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Edited by Lemon: 10/21/2022 8:32:19 AM

I feel like Bungie lost their touch

This year of Destiny 2 went down hill extremely quickly shortly after the release of Witch Queen. I feel like Bungie got overconfident ever since they received the community's response to the new campaign. Honestly, Witch Queen really wasn't as good as everyone said it to be. It had a great campaign that had me hooked all the time and the gameplay felt great during the campaign. It was really fun to collect all these new weapons with their new origin traits, new enemies that actually change how you approach the game, and actual difficulty that got me focused asf all throughout. But everything pretty much changes after the campaign, the gameplay goes back to the same thing we've been with for the past 8 years. You literally can rush through every ad and be in the middle of them all shooting you and you still wont even die. Anyway, that's not the point of this post. My point is, Bungie is no longer innovative. Before, I always felt like Bungie is trying their best to innovate and create new interactions for the player with the new activities but now, it feels like only the Subclass team is the one innovating. Honestly, the Beyond Light year was by far the best year of Destiny content all throughout in my opinion. We had a great story each season, we had so many new armor mods each season, new weapons with new perks, new SECRET missions that were actually apart of the season pass (you didn't have to buy a whole other pass for them), new activities that had some variety between one another (Season of Splicer's main activity was okay but the backgrounds and art direction were superb), the weekly missions were really fun, the seasonal challenges felt like they were rewards that you got just for playing the game (recently it feels like you have to change and put all your focus into the weekly challenge to complete it as there are some absurd requirements in some of them), and just the Quality of Life updates we got throughout were great. Remember guys we got an anticheat, crossplay and so many more features within that year. This year, what a boring year of activities honestly. Its remastered content one after the other. We got pretty much no big QoL updates, many bugs have been appearing one after the other ESPECIALLY with the free content (Bungie doesn't bother with free content). Like -blam!- man we've had the same artifice armor mod bug for like a year now, duality is still broken, some fragments and perks straight up have wrong interactions with one another, FoL has the same issues as the last one and so many more new bugs. Also whats the new content that we got? Season of the Risen we got a new activity that was actually fun in my opinion. It was short, sweet, and had alot of ads so it was fun going around defeating them all. Season of the Haunted? We got the leviathian back with a new public event, woah. How's the public event you ask? Its extremely lame and it got boring literally after 5 runs. The story missions? I mean the story was good and the missions weren't all that bad to be honest. This season? They took quite the few steps back with PVP. Alot of PVP problems became extremely obvious this season. The story? The main story of this season is actually quite uh whats the word for it, predictable and sort of a Disney like movie. It feels like I'm watching one of these children movies you know? Like that ending was also very uh strange, makes me worried for the future of Destiny 2's story. Also, the story missions in term of gameplay? The easiest missions i've done in my life, could probably be done using my feet. Also, the maps are basically previous lost sectors reversed. Idm it honestly as they are one and done missions but mid way through the season they started letting us repeat the same exact missions which got a little boring. I wish if they'd atleast make it a little harder because it feels like the enemies are at 1350 power level. The new activity? Uh ketchcrash is actually not too bad. The treasure hunt thing is basically a public event. Literally the new Witch Queen escort public event but more tedious. The seasonal challenges are also annoying asf. New FOTL activity is same as always and its the same boring thing but somehow buggier than before. Bungie can't even copy paste code properly its honestly disappointing. Idk, I'm extremely fed up with this game. Bungie is no longer passionate about Destiny and that is evident with how much money they demand from us. We have to pay them for expansions, season passes, dungeon keys (why does this even exist), Eververse, transmog, event special cosmetics, and now also event cards that cost as much as a season????? Watch them force us to pay for a blue drop in the future. They are literally becoming the new EA. They are literally worse than activision -blam!- me man. This game is taking an extremely bad direction. Yo legit you guys are making me miss Luke Smith. I know Luke Smith did alot of bad things to the game but atleast the man carried Destiny throughout it's worst times (Shadowkeep and early Beyond Light as they had literally no employees). They shipped content that was different for its time, we had public events (remember the almighty crashing? The traveler awakening? The corridors of time? I know they weren't all that cool but its SOMETHING that broke the repetitiveness and united us as a community), cool -blam!- weapons, new armor mods, and arguably the best season in Destiny (Season of the Arrivals). They also catered to it's dedicated players that actually spend alot of time in the game and it respected their time commitment. Now, I feel like the direction that Joe Blackburn is taking the game isn't the best. He is making everything in this game casual, removing all sense of skill ceiling other than artificial differences between each player, and is simply not innovating in anything but the story. It's honestly exhausting to see this happen and for the first time in 7 years, I actually didn't preorder Light Fall. Honestly, its extremely disappointing to see the Game Studio that I used to look up to fall this bad. ** Quick point. I wanted to say that during Activision days we always blamed Activision for their scummy practices but this time, I guess we all know who's behind all of this. Atleast Activision gave us 2 game Studios in which were extremely talented and probably were more passionate about this game than Bungie currently is.

