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3/18/2011 1:30:35 AM

The Arab Spring (Tunisia, Libya, Egypt,Yemen,Syria)UPDATE 433

This thread was started after the [url=]UNSC[/url] approved the no-flyzone over Libya, and mostly follows the events surrounding The Arab Spring that began in Tunisia, on the fateful day a man was denied his fruit cart, and spread across the Arab world in a push for democratic reform. [url=] AlJazeera LIVE[/url] [url=]Current LIVE Blog On Libya Courtesy of AlJazeera[/url] [url=]Current LIVE Blog on Yemen Courtesy of AlJazeera[/url] [url=]Current LIVE Blog on Syria Courtesy of AlJazeera[/url] [url=]BBC Africa[/url] [url=]BBC Middle East[/url] [url=]CBC World News[/url] [quote][/quote] As people seem to still be posting here, I will add this updates again as i see them rather than creating a new thread, if you guys keep posting i'll keep updating. [u]LIBYA[/u] Gaddafi is dead. He was captured after a NATO plane hit his convoy escaping Sirte after the rebels took it earlier today, heavily wounded, he was taken to a hospital in Misurata where he succumbed to his wounds. NATO has confirmed that they hit the convoy, but has not directly seen the body yet. it's worth noting that some other sources say he died under different circumstances, killed by NTC forces in Sirte when found, shot in the head, or shot in both legs and dieing of blood loss. All that is confirmed is he is dead and taken to a location in Misurata 17:01 10/21 [u]LIBYA[/u] The NTC is allowing for the UN to send a 3rd party investigative group to look into the circumstances of Gaddafi's death, after questions were raised by Russia suggesting Gaddafi was executed rather than killed in a crossfire during his trip to hospital in Misurata the NTC maintains he died in crossfire when a firefight broke out around the ambulance he was being carried in. 09:09 10/24 [u]TUNISIA[/u] Due to a massive voter turn out (more than 90% of the country) election results will be announced later today or early tomorrow, due to the extra time needed to count the votes. The Election committee did not expect such enthusiastic turnout and were caught unprepared. The views of the currently leading al Nahda party can be found [url=]here[/url]. They are pro-western, and follow a Malaysian/Turkish model for allowing Islam to exist but refusing to allow extremism in rule. [u]LIBYA[/u] The NTC has called for an investigation into how Gaddafi died, after allegations going both ways have emerged. The NTC also Announced Libya's formal Liberation yesterday, and said elections will happen in the next 6 to 8 months Gaddafi's second son Saadi, fled to Niger and has been arrested by authorities there. They will hand him over to the NTC. [u]EGYPT[/u] Parliamentary elections are to be held in a matter of weeks, and Presidential Elections to be held in early 2013. There is growing concern in the populous that the SCAF will only allow people to run who had connections to the Mubarak regime, resulting in no change. People are stirring and suggestions of armed revolution in the coming months are floating. [u]YEMEN[/u] The Yemeni government has accepted and agreed to a UNSC resolution that called for Saleh to step down in exchange for immunity, and that condemned the Government's crack down. The government said they would work with the UN on this matter. [u]Syria[/u] The US has withdrawn it's ambassador for security reasons and closed it's embassy in Syria, It is one of the last to do so from western nations. Thanks for paying attention to these major world events, a country's journey to freedom requires the support of the entire world, and even just paying attention helps. [quote][/quote] [Edited on 10.24.2011 8:09 AM PDT]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jaz Millennium [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aledog1 am i the only one having a hard time to take anything with the name UNSC in it seriously?[/quote] Lol no. I like how there is actually a UNSC tho.[/quote]

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  • Oh, been silent about this since Japan... good to get an update.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Locke357 -blam!- just got real[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ANinjaGuardian I hope the UNSC doesn't land ground troops, it needs to be the Libyan peoples' revolution so the West will not instill a puppet state.[/quote]Agreed. Libyan people should definitely set there own government up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jaz Millennium [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aledog1 am i the only one having a hard time to take anything with the name UNSC in it seriously?[/quote] Lol no. I like how there is actually a UNSC tho.[/quote] Yeah, too bad the UN barely gets anything done besides making it look like they're doing stuff in Africa.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aledog1 am i the only one having a hard time to take anything with the name UNSC in it seriously?[/quote] Lol no. I like how there is actually a UNSC tho.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jaz Millennium [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER im probably wrong..but im fairly sure one us/uk nuke would wipe Libya off the map..[/quote] A nuke is NOT the answer to every damn problem in terms of war. Besides thats a war crime anyway its not allowed.[/quote]i was talking about what the idiot after he said "i will stand firm even against nukes". i mean..i dont think you can just punch back a nuke..[/quote] Oh yeah...sorry I have to deal with idiots who think nukes are the answer to everything. My bad.

