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11/12/2010 11:27:53 PM

I am really angry with the reach community right now.

You ungrateful bastards. I just saw the comment 'Bungie doesn't listen to its fans' and I am now so angry that I had to make my point. BUNGIE. IS. THE. BEST. DEVELOPER. IN. TERMS. OF. FAN. INTERACTION. FOR. ANY. SHOOTER. [url=]This is the COD website. Notice the amazing amount of updates, blog posts and forums with amazing site structure...[/url] [url=]Even more amazingness![/url] You guys are so ungrateful. I am seeing 'Halo 3 was better' THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some halo 3 last night and it was terrible! I stuck with halo 3 for THREE FRIKIN YEARS and last night I couldn't believe how crap it was. Game on Last resort, it was awful. Reach is incredible. It is fast-paced. All of you Black-ops lovers like it for one simple reason: Kills take 1 second. Meaning if you don't need to work for kills. In CODBLOPS, you just hold the trigger (or r1 button in the case of ps3 fans who have nothing else to play which is why the game has so many players and play on a controller with no triggers) and get the kill INSTANTLY. You don't have to earn the best weapons. You spawn with them. So there's no weapon control, because if player X is owning you with the sniper, you just hit start and click 'Z0MG I WANT SNIPER' and you get it. [url=]Other shooters have no flaws, do they?[/url] Reach has its flaws like Armour lock (which needs to be toned down and this is a widely debated, but accepted, fact) but believe me, like other players have said, every halo game (besides Halo CE because it was offline on xbox) has been very bad at the start and improved dramatically with the first title update. Title updates don't just come like Harry potter waving his frikin wand, bungie has to listen to all our responses and take the time to get everything together. There will probably be an update around the release of the noble map pack so that they can add the achievements and this WILL HAVE CHANGES TO REACH. And you trolls, if you come on our forums saying 'Reach sucks' THAT IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE MY -blam!--ING OPINION ON REACH. AS LONG AS THERE ARE 15 OTHER PEOPLE ONLINE I AM HAPPY TO PLAY REACH UNTIL THEY SHUT IT DOWN. [url=]Flaws in halo games are always fixed. [/url] Remember that. I am having a blast playing reach, and I am hearing things like. 'Halo sucks'. I responded 'Go play Black Ops then'. They said 'Shut up halo fanboy, halo reach is crap.' But you know what, THEY PLAYED 10 MORE GAMES WITH ME. What other shooters can you use a frikin' jetpack in? Huh? Exactly. No forge in Black-ops. No Firefight in Medal of Honour. No Theater mode in... um... Killzone. Just be grateful for the amazing -blam!- this game has given us. And, just to prove how confident I am, I can answer ANY argument about reach with a positive response. Go. [quote] Everything in life is a gift. There are people out there with Real issues. This is just a game. [/quote] This was sent to me in a PM: [quote] [b] Posted By: [/b] IxI Zeal IxI I enjoyed your post, and agree that many of the "fans" simply complain about EVERYTHING. However justified they may feel, I feel that Reach is an exceptional game and arguably the best in the series in terms of story and campaign. I believe people are upset with Reach for two main reasons: the lack of a numbered ranking system and the difficultly and precision required to DMR. Regardless if there is an update released by the developers, players will still be complaining. [/quote] [Edited on 11.12.2010 4:30 PM PST]
#Reach #Halo

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  • you make an extremely valid point. we are pretty ungrateful and yes halo reach is WAY BETTER THAN CODBLOPS. it has so much more depth and interesting detail that COD lacks. i agree with all that you said and hope we reach fans win the fight between COD & Reach.

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  • I like the way Bungie lets people get away with boosting like [url=]THIS.[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SlimOpz It was a fun game, but i just dont see that much replay value, i mean bungies system to "invest" you in the game is completely lame, Daily challenges for a "hand full" of change, wooooo wow, great. All to earn a helmet, i just feel blackops has a better investment system, reach just doesn't have that "OH I GOTTA KEEP PLAYING" factor. So Op you can take your opinions and Shove them up your ass. cause you and the fan boys are the only ones that still play this poop. [Edited on 11.13.2010 3:55 PM PST][/quote]Sadly it doesn't have the "I gotta play more" factor. At least, it doesn't for me. Since the ranks are based on cR earned, and take a long time to get as you increase in rank coupled with the fact I just don't find this game fun results in me not playing. I played on 11/10 for half a game and just quit due to not enjoying myself. I have been playing borderlands a lot recently to occupy myself for when I get New Vegas.

