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2/10/2011 4:00:54 PM

Why Adult Entertainment Videos Can Do Harm - Discussion

[b]-FLAME SUIT ON!-[/b] [b]Disclaimer:[/b] [i]In this thread, I will argue my point as to why in my view p0rn videos do harm, this thread is also aimed at straight men, but most of the principles still can apply to women and -blam!--blam!-s. Before you all attack me in your replies for what ever reason, I would like to you read what I have to say. I am not looking at this from a religious or moral angle, but rather showing examples that could happen in real life. I do not want this to be a religious thread, and I do not want this to become a flat out insulting match between two sides, if it does reach that point, I will inform moderators of what is going on and ask them to lock the thread. Also, please no one post links to anything including nudity as there is no real age limit on these forums. Also, to any moderators who may read this, if you feel that discussion has become to explicit, or that my original post breaches the rules (I don't see how it should, as in nearly every thread there is at least one post closely related to what I am talking about) please lock. Ok, with that out the way, let me continue...[/i] There are three reasons I can see why it would do damage, as such, I will split the rest of this post into three parts. [b]1. Expectation[/b] This can harm relationships for two reasons, first is that for all those people who haven't had sex yet (AKA 99% of the flood) it boosts expectations beyond what can be equaled. You will want your girl friend/wife to look and act like the women you are used to seeing, and as such she isn't adequate. This is known to be the case. If you want to be married, and over time you become bored with your wife, you will want something that looks more like the unnaturally good looking women you have seen in the videos you watch. This will (and has often) led to affairs and break ups in relationships, as well as the man involved feeling resentment to their partner as they don't feel like they are getting what they should. [b]2. Addiction[/b] Most often, if you are in a long term relationship, you're wife/girlfriend wont want you to look at other people having sex. This is very understandable, the only problem is, that many people are addicted (or so they claim) to watching p0rn and -blam!-ion. Most often people seem to think that once they are in a relationship they wont need to resort to over ways of -blam!- stimulation, but in long term relationships (and coupled with the first point I made) means that they resort back to the original method, and cannot give it up, even when their partner finds out about it. [b]3. Objectification[/b] If you are used to having women do what ever you want, when ever you want, when watching videos on your computer, then if you think you do or not, you are making them simply an image or object, which exists only to enhance the way you feel. When this comes to a partner, you may be great friends with them in other occasions, but you will have objectified the female body and the -blam!- act as something simply for your own gain. Sure this isn't for everyone, but for many people it is. Men sometimes asks their parters for a threesome with another woman, but are opposed to their partner asking for a threesome with another man involved. In my eyes neither are right, but if thats what you are into or not, you must see the double standard. If those jokes about the perfect woman being some one who only makes sandwiches and being naked weren't based in anything, they wouldn't exist and people wouldn't find them funny. This also applies to other forms of sex which men like the idea of and women don't want to do, yet they are pressured into. [b]Conclusion[/b] I am not trying to judge anyone, but I have seen too many relationships and marriages break up because of this. Most people probably don't think of how it will effect them in the future, but they need to. Because if they don't address the issue at least, the adult videos will do harm. (clearly, there are some exceptions to the points, such as your partner watching it with you, or them not caring, but this isn't everyone, so the points still stand for those who do care) Again, I am not telling you how to live, just giving you food for thought. So, what is your view? Do you think that you should try and give it up now, before you get into a relationship, or how else should you live your life? [i]- JFKES[/i] [Edited on 02.10.2011 2:02 PM PST]
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  • All I'm going to say, is that if you break up because of XXX videos, you were never going to last in the first place.

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  • I should probably take notice of this thread, however... No, in all seriousness you prove some good points, and there isn't really a way that you can argue that p0rn is good. So A* from Professor Flea.

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  • [quote] [b]3. Objectification[/b] If you are used to having women do what ever you want, when ever you want, when watching videos on your computer, then if you think you do or not, you are making them simply an image or object, which exists only to enhance the way you feel. When this comes to a partner, you may be great friends with them in other occasions, but you will have objectified the female body and the -blam!- act as something simply for your own gain. Sure this isn't for everyone, but for many people it is. Men sometimes asks their parters for a threesome with another woman, but are opposed to their partner asking for a threesome with another man involved. In my eyes neither are right, but if thats what you are into or not, you must see the double standard. If those jokes about the perfect woman being some one who only makes sandwiches and being naked weren't based in anything, they wouldn't exist and people wouldn't find them funny. This also applies to other forms of sex which men like the idea of and women don't want to do, yet they are pressured into. [/quote] Okay. My first problem with this is that your analysis of objectification is extremely sexist. Towards men. -blam!- objecifies men in exactly the same way as it objectifies women. Seriously. Compare your trouser snake to that of O.G Mudbone and every other adult film actor, and then tell me that's not causing unrealistic expectations for a male appearance. Because it bleedin' well is. Infact the amazing Athiest mentioned it in one of his videos; It may have been in "feminism sucks" but I am not sure. Additionally it puts pressure on males to over-build (I hope this is the right term) their muscles. This is on exactly the same scale as the adult film actresses who have had thousands of (insert currency here) worth of cosmetic surgery. Another point is this; Said women would not have had this surgery if they did't WANT to be objectified; being objectified is their JOB for crying out loud. I know, I know, not all of them "enjoy" it and were "forced into it" (as if there were no alternatives). Look at some of the ameture films. These are normal couples enjoying consensual intercourse not soley for you, the viewers pleasure, but because THEY enjoy it. Also there will always be a demand for adult film because people enjoy watching it. Not for the purpose of ojectifying peope, however, as many have been indocrinated to believe. Do you not have a sex drive? do you not have a "mojo"? Have you never walked down the high street, casually glanced at a member of the opposite gender and thought, "I would"? Of course you have, and if you say otherwise, you are lying because you've been wrongly taught that it is wrong to have such desires. Raep is wrong, but a want for intercourse is not, because it's bleedin' biological and necessary. Arg. I will ammend any mistakes if they are pointed out, this was written in one disgruntled session. [Edited on 02.10.2011 9:13 AM PST]

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  • This does NOT affect me in any way possible. I see your point of view, but no, it doesn't change the way I think about other women. I see meaning in a relationship, not sex. [Edited on 02.10.2011 8:37 AM PST]

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  • Just because I watch regular movies doesn't mean I want my life to be that way, will be unsatisfied with my own life, will expect my life to be that way, or will be addicted to the escapism of it. Really, there are many things you could relate to pronz that your logic could apply to, but are completely socially acceptable.

