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Clan Recruitment

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8/20/2020 5:18:49 PM

The Midnight Coup clan needs you!! Xbox clan recruitment.

Welcome Guardians, you are invited to join the ranks of the midnight coup!! a dedicated 0ver 18 player base based in the UK (but we tend to play late into the night and during the day time too, we are seeking help for our addiction honest) What do we do? well we run every single piece of Destiny content. Ever wanted the Naobi labs Emblem and Ghost shell only 2% of the player base have. Wanna run multiple raids a week. Maybe you like Dungeons (the destiny kind that is). Same with PVP wanna go flawless hit legend or just slay your way through the crucible we got your back. If you don't believe us here's the stats literally we linked it to bray tech so you can see everything about us before you join. what do we want in return?? you to join slack the clans chat app, this give you access to the clan LFG and raid night sign ups. Yes we run multiple raid nights each week open to all levels. Have a chilled out and friendly personality, after all the end game content only works if you can talk to people. So having a Mic and all those goodies as well as the applicable manner to go with it is a must. In all honesty we are just an extremely friendly and active bunch of people. looking for more like minded people to come play Destiny on a regular basis and shoot stuff in the face

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