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1/22/2020 4:42:50 PM

What can we expect from Destiny on PS5 and Xbox Series X?

What can we expect from Destiny on PS5 and Xbox Series X? - Destiny 3 This is the year of the new console release, Playstation 5 (love the new logo!! lol) and Xbox Series X!!! For PC players, this may not be very exciting, but for us console mains, we are jazzed to the max! As a die hard Destiny fan boy, I have been wondering what we can expect from our favorite franchise... - What are your guys' thoughts on backward compatibility and cross play? Wouldn't it be awesome if we could all tap into the entire player base (over 1 million each month) of gamers to play with?... - What "next gen" enhancements are you guys looking forward to the most (4k, 60fps, faster load times, etc..)? - What about Destiny 3, could it be a PS5 and Xbox Series X launch title and what are you guys hoping will be changed/improved/removed in D3? I created a video that highlights some of my thoughts on this (see the link, let me know what you guys think below. I'm excited to hear what you guys are hoping Bungie will do with Destiny on the next gen systems. Thanks for reading!

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  • Nerfs, lies, and crap!

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  • The new Xbox is ending the console/pc war and will outperform pc and PlayStation so I am pumped!

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    17 Replies
    • 1080p 60fps, adjustable FoV. If the consoles can't meet that expectation then there's something really wrong.

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    • Can't wait to pre order my series X with Halo Infinite 😇

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    • Huh... more Eververse? 🤷‍♂️

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    • The only thing I expect from D3 is that the first year will be a year of fixes and apologies about the game not being so great.

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    • While Luke Smith is at the wheel I'm expecting disappointment and continue rage from the community. Probably going to sit this one out. Would love to be proving wrong.

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    • Edited by UncleObscene: 1/24/2020 2:10:23 AM
      The console power wont help if the engine Destiny uses is soo limited...a new console cant fix that problem. The online experience wont improve, because they will continue to use their P2P hybrid console wont fix that either. Load times may improve.. D2 and its 30fps could be run on PS3s and XB360s today. I really dont believe there will be a D3...just a carry on of this model we have today. But....I wouldn't put it past Bungie making SK type content, tying it to a season bundle and slapping a D3 label on it.

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    • D3 should be exclusive to the new consoles. That way bungie can’t blame things on using old tech

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      4 Replies
      • I’m pretty sure the only people that will buy D3 are the extreme hardcore fans. No way in hell I will buy D3 unless I see a complete change and difference from D2. Especially since a lot of good games have been out lately and coming in the near future.

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      • What can we expect? A miracle D3 even gets released

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      • [b]”START SAVING YOUR MONEY NOW’”[/b] PS5 = $799 Super Bandwidth internet = $99 monthly Playstation5 Plus = $20 monthly Destiny 3 Deluxe Edition = $99 Eververse Silver = $50 Getting to stay on the forums and Day 1 telling everyone is the best game ever, but then every day after that say it’s just reskin FOMO Eververse Exploitation. . . . Priceless!

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        11 Replies
        • Consoles need to stop making everything 4k+ and make some consistent 60 fps happen. At some point graphics cant be perceived any better in a meaningful way.

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by yourchutoy: 1/23/2020 3:58:18 PM
            We can expect: 1. Loads of disappointment from both systems 2. Random bugs from launch that will hinder people's enjoyment. 3. People crying about 60fps or lack of 8K or some other stupid thing. 4. More crap about content or lack of. 5. Fanbois rising up to defend any issues or bugs. 6. Random Stupid Crap no one else really cares about. #snarcasm (Cool your jets people)

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            • Edited by Dark Brandon X: 1/23/2020 11:55:34 PM
              I want SEries X

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            • Probably more of the same garbage this game has become. Like smith and the higher ups needs the axe.

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            • Well gamer rant seems to think we might not be looking at a D3 until 2022, so two more years of current style release with probably just backward compatibility of you buy a PS5. I'm just guessing just like everyone else, but if they had just started working on D3 in 2018 it could easily be 4 years for full development to finish.

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            • More eververse.

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            • Same sh*t, different console.

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            • Edited by Sage: 1/23/2020 2:40:36 AM
              We will probably lose everything again - and favorites from D2 will be "coming back" to d3. People will say D2 is trash and D3 is king. People will then turn around and say D3 is trash, D2 is where the right idea was and D1 is perfect. (Please note they did that to D1. They said it was super trash and to "leave it and everything in it behind." (-many forum users who got mad at me when I was mad we were gonna lose everything). So forum wise we will probably see that. Game wise? I'm almost positive that they won't turn the graphics on consoles up to where the other next gen games are (like our current predicament). The game will feel fresh, and perhaps some really good QoL will be input like the stuff in D2 to D1. However no one will notice it. People will continuously flip flop on the forum (I do have now a list of 127 people who flip flop throughout the year. They legit don't even say "I changed my mind and this is why I flip flopped." They go on and say "I've always thought of it this way." Since flip flopping is gonna happen- bungie is gonna have to do exactly what they are doing now. Live servicing their game based off these forum posts.... literally.... what the community asks for. and yes every single thing in general so far has been collectively asked for and supported in reddit and here. Negativity will always be a norm here and bungie has to follow that. It takes 2 to tango. Bungie can make an amazing game- but the people also have to be firm in what they want too. We can't be non-critical anymore. We have to actually think long and hard as to what kind of game [b][u]WE WANT[/u][/b]. sadly that will never happen. It doesn't happen in politics and it won't happen here. People will read what others post and post based off of that. People will listen to streamers so they can form their own opinions. People will listen and say anything else but what is really on their minds- and or they say what is cool. We will never have a good game because both parties rn (dev's and community) are playing a weird tug o war match. And no one is gonna win. [spoiler]also the dev's themselves need to stop tripping and taking good ideas and making them evil [/spoiler]

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              3 Replies
              • Plz no destiny 3, just keep building on D2

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              • In this stage of the game likelihood of a destiny 3 is just a pipedream and bungie would be better off fixing destiny 2 instead of continuing with making more excuses ... plus with the new gen consuls coming out it would make playing the game a lot more better ... only if bungie can get their act together but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one

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                1 Reply
                • My two favorite specs on the ps5 are a nice internal SSD and backwards compatibility!! Can’t wait.

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                  15 Replies
                  • You can expect bollocks Sincerely, a cynical day 1 player

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                  • [quote]What can we expect from Destiny on PS5 and Xbox Series X?[/quote] Likely further disappointment.

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                  • It'll probably be a backwards compatible title.

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