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  • It was a fun game, but i just dont see that much replay value, i mean bungies system to "invest" you in the game is completely lame, Daily challenges for a "hand full" of change, wooooo wow, great. All to earn a helmet, i just feel blackops has a better investment system, reach just doesn't have that "OH I GOTTA KEEP PLAYING" factor. So Op you can take your opinions and Shove them up your ass. cause you and the fan boys are the only ones that still play this poop. [Edited on 11.13.2010 3:55 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] funnymann [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RyanMoorcroft [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SAtHyA96 I am seeing 'Halo 3 was better' THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some halo 3 last night and it was terrible! I stuck with halo 3 for THREE FRIKIN YEARS and last night I couldn't believe how crap it was. Game on Last resort, it was awful. Reach is incredible. It is fast-paced. [/quote] THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some Halo 3 this morning and it was awesome! I stuck with halo 3 for TWO FRIKEN YEARS and this morning I remember how great it was. CTF on Valhalla, it was epic. Reach is good. But could of been done better. See how my opinion is just as valid as yours?[/quote] THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some Halo 2 April 15th and it was awesome! I stuck with Halo 2 for FOUR FRIKEN YEARS and that day I remember how great it was. CTF on Coagulation, it was epic. Reach is good. But could of been done better. This is fun...[/quote] THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some Halo 2 April 7th and it was classic! I had only a FEW MONTHS to play Halo 2 and thanks to you I remembered how good it was. Slayer on Terminal, it was Hilarious. Halo 3 is amazing. Then 2 equally so. I agree... [Edited on 11.13.2010 3:51 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RyanMoorcroft [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SAtHyA96 I am seeing 'Halo 3 was better' THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some halo 3 last night and it was terrible! I stuck with halo 3 for THREE FRIKIN YEARS and last night I couldn't believe how crap it was. Game on Last resort, it was awful. Reach is incredible. It is fast-paced. [/quote] THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some Halo 3 this morning and it was awesome! I stuck with halo 3 for TWO FRIKEN YEARS and this morning I remember how great it was. CTF on Valhalla, it was epic. Reach is good. But could of been done better. See how my opinion is just as valid as yours?[/quote] THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some Halo 2 April 15th and it was awesome! I stuck with Halo 2 for FOUR FRIKEN YEARS and that day I remember how great it was. CTF on Coagulation, it was epic. Reach is good. But could of been done better. This is fun... [Edited on 11.13.2010 3:44 PM PST]

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  • The only issue with Reach I have is the bloom on the DMR. I think its way too random. besides that though I agree with OP.

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  • We paid for it, therefore we have the right to -blam!- about it if we see fit.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SAtHyA96 I am seeing 'Halo 3 was better' THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some halo 3 last night and it was terrible! I stuck with halo 3 for THREE FRIKIN YEARS and last night I couldn't believe how crap it was. Game on Last resort, it was awful. Reach is incredible. It is fast-paced. [/quote] THIS IS SO WRONG! I played some Halo 3 this morning and it was awesome! I stuck with halo 3 for TWO FRIKEN YEARS and this morning I remember how great it was. CTF on Valhalla, it was epic. Reach is good. But could of been done better. See how my opinion is just as valid as yours?

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  • TeamFortress 2 actually the best multiplayer FPS (not halo, not CoD). TF2 = fun

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NervousCandy uhhh I'd say Bungie is 2nd to Valve in terms of fan service.[/quote] I say Valve is 2nd to Blizzard. Bungie is 3rd to Blizzard.

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  • Most people do not like change or difference, they like sameness for things to remain constant. This is because they learned this trait of being while growing up. Its called a comfort zone, and many do not like to move out of it or too far away from it. They want to remain in their box where they feel safe and secure about what they know and understand. But Reach changed that, it makes people have to step away from the comfort zone/box and be around something different and unknown. When a person has to do this they become scared, angry, upset, worried. And then they complain and whine about wanting their comfortable box(Halo ce/2/3) back again. Reach is an unknown beast with too many variables that they no-longer can control and they do not like this fact. Because they have grown up in a lie called life where they thought they had control over all variables when in fact they never did to begin with and just never understood this simple idea.

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  • you make a lot of good points halo 3 was a great game too though in my opinion

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  • That's what got me in Halo a lot, forge and theater. Idk how many kills I've gotten in COD that I wish I could've saved for posterity. And -blam!-, forge is just creativity out your ass for when you get bored.

