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8/2/2004 12:09:59 AM

Laser War: Apocalypse

The heroes of old have become the legends of today. This is Laser War. It is around a 100 years in the future. So because of this characters from previous games can return you can make up how but to make everthing equal your forces half to start over again. You must rebuild your Empires and armies once again. FOR THE NEW FORUM GOERS: Anyone can play this game. We not only welcome new users, we encourage them to participate. You can just jump right in, although I would reccomend watching others first. The rules are simple and few- You can't just say, "Bang, Somebodies dead!" You have to fight them and give them an equal chance. How do you do that? Be creative. You can have armies, but you can't amass a massive army in the blink of an eye. It takes days to amass an army. Alliances are important in this game, but we want to avoid having everyone flock over to one side and ganging up on a few rogues. But do what you like.
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  • We quietly dephifer the door code and enters the library... we reach a computer panal and activates it... the slump of guards falling dead can be heard in the distance. We find out that these creatures are called Malarians and that they found a way to breed a small swarm collective into a world wide slave force.

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  • we follow FS into the library and find more of these gorrilla creatures

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  • As we enter the city we quickly eliminate some perrimeter guards we leave them there necks gushing blood... We head towards what looks like a library to find out who these things are...

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  • after a while we come upon FS and his team i ask him if he saw anything wierd on this planet

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  • we try to find FS but the forest on this island is too dense to see a thing and it blocking my communications

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  • we see 2 gorrila like creatures engaged with FS's team we start to open fire but their personall shields deflect most of the shots atiyah takes out her sniper rifle and shoots one of them in the back of the head it falls to the ground limp

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  • We head into the jungle. We meet only small pockets of swarm they appear to have slave collars they must be slaves of these gorilla creatures. As we leave the jungle we see stretched out before us a city. Scopes identify the gorilla creautres and swarm slaves. we wait for night and slip into the city...

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  • I arise by FS's side I shall help you my triue identity Invisable elite! I can explain my brother started some -blam!- and got me banned,he thinks the word -blam!- is cool.

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  • somewhere behind us we hear the firing of a lasgun and scream of pain i turn around and tell alpha and beta teams to follow

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  • when he lands he splits delta team into red and green team red team takes to the air in the switchblade's and green team sneaks through the tree's andgets info on the base

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  • As the ships leave slipstream they enter orbita round a world almost completely covered in water. The no-ships enter the atmosphere they land on a beach and the troops get out. Ornithopters disenage from the hull and scouts the area. 2 great gorrilla like creatures walk towards us they are covered in armour. I begin to try to speak but they fire there lasguns 3 men are taken down before we kill them it appears we have another enemy.

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  • the place where he landed was ab out 10 clicks north northeast of a small bunker that had some thermal signatures supposedly swarm

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  • heads to the surface of Malaan and gives landing coordinates to FS and his Crew

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  • Hammerhead strike team ships bash through the hull of the station and enters the station. They search the entire station only bodies remain the sensors tell them the attackers left for a planet called Malaan. I send the quordinates to all allies As we slip back into slipstream... [Edited on 8/8/2004 7:00:14 PM]

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  • my men and i start the leviathins engines and fast cloners to make a army of week clones they are divided into alpha team originals beta team 12 clones and delta team 18 clones they all had shotguns and battle rifle's with them i had my vesuvius widowmaker and a shotgun for the close fights we all had our plas knifes and life suppport packs. we got into the Artamis and headed down to the surface of Malaan

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  • prepairs some weekly clones and tells them to bring the mechs to the docking bay in the capital city and we'll be waiting in the artamis, my super fast drop ship, with the rest of alpha team.... gets onto the leviathin and waits for FS's orders to go to the planet Malaan and rescue whoever is left on the Delta Epsilon station

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  • No-ships begin to streak across the sky and into slipstream. I ready my lasgun and shotgun for combat. My armour is tightened and reinforced. My blades sharp i watch the stars become long streaks as we enter slipstream... and head to battle.

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  • A messanger runs towards me panting hard he holds in his hand is a sound only receiver. "What is this," I ask "It is a SOS from a research station. I put the receiver to my ear. "This is Delta Epsilon Station we are under attack by the swarm. We need assistance (static) now... Get the damn door closed we can't let more of those -blam!-s through (static)... -blam!- hell (gun fire) get that thing off of the lieutanant... (gun fire) (static)..." I send out orders send out all forces to Delta Epsilon Station send messangers to all allies warning them of this and ask for assisstance. My men begin to ready for a new battle.

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  • I watch the men race towards the capital building. i have to hold the knowledge of what Dolorus told me to myself it could kill there youthful additude towards life.

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  • we all started i used my radar map to see their positions and climb onto the next layar of the city so far i was in the lead out of nowhere the rest of them come and gain on me thankfuly i wasn't at top speed yet i pushed my body harder and harder at the lower left corner of my HUD i saw the speed indicator slowly climb up to 25% i was loosing them fast so i decided id just go to 100% speed and win before they could. i won it took them about 15 minutes to get to the capital building. i liked my new body but it had its limitations 100% was all i can do. we entered the building and started to head towards the positon of FS when an alarm started to go off

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  • i got my personall jump jets and got on my hov board. my team did the same we all had our weapons in the lockers on the back of the hov board but we didn't have them out right now.besides the hovboards only the backpack of my armor my guns always remain with me. we landed outside the city gates and went in. our backpack hov boards with us. we started to walk up the paths to the capital builiding when the team decided to have a race. we all stopped and lined up the rules were the first person to the caspital builiding would win but teh use of jump jest or hov boards was illegal.

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  • I awake from my ponder by the weight of a arm over my shoulder i look into Illaras blue-in-blue eyes sparking with life. I leave the questions of teh future to prophets as she leads me back into the real world i shall enjoy life not ponder it...

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  • when i woke my team was already awake and eating their breakfast pierre had cooked bacon and sausage with cheese omelettes. i decided i'd eat some for me he had made his melt in your mouth pancakes they were so good. i got on my hov board and headed towards the capital to talk to FS my team followed me.

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  • i decide to have Rocky and Jax do the work of sending them to BLue ELites world they sent them to the Leviathin when they woke up and then went to their planet. when they did that i decided id go and get my mechs right now but i thought it would be too dangeroud and i might get captured agian.

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  • The next morning having slept well into the morning i wake up to see the parade of desert life an almost ironic gesture to my talk with Dolorus. It shows how the chaos of a long forgotten war led the first desert dwellers here. Where the order and chaos of the desert suited there lives.

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  • Saying that i start to getthings set to take Blue Elites rookies to their planet but something was bothering how did the Swarm have the technology to disable my mechs and knock us out without live ammunition and how can they have made their own weapons that shot electricity they don't have the resources or the intelligence.

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