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Edited by Prometheus: 8/28/2023 10:39:42 PM

Dawn always comes old

Rewind Rounds does not work properly on Briar's Contempt

Rewind Rounds refill magazine based on the number of hits before mag becomes empty. Here is the formula: returned patrons = ceil(number of hits * percentage / number of bullets per shot) Regular Rewind Rounds has percentage set to 60%, enhanced - 70%. For example, on Techeun Force: - regular RR, 48 hits return 5 shots ([url=]test[/url]). By formula - ceil(48 * 0.6 / 7) = ceil(4.11) = 5. - enhanced RR, 42 hits return 5 shots ([url=]test[/url]). By formula - ceil(42 * 0.7 / 7) = ceil(4.2) = 5. The formula is correct for all weapons except for Briar's Contempt. I gathered all test [url=]here[/url]. In theory, if all 6 shots fully hit (6 * 3 = 18 hits in total), then regular RR should return ceil(18 * 0.6 / 3) = ceil(3.6) = 4 and enhanced RR - ceil(18 * 0.7 / 3) = ceil(4.2) = 5. But in practice, both RR always return 3. This bug make RR worse on this LFR. It makes the mag size chain to be 6 - 3 - 2 - 1, while it should be 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 with enhanced RR. Here is the discussion on the Clarity [url=]discord[/url]. It starts [url=]here[/url] (this is the link to the message). The Clarity - is a group of enthusiasts which make community research on perks and mods and then supply full descriptions to, DIM and other community-made resources.

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