd party investigative group to look into the circumstances of Gaddafi's death, after questions were raised by Russia suggesting Gaddafi was executed rather than killed in a crossfire during his trip to hospital in Misurata the NTC maintains he died in crossfire when a firefight broke out around the ambulance he was being carried in. 09:09 10/24 [u]TUNISIA[/u] Due to a massive voter turn out (more than 90% of the country) election results will be announced later today or early tomorrow, due to the extra time needed to count the votes. The Election committee did not expect such enthusiastic turnout and were caught unprepared. The views of the currently leading al Nahda party can be found [url=]here[/url]. They are pro-western, and follow a Malaysian/Turkish model for allowing Islam to exist but refusing to allow extremism in rule. [u]LIBYA[/u] The NTC has called for an investigation into how Gaddafi died, after allegations going both ways have emerged. The NTC also Announced Libya's formal Liberation yesterday, and said elections will happen in the next 6 to 8 months Gaddafi's second son Saadi, fled to Niger and has been arrested by authorities there. They will hand him over to the NTC. [u]EGYPT[/u] Parliamentary elections are to be held in a matter of weeks, and Presidential Elections to be held in early 2013. There is growing concern in the populous that the SCAF will only allow people to run who had connections to the Mubarak regime, resulting in no change. People are stirring and suggestions of armed revolution in the coming months are floating. [u]YEMEN[/u] The Yemeni government has accepted and agreed to a UNSC resolution that called for Saleh to step down in exchange for immunity, and that condemned the Government's crack down. The government said they would work with the UN on this matter. [u]Syria[/u] The US has withdrawn it's ambassador for security reasons and closed it's embassy in Syria, It is one of the last to do so from western nations. Thanks for paying attention to these major world events, a country's journey to freedom requires the support of the entire world, and even just paying attention helps. [quote][/quote] [Edited on 10.24.2011 8:09 AM PDT]
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  • Alrighty guys I'm back after a long time away from a decent chunk of time to keep this updated, due to the week long interuption since the last update from anyone, this will be my last post on this Thread. [u]LIBYA[/u] All but entirely under the command of the NTC, Libya is free, The Rebel forces have pushed into the city of Sirte, the final stronghold of the Gaddafi Regime, and while fighting rages on, and NATO continues to support the NTC, The people of Libya are now free. [u]SYRIA[/u] Assad's Regime is crumbling before his eyes as entire units of his military are defecting now and protecting protestors. [u]YEMEN[/u] Sadly fighting in Yemen rages on as it has for the past few months with no end in sight. Thanks for paying attention to these major world events, a country's journey to freedom requires the support of the entire world, and even just paying attention helps. It's been a great run, See you all in the forums!

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  • [url=] Iraq Calls For Assad To Resign In Syria [/url] [url=] Arab League body wants to suspend Syria, Yemen membership [/url] [url=] New Yemen Clashes Renew Civil-War Fears [/url] and the UN General Assembly is currently meeting in New York. [Edited on 09.20.2011 5:21 PM PDT]

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  • [url=]Burhanuddin Rabbani, the former President of Afghanistan, was assassinated by the Taliban.[/url]

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  • [url=] Sirte residents flee as NTC prepares assault [/url] [url=] Syrian dissidents 'killed in raids' in Homs [/url] UN now says 2700 people have been killed

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  • [URL=]22 Yemen citizens shot dead in peaceful protest[/URL] and many more injured by tear gas and water cannons.

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  • [url=] Turkish aid flight to Libya fired upon [/url] [url=] Children Begin School in Post-Qaddafi Libya [/url] [url=] Syria's Protesters, Long Mostly Peaceful, Starting to Resort to Violence [/url] it was only a matter of time... [url=] Syrian defector 'confesses' on state TV [/url] also 45 people were killed on Friday

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Phoenix1330 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] M_Power [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lonepaul2441 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dudin8er GAZA The Turkish navy is now directly escorting any aid ships heading to Gaza -blam!- is going down now. I bet Israel will totally get -blam!- from this if they try to run the blockade.[/quote]Im kinda hoping something does spark up and we side with Turkey because Israel is annoying the hell out of me.[/quote] How? Every time they make a cease-fire hamas starts throwing RPGs into their backyard...can't blame them.[/quote]While I don't want to get into an argument here, as I like to stick to facts rather than opinion here as much as possible, The Israeli forces are just as bad as Hamas these days. Ceasefires are broken just as often my Israel now as Gaza.[/quote] That isn't even an opinion. Please post some facts about how the Israeli forces are just as "bad" as Hamas. I want to see some links about how Israeli forces blow up buses on purpose, and regularly kill civilians with intent.

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  • [url=]Anti-government protesters storm Yemeni university[/url] [url=]Fierce fighting resumes for Sirte[/url]

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  • [url=] Official: Leaders of France, UK to visit Libya [/url] [url=] Libya: Saadi Gaddafi tracked down to playboy hideaway in Niger [/url] [url=] Canada to extend Libya mission by three months [/url] [url=] Rights groups urge Arab League to suspend Syria [/url] [url=] U.N. Count of Syria Dead Now at 2,600 [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Phoenix1330 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [url=] U.S.: 4 troops on the ground in Libya [/url] [/quote] It's worth noting they are there to asses the situation for reopening the US embassy and are not there in a combat capacity.[/quote]They're clearance goes far beyond U.S. Special Forces.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [url=] U.S.: 4 troops on the ground in Libya [/url] [/quote] It's worth noting they are there to asses the situation for reopening the US embassy and are not there in a combat capacity.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Silent Dreamer15 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [url=] Libya's NTC gains Chinese recognition [/url] [/quote] Does this allow for funds to finally be sent to Libya? [/quote] not sure, we may have to wait and find out since it was a public holiday in China to my knowledge. i would hope so though.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [url=] Libya's NTC gains Chinese recognition [/url] [/quote] Does this allow for funds to finally be sent to Libya?