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  • I agree with you so much. I can't believe people say that Forge is crap, when it is on a console! What other [i] console [/i] game can you make a map with such ease as Forge World. People are just expecting WAY too much.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GINJNINJA2K10 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WP221 The reason is that they liked halo ce and they want everything the same blah, blah, blah. They just want attention because they don't like change. personally I love reach and don't see the "faults" in it. [/quote] i totally agree! rants about armour lock annoy me! its useful to many players so live with it life goes on![/quote]If you honestly can't see faults you probably haven't played the game enough to actually notice multiple problems in the game.

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  • hats off to this thread, i completely agree, reach is amazing

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  • Valve? Are you kidding? How would you like if for a price you could go to the Bugnie store and buy weapons and items for in game that weren't puerly asthetic. That's all Hat Fortress is.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WP221 The reason is that they liked halo ce and they want everything the same blah, blah, blah. They just want attention because they don't like change. personally I love reach and don't see the "faults" in it. [/quote] i totally agree! rants about armour lock annoy me! its useful to many players so live with it life goes on!

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  • 0
    OP is angry and what he says about Halo 3 is wrong, it's not terrible. I'm playing it right now and it's still fun as ever.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Ruckus 2010 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SAtHyA96 Thanks for the sense guys, this is really good that there are decent people on reach. [/quote] No, i mean people who can make a good argument for their views on reach. So someone having a differing opinion from your own somehow makes them less decent? You are a class act, sir.[/quote]

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  • Just the fact that you can change the beatdown button makes Reach better than COD in my book. It's like Bungie really listened to their users' requests to be able to change their controller or something.

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  • Bad company 2 > all cod games. But also, Halo > Bad company 2. Pretty simple gentlemen. [Edited on 11.12.2010 10:10 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SAtHyA96 Thanks for the sense guys, this is really good that there are decent people on reach. [/quote] So someone having a differing opinion from your own somehow makes them less decent? You are a class act, sir.

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  • I hated Halo 3 with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Reach made me look back at 3 with a rather unwelcome fondness. Your point? Also I'm fairly sure my $150 was gratitude enough, thanks. If it were free then I could understand where your "ungrateful" argument would hold water. Alas, the game was not free and as such I can complain about the lack of decent multiplayer maps and poor asset usage if I so desire...and I will. When I paid for Reach, I was under the impression I was getting a smooth, functional campaign ride. Instead, I get a campaign that slows down (sometimes to a temporary stop) on a regular basis and has random occurrences (plasma grenade explosion on the ground when no grenade, primed or otherwise, was present). When I paid for Reach, I was under the impression I would have an amazing, fully tested multiplayer experience with an abundance of well-designed maps. Instead, I get a multiplayer experience that feels sluggish, and whose only merits are a credit system that only serves for a useless aesthetic. I get a selection of multiplayer maps with broken spawns, piss-poor weapon placement, and an all-around untested feel. To add to this untested feel is the simple premise of a split-screen multiplayer mode that was poorly executed. If you play with four people on a single console in a local game, the draw distance is horrible. You can't see an enemy vehicle until it has already splattered you. That is unacceptable on the grounds that it renders that aspect of the game virtually unplayable and you don't have to be a tech/videogame connoisseur to figure that out. The very basic principle of a game is that it should at least be [b]playable.[/b] In addition to this, there are also game-breaking flaws with online multiplayer. For example, in the near-certainty of a host migration during an objective game like CTF or Assault, if the objective is away yet not in the possession of a player at the time of the migration, the objective will be reset at the end of the migration. That is a colossal flaw and like the draw distance in split-screen, you don't have to be a genius to know that that is not acceptable in a game of this calibur. So yes, I paid for the game and these are my grievances with it. I have every right to voice them. While some of these problems cannot be fixed (i.e. the frame-rate slowdowns in campaign), I am going to continue to push for the ones that can be fixed. Anybody who says that I have no right to complain about something I bought needs to learn how property ownership and feedback works. Feedback is one of the reasons this forum exists. While a lot of suggestions don't come through in an orthodox fashion, they still should be examined at the very least. Good day to you. [Edited on 11.12.2010 9:14 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Omega Rifle RzR [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SAtHyA96 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ZeroDefiance [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SAtHyA96 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ZeroDefiance Reach fast-paced? No, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about, as such your post will be regarded as no more than an angry fanboy ranting about things he doesn't understand.[/quote] Go back to halo 3 for ONE GAME and then tell me that reach isn't fast paced.[/quote] I have and it's not. It's also nowhere near as good as H3 is.[/quote] [url=]Halo 3 feels like this now[/url][/quote] Everyone hit the link. Its hilarious!!! lol And it describes what bungie did to reach [/quote]Rofl, that Machinima is really accurate.

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