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  • This seems like one of those uncomfortable truths that usually are rejected by those with my ultra liberal worldview.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ODST123 All of your points are possible and plausible. If someone doesn't know the difference between adult entertainment and real life relationships and interactions, they will probably make those mistakes.[/quote]

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  • If you learn about something called society before you start watching pr0n, then none of these ought to apply to you. That said, a significant proportion of children believe that CoD is true-to-life, so that shows that idea.

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  • truth has been drop'd on this form.

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  • I agree, but how do I break the addiction?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xUNCxLEGENDARYx actually, cheating isn't caused mainly by pr0nz. Men who have unusually high testosterone levels are more likely to cheat than men with low levels.[/quote]Men with high testosterone levels are also more likely to watch p0rn as well. If they didn't then they probably would feel differently about cheating. Plus, even if it isn't the main cause for break ups, it is often a large challenge that couples face at some time or other. [i]- JFKES[/i]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] coolmike699 We also shouldn't go outside. Do you know how many people are injured or killed while outside every year? Most of them, actually. No one ever got run over by a truck while playing Xbox on the couch. See, we can be hurt doing pretty much anything. Just because "bad things can happen" isn't a reason not to do something. [/quote]Yes it is. Going outside is not an argument, it is the things that happen to you outside. Sitting down on your couch all day is probably going to harm yourself more than going outside don't you think? It is just that many people subconsciously treat women badly as a result. Also, OP updated with objectification of women. [i]- JFKES[/i]

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  • I used to watch -blam!-, but when I got a girlfriend I stopped, 'cause I was too busy spending time with her, so because of her I don't watch it anymore, or fap. (We didn't have intercourse.) It was just lovely loving someone for the first time, but she broke my heart

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  • actually, cheating isn't caused mainly by pr0nz. Men who have unusually high testosterone levels are more likely to cheat than men with low levels.

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  • All of your points are possible and plausible. If someone doesn't know the difference between adult entertainment and real life relationships and interactions, they will probably make those mistakes.

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  • It was a mistake for me to try it out... I'm three weeks clean, even though that isn't much of an achievement.

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  • We also shouldn't go outside. Do you know how many people are injured or killed while outside every year? Most of them, actually. No one ever got run over by a truck while playing Xbox on the couch. See, we can be hurt doing pretty much anything. Just because "bad things can happen" isn't a reason not to do something.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sims3k [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NAPOLEONROKZ X [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sims3k so[/quote][/quote]So what is your view on how you should get around the problem? Is trying to give it up before you get into a relationship the best answer? [i]- JFKES[/i][/quote] im not shallow enough or stupid enough to think an average woman is as plastic and open to wierd sex acts as the average -blam!-. i just watch -blam!- to find out new positions and stuff[/quote]I never said you were, but what happens if you partner wants you to stop watching, and you try but fail? [i]- JFKES[/i]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NAPOLEONROKZ X [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sims3k so[/quote][/quote]So what is your view on how you should get around the problem? Is trying to give it up before you get into a relationship the best answer? [i]- JFKES[/i][/quote]When it comes to this stuff, it's on a 'to each it's own' basis. If people take adult entertainment too far, it's there own fault/fetish/addiction. It's not harming the general public, so I could care less. Edit: That said, you make good points. I could definitely see where it builds up high expectations. [Edited on 02.10.2011 8:15 AM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NAPOLEONROKZ X [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sims3k so[/quote][/quote]So what is your view on how you should get around the problem? Is trying to give it up before you get into a relationship the best answer? [i]- JFKES[/i][/quote] im not shallow enough or stupid enough to think an average woman is as plastic and open to wierd sex acts as the average -blam!-. i just watch -blam!- to find out new positions and stuff

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  • I agree that it may build up high expectations but it does also teach you about what your partner might like. People should know that some of it is just acting.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NAPOLEONROKZ X [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sims3k so[/quote][/quote]So what is your view on how you should get around the problem? Is trying to give it up before you get into a relationship the best answer? [i]- JFKES[/i]

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  • I agree with you. I wish more men out there had this view.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Garland [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES you will want something that looks more like the unnaturally good looking women you have seen in the videos you watch.[/quote] One thing I'd like to point out: not all pr0n is made by fake, plastic, dolled-up actors/actresses. There's a lot of it out there that is home-made and is just ordinary people, some of whom you would be hard-pressed to call attractive. Otherwise you bring up good points. I'm surprised you didn't mention "objectification" at all. . .[/quote]I thought about it, I might add it to the OP a little later. [i]- JFKES[/i] [Edited on 02.10.2011 8:09 AM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES you will want something that looks more like the unnaturally good looking women you have seen in the videos you watch.[/quote] One thing I'd like to point out: not all pr0n is made by fake, plastic, dolled-up actors/actresses. There's a lot of it out there that is home-made and is just ordinary people, some of whom you would be hard-pressed to call attractive. Otherwise you bring up good points. I'm surprised you didn't mention "objectification" at all. . .

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sims3k so[/quote]

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