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  • [url=] Gadhafi's son 'en route' to Niger's capital, government official says [/url] [url=] U.S.: 4 troops on the ground in Libya [/url] [url=] Libya's NTC gains Chinese recognition [/url] [url=] Syria mounts deadly raids as Russia backs regime [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] M_Power [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lonepaul2441 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dudin8er GAZA The Turkish navy is now directly escorting any aid ships heading to Gaza -blam!- is going down now. I bet Israel will totally get -blam!- from this if they try to run the blockade.[/quote]Im kinda hoping something does spark up and we side with Turkey because Israel is annoying the hell out of me.[/quote] How? Every time they make a cease-fire hamas starts throwing RPGs into their backyard...can't blame them.[/quote]While I don't want to get into an argument here, as I like to stick to facts rather than opinion here as much as possible, The Israeli forces are just as bad as Hamas these days. Ceasefires are broken just as often my Israel now as Gaza.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lonepaul2441 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dudin8er GAZA The Turkish navy is now directly escorting any aid ships heading to Gaza -blam!- is going down now. I bet Israel will totally get -blam!- from this if they try to run the blockade.[/quote]Im kinda hoping something does spark up and we side with Turkey because Israel is annoying the hell out of me.[/quote] How? Every time they make a cease-fire hamas starts throwing RPGs into their backyard...can't blame them.

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  • [u]LIBYA[/u] The NTC's leader has announced that in the next 10 days a new government will be formed with a representative from each region of Libya. Their role will be to arrange for public elections in a few months. A small number of Gaddafi forces attacked and failed to take the oil refinery at Rans Lanuf. The rebels now have Bani Walid in their control and are now pushing to take Sirte. [Edited on 09.12.2011 6:09 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dudin8er GAZA The Turkish navy is now directly escorting any aid ships heading to Gaza -blam!- is going down now. I bet Israel will totally get -blam!- from this if they try to run the blockade.[/quote]Im kinda hoping something does spark up and we side with Turkey because Israel is annoying the hell out of me.

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  • GAZA The Turkish navy is now directly escorting any aid ships heading to Gaza -blam!- is going down now. I bet Israel will totally get -blam!- from this if they try to run the blockade.

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  • [u]LIBYA[/u] the NTC forces have moved on the town of bani walid and the city of Sirte after the surrender deadline passed. The NTC forces are in control of most of Beni Walid with no resistance but there are some areas of fierce resistance.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xd00999 Since the NTC are the officially government of Libya now, does that mean they can invited other countries to put boots on the ground without running into any political problems?[/quote]I suppose they could, but they don't really need to at this point.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XxExpungexX [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ins3ktz BF3>MW3 NOT INTO THE LONG GRASS![/quote] IDK what you mean by grass but MW3>BF3[/quote] lol we both have different opinions. BUT MY OPINION IS BETTER NOT INTO THE LONG GRASS!

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  • Since the NTC are the officially government of Libya now, does that mean they can invited other countries to put boots on the ground without running into any political problems?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ExquisiteDragon [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 [url=] Explosion of violence in Syria caught in series of horrifying video clips [/url] [url=] Missing weapons from Libya arms caches raise fears [/url] i cannot find a story but 2 convoy's of Libyan military vehicles left entered Niger, but Gaddafi is not believed to be among them.[/quote]What kind of weapons?[/quote] when i saw it on CNN they specified Surface to Air missiles. [url=] FLASH EGYPT: Egyptian Protesters Tear Down Israeli Embassy Security Wall [/url] [url=] UPDATE 3-Israel wary at "harsh" Turk naval challenge [/url] [url=] Libyan Rebels Attack Qaddafi Loyalists in 2 Cities [/url] Russia May Back 'Variety of Approaches' on Syria, Medvedev Says. expectation: Approaches that are inadequate. [url=] Red Crescent workers shot in Syria [/url]

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  • [u]LIBYA[/u] Gaddafi has been added to Interpol's most wanted list The NTC's military arm has repurposed a segment of their 'elite' Tripoli Brigade, to specifically hunt Gaddafi, Reportedly Special forces from Britain the US and Canada have been invited to assist. The NTC's top officials have now moved into Tripoli [u]GAZA[/u] The Turkish navy is now directly escorting any aid ships heading to Gaza [u]SYRIA[/u] The Syrian opposition has called for Foreign aid for the first time since the uprising began. A UNSC meeting has been called, no word on a date yet. As to keep the Regime from labelling the opposition as Traitors, they are requesting UN observers, not combatants, to protect civilian lives, but are now willing to consider asking for direct, air and ground intervention of the killing continues. [u]EGYPT[/u] Protesters have shown up en-masse in Tahrir square to remind the military of the reforms they promised due to take place later this month.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ins3ktz BF3>MW3 NOT INTO THE LONG GRASS![/quote] IDK what you mean by grass but MW3>BF3

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