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originally posted in: Blaze’s Bar: Change (Closed)
6/8/2020 1:51:19 PM
*Dally enters the bar and waves to you, she seems completely exhausted, but she’s just as happy as the last time she was here!*

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  • [spoiler]Uh... possibly. It doesn’t really have any combat magic, but it never tarnishes and never dulls. Also the system I use is very very different from D&D, it’s the Epithet System. [/spoiler] *Dally dodges all but the last attack and takes 5 points of damage!* (18) *She tries to do damage to one of the shadows with another slash!* (16)

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  • [spoiler]It does not seem too different. I could just modify these stats to work with a single d20 system or just use my judgement to determine when these things die, probably a bit of both.[/spoiler] *As the shadow hits, she can feel it sapping a bit of her strength. But she is able to slash it and it steps back to get away, not able to attack again this turn. But the other three will. (17, 6, 8) it seems I can only get one good roll at a time.*

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  • [spoiler]Alrighty then! Sounds good to me![/spoiler] *Dally easily dodges all three!* (19, great rolls today.) *She takes a stab at the one who rolled a 6!* (3, I take my previous statement back.)

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  • *The knife misses and one the shadows tries to grapple her. (13) the other two try to attack (11, 8) and the forth one is nowhere to be seen.*

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  • *Dally is incapacitated and both attacks hit for a total of 9 damage!* (2, yikes.) *She struggles to escape.* (3)

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  • *The shadow is able to maintain its hold on her for now, and the other two will keep attacking (16 and 1) T he forth will come up and once again try to take the device, as well as anything else she carries in her pockets, trying to make this look like a common mugging by shadowy thieves instead of a targeted attack.*

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  • *There really isn’t much, all she has on her is the device, her knife, and a set of matching rings, one silver and one gold.* “Hey!! Don’t touch my stuff!!” *Dally struggles a lot more!* (18!)

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  • *The shadow with the stuff starts moving away, and she is able to break free of her captor. However the others do try to attack. (5, and 7.)*

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  • *Dally easily dodges and runs towards the one that’s leaving, in a fraction of a second she’s right next to it!* (17 and she’s just really really fast.) *She tries to land a flurry of attacks on the one who’s taking her things!* (16)

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  • *She will hit it quite a bit, the beast seems injured and will drop most of the stuff, except of the device. It keeps running, becoming really hard to see in the night while the others try to distract her. One tries to take hold of her again (15) while the others attack (16, 3)*

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  • *Dally dodges everything and picks up her things!* (Nat 20!!!) *She runs in the direction the thing was headed and searches for it in the dark.* (16)

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  • *She is able to collect her belongings and out run most of the monsters, making them loose sight of her. But she is not able to immediately find the shadow in the darkened woods.*

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  • Edited by Dislay: 6/11/2020 4:53:41 PM
    “Oh the guy who did this is so, so dead when I catch him.” *She searches the whole area some more, trying to find the shadow and the last of her things.* (15)

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  • *She does not see the shadow but does see the device in the distance. Sure the monster is invisible in the night but the piece of technology is not.*

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  • *She follows at a distance, trying to stay out of sight.*

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  • *She approaches and sees the shadow give the device away to a hooded figure who starts to walk away.*

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  • *Dally runs up to the hooded person.* “Hey! That’s mine!” *She has her knife out and is ready to fight for it.*

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  • *The figure is quite short and looks like one she’s seen earlier. He speaks in a confident yet a bit raspy voice.* “Poor child, you weren’t supposed to see that. So I will give you a few options, you can take your device back and forget everything you’ve seen here. Or you can perish.”

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  • “Great, I just want it back. I need that to get into work and it lets me get my ride home, so I’ll gladly take it and leave.”

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  • “Foolish girl. You think I’d let you walk away from here trusting your word alone? I met your boss and know how people like him act. So take this and forget. *He gives her the device, although it is actually a magical cop of it, and then casts the spell forget on her, which makes the target forget the past 6 minutes (you could roll to resist, but with this being a new villain I’ve created to menace offtopic the number to beat will be really high.) before he and the shadow teleports away.*

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  • [spoiler]Nah I won’t roll, it’d be cheap for you to get caught because of a single lucky roll![/spoiler] [spoiler]Also does the copy work like the real deal or not? I’d imagine not, because if he could recreate the signals he’d just do that.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Alright, that works as well and only will help with my evil plan, bwahahaha. And no, the fake copy of the device does not work. It even looks like a magical copy if looked at closely.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Dang, looks like Dal is gonna have to get an inn tonight and try to get Robo to open the doors tomorrow.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I’m looking forward to whatever comes of this plot![/spoiler]

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  • *Luxcious walks over towards you.*

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  • *Dally is drinking a coffee and is about halfway done with her burger, she doesn’t seem to notice you.*

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