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originally posted in: Blaze’s Bar: Change (Closed)
6/8/2020 1:51:19 PM
*Dally enters the bar and waves to you, she seems completely exhausted, but she’s just as happy as the last time she was here!*

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  • *Luxcious conjured a portable fireball which lights up a small area around him.*

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  • *She turns around and sees you, she’s a little uncomfortable with the fireball so close, but she tries not to show it.* “Hiya, what can I do for you?”

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  • *Luxcious gets rid of the fireball.* “Hello there madam, I just want to ask you a few questions and then I’ll be in my way, but first let us introduce ourselves.”

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  • “Alright, I’m Daliah Dislay, but at this point everyone calls me Dally!“

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  • “Well hello there Dally! My name is Luxcious, and I have a few questions for you if you don’t mind.”

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  • “Alright, what do you want to ask?”

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  • “Have you ever seen a solar eclipse? No, not the normal ones, I’m talking about ones that have a strange symbol on them, it looks like this.” *You see a piece of paper with a stone archway in it, and below the archway is an eye.*

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  • “No, but I’m assuming this has something to do with the cult known as The Eclipse?” [spoiler]There actually has been a series of posts about a cult called The Eclipse, be careful or people might think you’re copying [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]This is different, Luxcious only refers to the orb as such because he doesn’t know what it actually is.[/spoiler] “No, I haven’t heard of them, though I can tell you two things.” “Me and my associates are being followed by “cultists”, the “cultists” are somehow related to those particular “solar eclipses”, oh by the way, whenever one of those “solar eclipses” happen chain-like things called Catalysts are summoned to attack whomever it is that the “cultists” want dead. They destroyed my house and we just barely amanged to live.” *Luxcious then shows you the burn marks on his robes and the cuts on his face.*

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  • “Oh goodness sakes, now we have to worry about two different cults every solar eclipse. Robo’s gonna hate to hear about this...”

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  • “Yet, I think I know the name of the cult, and there’s something about the “eclipse” that’s off, it’s seemingly the same one every time. The Aût Eîr, or in your tongue, the Barren Shades, have a grasp on supernatural powers as it seems.”

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  • “Thanks for the info, but I’m afraid I don’t have anything to tell ya about them. I only arrived in Offtopic several months ago so I’m not exactly knowledgeable on most of the cults.”

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  • *Luxcious hands you a notebook.* “Write in this if you ever encounter them, it’s similar to Tom Riddle’s notebook. Though if you want to sit and chat some more than I’ll be happy to do so.”

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  • *Dally puts the notebook next to her plate and takes a bite of her burger.* “I’m here for another hour, so if you have anything to chat about I’m down.”

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  • “You see to be interested ñ magic, judging by the ornate ring that you have there.”

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  • Edited by Dislay: 6/8/2020 11:29:57 PM
    “This is just something I’m making as a gift with my own limited powers. I actually can’t use any magic outside of what I was born with.”

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  • “Interesting, I was born with no ability to wield magic, well unless you count summoning things and movement of matter for a short amount of time.”

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  • “That’s a minor form of magic, it’s kinda similar to me actually! I can move fast and be persuasive. Any abilities I discover are related to moving myself or objects fast or being persuasive.”

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  • “Funny, I got mine by thinking about those sorts of abilities, though it only happened about over 100,000 years ago, and I can’t remember that far back.”

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  • “Huh, I hear about a lot of ancient people in Offtopic, but most of them don’t look older than middle age. It’s weird to think ‘this person has been alive for thousands of years longer than me, and they’ll certainly be around once I’m gone.’”

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  • “Gone, who ever said that? Oh, and have you heard about the random death that happened about a week ago? Someone died and then came back to life, I think that’s their leader, it seems highly likely that he is.”

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  • Edited by Dislay: 6/8/2020 11:46:33 PM
    “I’m only human, anything that’s been alive for thousands of years will definitely outlive me. That’s what I mean by gone.” “And no I did not, I’ve been a bit caught up in getting this ring enchanted.”

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  • “Well I could help you, or one of my associates could, here’s his business card.” Card: Mr. L S. Kendall Known Physician, Magic User, and possible necromancer/master of Death He is known to be very friendly towards mortals and will not ask for your soul in return for immortality.

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  • “No, immortality isn’t for me. I have plans for my life and that includes an end, I don’t want to live forever.”

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  • “Ok then, though if you want something to do after your gone just ask me about souls and I’ll tell you.”

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