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  • I don't think they lost their touch, they just lost touch period. If that makes sense. They lost touch with their community. They lost touch with what made Destiny... Destiny. In attempt to stay positive about it all, I'm just hoping they have most of their team and resources committed to Lightfall and mending all the shortfalls from this year. However, it is difficult to fully believe that. I mean Witch Queen was good, the new raid was fun, but the overall feel and substance has been lacking for far too long. It feels kinda lonely, to be honest. From a business standpoint (not focusing on D2 here), I'm hoping Bungie is using those money bags to grow the company and investing heavily in their future. 3 billion is a lot for a game company with a single project, and they know that. I'm hoping it's an awkward growth spurt that Bungie will ultimately come out shining from. But who knows.

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    2 Replies
    • You should probably know when the Activison drop happened they lost 2 other studios that worked on the game. Also they lost a major source of funding so they had to move to a model that made more money off micros transactions. As well they have had bad direction for a while and have retconned the story MANY times since forsaken. One big one was Mithrax who went from a fallen captain that we spared and was looking to be more interested in being allies (also spoke 0 english) to being a extraordinarily important fallen who should have never ever been a captain but some how was. Also Clovis Bray being Banshee, there are tons of story points that just are retconned.

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      4 Replies
      • Forsaken for me was the best era. I always had something to do, the set pieces were gorgeous and there were weapons like lunas howl and recluse to chase. The game wasn't on steam and ran like a dream (I'm a pc player) and there was nowhere near as much cheating or stupid cross play on blizzard platform. As soon as it moved free to play to steam it was doomed. These latest seasons have been awful tbh. I do like the 3.0 versions of light subglasses but I couldn't careless about the weekly story missions or ketch crash etc.

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        • Beyond Light was the best year LOL Someone didn't play Forsaken. Jesus. Season of the Hunt was one of the worst of all time.

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          3 Replies
          • Ive always said that, "Destiny is a lake wide, but only a foot deep."

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            8 Replies
            • It's been more apparent over I'd say the past 10 years that the consumer isn't near the top of their list of priorities.Companies like EA,2k,bungie,343,ubisoft,Nintendo,etc... only care about money and there is little to no passion put into their games

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            • The witch queen campaign on legendary isn’t the first time Bungie did something like this you know. Year 1 D2 summer solstice had the red war campaign missions cranked and they felt really great then. At least for me playing through them solo. They were almost 1 for 1 WQ legendary minus the lucent hive ofc. Bungie has always been capable of this. They just chose not to in their day to day game. Season of splicer was one of my favourite season actually cause it had a decent group activity and a good solo activity alongside. Plus the weapons were pretty good. I know people were disappointed about Quria being a bit of a push over, but overall it was a good season. As for PvP this season, I actually don’t mind it. They had to do something. This season is a bit of a snooze fest so far. And the activities and challenges were not all that thought out. Bungie can do really entertaining content, they just have to not stand in their own way via some old, outdated design philosophies.

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              • Beyond Light was the best year for Destiny content? Can I have some of whatever you're smoking? The campaign was so-so, and it didn't make sense at all that we just left the Eramis popsicle sitting on Europa, and didn't Sparta kick her off a cliff when we had the chance (which comes back to bite us this season). The only good season from last year was Splicer. Hunt was terrible, Chosen was ok, and Lost was dragged out too long which made it stale. The seasons from this year aren't a huge step up either. Risen was decent, but Haunted and Plunder are, if I may be frank, dogsh*t. I normally don't complain about Bungie, but the need to step up their game if they want people to pay for seasons. They're setting players' expectations so low that they won't feel that playing Lightfall and its accompanying seasons are worth it. I'm just saying, we need more seasons like the ones people actually enjoyed, like Opulence.