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  • am i the only one having a hard time to take anything with the name UNSC in it seriously?

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  • glad to see many nations getting involved

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  • I hope the UNSC doesn't land ground troops, it needs to be the Libyan peoples' revolution so the West will not instill a puppet state.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] FinalHazard006 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC1262 Scorch We'll send in the Marines. Gadaffi will have a very very bad day when a JDAM comes through is window. hehehehehehe. hoo-rah[/quote] If you're gonna be a MARtard, at least get "oorah" right.[/quote] What do you expect? the USMC has the lowest IQ out of all branches, you can a 12 on the ASVAB and still join the marines.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Phoenix1330 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC1262 Scorch We'll send in the Marines. Gadaffi will have a very very bad day when a JDAM comes through is window. hehehehehehe. hoo-rah[/quote] actually the UN sanction is only for air operations. not coalition troops are to set foot on the ground in libya. we are there only to support the people.[/quote] Actually the UN document goes beyond a no fly zone. So NATO and US air strikes are entirely possible.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Locke357 -blam!- just got real[/quote] Took the words right out of my mouth.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jaz Millennium [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER im probably wrong..but im fairly sure one us/uk nuke would wipe Libya off the map..[/quote] A nuke is NOT the answer to every damn problem in terms of war. Besides thats a war crime anyway its not allowed.[/quote]i was talking about what the idiot after he said "i will stand firm even against nukes". i mean..i dont think you can just punch back a nuke..

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  • "Germany: Gaddafi's reign is over." GERMANY, -blam!- YEAH!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC1262 Scorch We'll send in the Marines. Gadaffi will have a very very bad day when a JDAM comes through is window. hehehehehehe. hoo-rah[/quote] If you're gonna be a MARtard, at least get "oorah" right.

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  • Well there's a US carrier in the region, and NATO to the north. This will not take long.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER im probably wrong..but im fairly sure one us/uk nuke would wipe Libya off the map..[/quote] A nuke is NOT the answer to every damn problem in terms of war. Besides thats a war crime anyway its not allowed.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER im probably wrong..but im fairly sure one us/uk nuke would wipe Libya off the map..[/quote] And the Rebels, we dont want that [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Phoenix1330 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 also, HMCS Charlottetown is a Frigate, artillery support it is giving is from it Bofors 57mm gun, and can fire 220 rounds a minute, but i don't think its meant for ground targets [/quote]indeed, it's AA artillery not anti armour or infantry. the cannon is actually a Phalanx weapons system. It also is capable of electronic warfare.[/quote] wait, their using a AA gun for Artillery Support ([url=] wiki for Phalanx [/url]), well thats new, i understand Electronic Warfare though, that could be in preparation for the UN no-fly zone

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  • i will have limited access to internet for a while, and will post when possible, but i implore you to keep this alive with any new information you come across. please state your source. all info will be added to the OP as soon as possible thank you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC1262 Scorch [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Phoenix1330 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC1262 Scorch We'll send in the Marines. Gadaffi will have a very very bad day when a JDAM comes through is window. hehehehehehe. hoo-rah[/quote] actually the UN sanction is only for air operations. not coalition troops are to set foot on the ground in libya. we are there only to support the people.[/quote] No fly zone is a way to go to war by saying that we had a no fly zone and they violated it. Then we can do whatever we want. [/quote] no, we can shoot down and bomb any approved targets, but due to this being at the request of the arab league, we are restricted from direct combat to avoid libyan rebels seeing UN involvement as a western take over. they want our help to give them a chance, but they want to set up their own government.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Phoenix1330 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC1262 Scorch We'll send in the Marines. Gadaffi will have a very very bad day when a JDAM comes through is window. hehehehehehe. hoo-rah[/quote] actually the UN sanction is only for air operations. not coalition troops are to set foot on the ground in libya. we are there only to support the people.[/quote]Something of a relief, but give it time. The last thing the US needs right now is to insert itself into another foreign conflict. . .

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  • Gadaffi is cynical. He should go down. Power to people!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mereel N7 also, HMCS Charlottetown is a Frigate, artillery support it is giving is from it Bofors 57mm gun, and can fire 220 rounds a minute, but i don't think its meant for ground targets [/quote]indeed, it's AA artillery not anti armour or infantry. the cannon is actually a Phalanx weapons system. It also is capable of electronic warfare.

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  • im probably wrong..but im fairly sure one us/uk nuke would wipe Libya off the map..

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  • Time to deploy.

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