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                7 Replies
                • Edited by Doc Walker: 10/22/2022 1:55:57 AM
                  They are working on lightfall, only to launch with the same crap. Campaign, seasonal activity, new weapons that suck, and exotics that will get nerfed in a week

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                • Bungie didn't lose their touch, they threw it away

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                • Destiny 2 only serves to fund the development of Matter and other projects. The money this game makes isn’t being reinvested to improve it.

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                  2 Replies
                  • I agree with everything here except when you said beyond light was the best year for Destiny. Forsaken was way better in my opinion. I'm also including the seasons in there (Black Armory, Season of the Drifter, Season of Opulence)

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                  • 1
                    They lost their touch after Halo 2.

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                  • Welcome to the mobile game, cheesy FORTNITE era of Destiny. Here are some more useless sparrows, ghost, emotes, shaders, seals, and triumphs. Honestly, just let the game go. I walked away earlier this year. Just the same unimaginative, recycled, boring trash as always. Rinse and repeat 8 years later.

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                    16 Replies
                    • The only thing they want to touch these days is the money you throw at the screen. Haha!🤣 Why do you think Sony bought them off with this broken and empty game?… Sony wouldn’t even touch this broken game. It’s because of the cash cowing milking scheme. You’ll probably see more of that here and their newer projects. Don’t feed the greed.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Bungie lost there touch when they became independent, I am convinced Halo wouldn't have been has good without Microsoft checking their work , and ever since Activision checked out they can be has lazy and cut has many corners has they want I thought with Sony buying them it would change things, but apparently Sony isn't allowed to intervene in game decisions , so Bungie got rich and can still be has lazy and cheap has they want to

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                        4 Replies
                        • Honest opinion: we haven't had a "good" era of Destiny 2. Taken King and Rise of Iron were awesome D1. That's it. Some of these seasons have been mediocre at best (Forge probably being the best IMO, if only for the guns). I think most of us play this out of habit at this point,.just like they wanted.

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                          2 Replies
                          • Edited by Twin Inferno: 10/22/2022 3:26:54 PM
                            They definitely lost their touch after WQ

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                          • Most of the 'talent' is likely tied up with the upcoming Matter netease cash cow. We just have a leftover skeleton crew keeping the cogs slowly turning for D2

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                            • Edited by Manaan1138: 10/22/2022 5:34:53 PM
                              Indeed. The Witch Queen expansion and its seasons have been a total fiasco for me. Knowing that they have been working on a new Marathon game (among other things) for years doesn't help either. Very, very little effort put on Destiny this year.

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                              • Edited by KΞTHΞΓ NOIΓ: 10/22/2022 5:55:13 PM
                                This season has a story?! Wow didn’t know that! … … … … “ThE hAlL bEtWeEn!!!!!!” They have time to come up with this stupid “hall between” in Halloween dialogue but don’t to put anything interesting in the story. But anyway the story in this game had always been lacking passion.

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                                • [quote]** Quick point. I wanted to say that during Activision days we always blamed Activision for their scummy practices but this time, I guess we all know who's behind all of this[/quote] I knew this back in Y1 of D1 with the loot boxes Bungie designed.

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                                • Bungie lost their touch ever since D1 released. Scrapping Statens work killed the potential this game had as a successor to Halo.

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                                • Honestly it’s not just bungie it’s a lot of other companies too.

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • Edited by Mark, Scholar of Stars: 10/21/2022 11:53:35 PM
                                    I adore Bungie - I did, in the past. The passion, game art, narrative, all of that was impressive. It had a lot of quality... ...but at some point, Bungie stopped with this development cycle, to "harvest" what they invested in the past - which is the current now. That's an industrial formula, which implements that the video game industry - once artists and researchers - is now just another massproduction hub for virtual entertainment. Today, they work with numbers and algorithms, of course not all, but the big ones do. These are the standards today... which can be boring. My first game was Maniac Mansion from LucasArts, delivered by mail, played on an i486... those were different times. I'm glad I witnessed a technical revolution, but all development comes to an end. Don't you (OP) think seven years are a long time, and maybe deserve at least a break? Do you think you will miss anything? LOL You know what's coming...

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                                  • Bungie just should actually listen to their player base. PvE is the same grind every season and they have no creativity anymore. And PvP is so broken and unbalanced. Deaths through walls lag and cheaters. They need dedicated servers and to let anti-cheat do its thing. Let it ben frequently not weeky/monthly.

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